Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3981: Retreat

After all, Ye Chen took out the two Eternal Dao soldiers from the two great alien giants who had just escaped, as well as the Eternal Dao soldiers of the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty.


   He made the shot himself, and in just a short time, the **** of the ancient Taoist soldiers was completely refined by him with supreme mana.

At the same time, Ye Chen used the supreme method to collect and return the fragments of the fallen three immortal kings one by one, and then re-melted them into one with the three eternal Dao soldiers, engraving the supreme chaos. The secret pattern has become the more powerful three immortal king soldiers, better than the past, clamoring and releasing the bright light of the immortal king.

Facing these three immortal king soldiers, even the supreme immortal king is very heart-stricken, because every immortal king soldier is the fusion of two eternal Dao soldiers, and it imprints the supremacy of the chaos giant Ye Chen. The Chaos Secret Rune is more powerful than that, even if it is not comparable to the Chaos Cauldron and the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia, it is not much different.


   Ye Chen drank softly, the three immortal king soldiers came out, and instantly crossed the endless sky, and descended above the three immortal royal clans in the prehistoric immortal realm. There were hundreds of thousands of ray of immortal king light descending, resonating with the blood of the great immortal kings.

   All parties have attracted attention, and even the supreme fairy king is enthusiastic.

  Ran, Ye Chen spoke.

Its voice is like a vague heaven and a mighty nine heavens and ten places: "From today onwards, the three immortal royal families will become my allies in the Chaos Tianfu. If you make no mistakes, whoever dares to target the three immortal royal families will fight with me as the enemy of the holy king, endlessly dying. !"

   made an oath to silence the prehistoric fairy world, and all parties were silent.

The three immortal kings fell, and the immortal royal family should have become sweet and glutinous rice cakes, because there are countless gods of the supreme immortal king, such as the supreme secret scriptures of the immortal king, and the supreme cultivation treasures such as the immortal cave mansion, etc. Countless people in the immortal world are thinking about it, but they don't know how much the supreme immortal king is thinking about.

   This is especially true of the three immortal king soldiers who have been re-refined. Once they are obtained, they can greatly increase their strength.

   Now, Ye Chen speaks in person, who dares to disobey?

  Instructions, he has successively killed several ancient giants of different races, and even the first generation giants such as the first ancestor of the Celestial race and the emperor of longevity have also suffered here. His record is shocking. Who dares to disobey.

   In this way, it is other people, even if the fairy king and others dare to peep, they dare not take action, because he is personally protected by this invincible giant.

   It is a pity that the three fallen immortal kings are all immortal king figures who have emerged in recent epochs, and their roots are still relatively shallow, so there is no powerful quasi-immortal king in their respective immortal royal families.

   Therefore, Ye Chen personally invited the three quasi-immortal kings Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming, and asked them to take charge of the supreme immortal king's armies, and sit in the three immortal royal families to protect safety.

   The three quasi-immortal kings are very happy. On the one hand, they are happy to sell Ye Chen's favor. After all, it seems that Ye Chen's favors that are close to the existence of the overlord of the world, even many eternal giants and even the first generation giants are difficult to obtain.

   On the other hand, in charge of the fairy king soldiers, you can more closely and directly comprehend the various fairy king-level rules and secret patterns on the fairy king soldiers, which has infinite benefits for them to promote to the fairy king realm.

   Of course, the greater control of the fairy king soldiers lies in the hands of the fairy royal family. The three foreign quasi-immortal kings cannot be used casually, and it is more of a shock.

   In addition, Ye Chen asked the Chaos Tianfu powerhouses to go to the three great immortal kings to select the most outstanding leaders. He will personally accept them as disciples and teach the great avenues, hoping that they can become the supreme immortal kings in the shortest time.

   All parties secretly sighed that the three great immortal kings were a blessing in disguise.

Although their respective supreme immortal kings have fallen, how do they know that it is misfortune rather than blessing, even if the immortal king is not really able to save his life in the blood-stained era, but with the protection of Ye Chen, the new overlord-level existence, Just a word, it is far more shocking than the Supreme Immortal King himself sitting in town.

  What's more, you can also select the most talented generation to become the personal disciples of the fighting king. Although this status is not as good as the eternal giant, it is absolutely no less than the quasi-giant.

   After this battle, Ye Chen once again became famous in Chaos Sea.

   And this time, it was even more amazing.

   Before, although he was strong and killed the giants of the ages, in the past and present, other giants of the first generation have done it, such as the invincibles such as the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Emperor of the Universe. They have even killed many giants of the age.

   This time, Ye Chen suppressed or massacred two first-generation giants.

The first-generation giants are not ordinary giants. They have the power to kill the giants of the ages. They are truly extremely powerful. However, they have lost the two in the hands of the fighting king. It is conceivable that the earthquake is bound to be Left the strongest stroke in the history of Chaos Sea.

   "Thank you all the fairy kings and Taoists for your help. If you enter the fairy world in the future, you will pay a good visit."

   Ye Chen thanked all the fairy kings. All the fairy kings were very polite and did not dare to treat Ye Chen as juniors. In fact, it also showed that this could not be the case. The opponent's strength was much stronger than them.

   Really want to discuss seniority, Ye Chen can become their senior.

   After all, in Chaos Sea, seniority is ranked according to strength.

Ye Chen was covered in blood, step by step, and stepped into Pangu Pass. The eternal blood on his body dissipated after entering Pangu It turned into an infinite avenue and rushed into the Pangu universe. , Add the power of infinite avenue.

   The Sea of ​​Chaos is silent. In this battle, Ye Chen has completely established himself as the invincible overlord, and no one dares to question it anymore.

   After Ye Chen released the Angel God Emperor, Angel Emperor Son, Will and others, he retreats alone.

He needs to heal his wounds. Although this battle has suppressed or killed six giants, among them, the first ancestor of the Celestial Race and the Emperor of Longevity are even the first giants. Naturally, it is impossible to be completely safe and sound, and he has paid a high price. Need to recuperate.

   In this retreat, thirty thousand years have passed.

   During these thirty thousand years, Alien Ancient Universe seemed to know that Ye Chen was in retreat to recuperate, and constantly sent troops to attack Pangu Universe. Even at this time, from time to time, there were eternal giants personally attacking Pangu Pass, shaking from time to time.

   Fortunately, Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign has been sitting in town, and even the Boundary Pagoda and the Human Emperor Pagoda are sitting in the town, making the foreign giants repeatedly knocked down and returned without success.

However, in the past few years, Pangu Pass has also shown signs of cracking several times. For the most time, the foreign race dispatched eight eternal giants to knock at the pass. If the emperor was not disturbed, if it was not the supreme immortal king of the prehistoric immortal world was invited. With many people, the Pangu universe is in danger.

   It is obvious that the ancient alien universe came from Ye Chen, and it is even more important to rescue the Emperor of Longevity and other suppressed alien giants.

  Especially the Emperor of Longevity, as the first generation giant, it is impossible to kill as fast as Ye Chen, the new overlord, his vitality is so amazing that he cannot truly fall.

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