Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3982: Exit

In the many fierce battles that have taken place in the past 30,000 years, the ancient universe of alien races has almost ignored it, using the eternal giants how many times.

   Among them, the most terrifying battle, and even one of the most terrifying killing formations of the eternal kill Array, was sacrificed. That time, it almost succeeded in killing Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan, but in the end it was strangely retracted.

   In this world, many people are surprised, otherwise, the Great Heavenly Venerable Cang Yan will undoubtedly die, and perhaps even the Pangu universe will be crushed.

   But, even so, the fierce battle was beyond imagination.

  The Great Emperor Shenkong has fallen, and the Great Emperor Jinwu has also been dead for a lifetime. He was beheaded 90% of the nine emperor souls, his body was shattered, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The battle emperor is holding the supreme scepter and bleeding, and a quasi-giant of the Pangu universe, such as Buddha, the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor, and the Angel God Emperor, has also entered the most terrible danger. Even if they are only on the verge of a war, they will wait forever. The terrible fluctuations of the giant-level battle still caused them to be greatly affected, each of which shattered the bodies of the quasi-giants, and almost fell.

   Especially, the eternal immortal body of Cang Yan Great Heavenly Venerate exploded, and even himself was almost killed, and his injuries were extremely serious.

   At the critical moment, the emperor broke out with stunning power, fighting the four giants alone, and even killed an alien giant during the fierce battle.

   It was only at that moment that the human emperor truly showed the cultivation base of the world after the rebirth of the tenth reincarnation, which was more powerful than that of the reincarnation of the great emperor.

   Eternity is empty, whoever competes, even if the eternal giants meet, all Tao and Dharma will be empty!

   He blocked many foreign giants alone, preventing them from breaking through the barrier smoothly.

   At this time, Chaos Sea was shocked that Human Sovereign turned out to be so powerful, and he was not an ordinary first-generation giant. The strength was so powerful that it might not be much worse than the Fighting Saint King.

  Naturally, as strong as the emperor, he cannot be completely invincible. He was hit by the tycoons of foreign races, and he was bloodied. The eternal body was almost shattered, and his injuries were serious.

   In the end, many supreme fairy kings in the prehistoric world rushed to help personally, and the tycoons of the foreign race had no choice but to withdraw.

   After this battle, the vitality of the Pangu universe was greatly injured, and the alien ancient universe also needed to re-evaluate the combat power of the Pangu universe.

   However, with the strong eruption of the Emperor of Humanity, after World War I, in the following years, the alien race was a lot safer.

   After all, judging from the fighting power erupted by this warrior emperor, the alien race is quite impressive.

   It is difficult for a war of this scale to happen again.

   Moreover, the two supreme immortal kings, Pandao Immortal King and Hunshi Immortal King, entered the Pangu universe one after another. They are the supreme immortal king figures who go to Pangu universe to sit in the prehistoric immortal world, and they can also shock a foreign race.

   On the other hand, all parties in the Chaos Sea also want to know the current situation of the Fighting Saint King.

After all, in the past 30,000 years, even if the Pangu Universe was once faced with the danger of being broken by a foreign race, he did not see the emergence of the new overlord of the Chaos Sea. It is really curious to fight the saint king over the years. Where did you go?

  Many giants have faintly guessed his ultimate whereabouts.

  Some people think that he is recovering from injuries. After all, he fought so many foreign giants in the first battle, including the first generation giants, and he could not be completely safe.

   Some people also think that the fighting king went into the depths of the Chaos Sea to find the remaining head of the original burial owner.


   Thirty thousand years later, Ye Chen officially left the customs, immeasurable blood surging across the heavens and ten thousand realms, shaking the eight realms of ten thousand realms, and resonating with the entire Pangu universe.

   He left the customs, his injuries completely recovered.

  The power of the Qi machine directly resonates with the origin of the Pangu universe, and the power of eternity floods the upper and lower realms of the universe.

   All beings were trembling for it, and they were also pleasantly surprised. The invincible fighting king finally returned.

   During 30,000 years, Ye Chen had completely recovered from his injuries and returned to his peak and prosperous state, extremely powerful.

   The cosmic origin of the Pangu universe also expressed bursts of joy, as if it were joy for a child to recover.


   The moment he left the pass, his eternal thoughts spread throughout the Pangu universe, and he immediately felt the abnormality.

  In his eternal thoughts, sentient beings are like stars in the sky, and a star represents a creature.

   The stronger the person, the greater the light in perception.

  The ancient emperor is no less than the moon, the quasi-giant is like the sun, and the eternal giant is more prosperous than the sun.

   However, many familiar lights were dimmed.

   Even, the light represented by Cang Yan Da Tianzun is even more dim like a quasi giant, or even slightly inferior.

   30,000 years of retreat to recuperate, what happened to the outside world?

   The eternal giants are extremely terrifying, not to mention the chaotic giants like Ye Chen, who reach the sky with one thought, grab the mark of the origin of the universe, and immediately understand everything.


   When he knew what had happened, the wrath of the chaotic giants gave rise to infinite visions out of thin air, sweeping across the vast sky of the heavens and lands, billowing fire and clouds surging, shaking the earth!

   The heavens and all the ways, and even the supreme emperor ways of all parties, are all trembling.

  Only the Wanyu Center, the Eternal Avenue controlled by the Emperor is still as stable as Mount Tai, motionless.

   Besides Even the Fairy King Avenue of the two immortal kings Pan Dao and the mixed world showed signs of trembling slightly. One can imagine Ye Chen's current horror.

   "Those young people of foreign races repeatedly provoke me Pangu Universe. Is Pangu Universe really good or not?" Ye Chen was frightened.

   Thirty thousand years of retreat and recuperation are the deepest state of recuperation, and it can be described as close to complete isolation from the outside world. Otherwise, always pay attention to the outside world, and the recovery of the injury will take at least 20,000 years.

   Of course, he also left behind before the retreat. Once the outside world invades, he can be awakened directly with the imprint of the chaotic origin left behind, and he can exit immediately.

   However, Cang Yan Da Tianzun and others did not wake Ye Chen at all in order to better heal his injuries, otherwise it would be impossible for them to suffer such heavy casualties.


   The heavens and tens of thousands of territories quake, Ye Chen stepped out in one step, directly crossing the inestimable endless sky, straight from the center of the universe to the deserted Pangu Pass on the edge of the universe.

In the past years, because the Great Heavenly Cang Yan was seriously injured, he was recuperating in the Ziji Lingxiao Hall. The Hunshi Immortal King sat in the heavens, while the Pandao Immortal King came to Panguguan to sit in the town, where a brilliant Immortal King City is located. In front of Pangu Pass, it is quite prosperous and exudes eternal power.

   Ye Chen’s birth and coming, naturally cannot hide from the immortal King Pan Dao, the latter appeared, revealing a ray of joy: "You have finally recovered completely!"

   After all, Ye Chen is not an ordinary first-generation giant. He has the qualifications to aspire to be the overlord of the Chaos Sea. His complete recovery is equivalent to a number of eternal giants, and has extraordinary significance.

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