Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3983: The Origin of Ten Thousand Domains

Today, the Pangu Universe is so valued by the Primordial Immortal Realm, and even sent two Supreme Immortal Kings to sit here. On the one hand, it is because the two ancient Chaos Universes have always been allies, but there is also an important reason for Ye Chen, the Chaos Giant. For the sake of.

   He is comparable to the power of many giants in the world, and there are few people who can compare to the Chaos Sea through the ages.

   Even in the Primordial Immortal Realm, in the current blood-stained era, there is a kind of unoptimistic mood, and for the powerful combat power such as Ye Chen, he also has the mentality of winning.

   Otherwise, in the peaceful years, even if Ye Chen is very strong, the Primordial Immortal Realm, the first Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea, would not be so eager to draw in.

   Ye Chen immediately saluted the compilation: "I have seen Senior Pan Dao!"

  Pan Dao Immortal King guessed Ye Chen's purpose, and said: "Wait, little friend."

   Ye Chen frowned: "Senior, are you going to stop me?"

   He was healed from his injuries, and he was completely at the pinnacle level. He was unprecedentedly strong and confident that even the first generation giants such as Hongtian ruler would be able to raise his hand to press him.

   Now, he can be said to have enough confidence, even if there is only one person, it is enough to make the alien ancient universe extremely painful.

   Even if he dared to enter the ancient alien universe alone, he had certain certainty to retreat all over.

  Pandao Immortal King sighed: "You are strong, but you are too impulsive, and now you alone can't force the entire alien ancient universe, this matter needs to be considered!"

   Even if Ye Chen is qualified to claim the position of supremacy of the Chaos Sea, but in the face of the unfathomable alien ancient universe, he still cannot contend with the power of one person. Going alone is more fortunate.

   Ye Chen naturally understood that he had to admit that he was indeed impulsive and went forward recklessly.

   Nowadays, the ancient universe of the alien race knows its true combat power. Once it goes, the alien race will inevitably set up the most terrifying net of heaven and earth, no matter how strong he is, there will be no return.

  What's more, he is very strong, but the ancient universe of the alien race has existed for endless years, and there may be people who are no less qualified to aspire to the hegemony.

   But if you don't do anything, the breath in your heart is difficult to suppress.

  The most important thing for cultivating the Tao is to have an understanding of ideas, otherwise how can it continue to be strong!

   Pan Dao Immortal King didn't know what was in his mind, and said: "Little friends, stay calm, first recover from the injuries of Cang Dao and others."

"it is good!"

   Ye Chen nodded, first suppressed the idea of ​​seeking revenge on the ancient universe of the alien race, and turned around to find the great heavenly sovereign who was in retreat.

   After the war, Cang Da Tianzun was naturally not in Pangu Pass, but in the Human Palace.

   The human palace, the human emperor sits in the heavens, the tenth reincarnation supreme accomplishment, and the restoration of the previous reincarnation emperor's cultivation base, when the world emperor is extremely powerful, Ye Chen also feels unfathomable.

   The Emperor showed a smile: "You can suppress the idea of ​​revenge, which shows that your mood has improved a lot."

  In terms of cultivation base, the emperor may not be comparable to the current Ye Chen, but his mood is not comparable to that of Ye Chen, who has practiced for more than 200,000 years in a short period of time.

   Tenth reincarnation, cultivation of the Tao, and more importantly, cultivation of the mind!

   In each life, reincarnation is from scratch, from weak to strong, climbing step by step, and the memory is gradually unblocked in the later period, and people have experienced a lifetime.

   Therefore, the human emperor’s state of mind cultivation, even if you look at the Chaos Sea from the past to the present, those who can compare with each other, I’m afraid there are only a handful of people!

   Ye Chen clasped his fists: "Xie Renhuang senior for guidance."

"Come on, I'll take you to see him!" The Emperor led the way, side by side with Ye Chen, stepped out one step, traversed time and space, and entered another mysterious space-time dimension. In the endless void, the flow of time is chaotic, and there are countless The avenue is flooded with a mysterious space.

   In the middle, there is a mysterious light group. It is said to be a light group, but it mysteriously contains the heavens and all the ways, and even seems to be the origin of all the ways, and it also escapes the strands of eternal Dao Qi.

   Inside the light group, the great heavenly Lord was among them.

   The mysterious light group is where the Emperor's cave is located.

   Ye Chen understood at a glance, the so-called Dongfu, in fact, should be the origin of ten thousand domains.

   Wanyu Center refers to the top ten states!

   The origin of Ten Thousand Realms is the origin of this upper realm, which is different from the origin of the entire ancient chaotic universe, and is exclusive to the origin of the upper realm.

   The emperor of humans, taking the place of the origin of the ten thousand realms as the cave mansion, it is no wonder that the tenth generation can quickly become the supreme emperor of Dzogchen, rather than the supreme of lack.

   Ye Chen clearly felt that the land of the origin of the ten thousand domains contained a perfect heavenly energy machine different from the outside world.

   I’m afraid, it’s a mythical era. The Great Emperor of Samsara stayed in this cave, so that the following tenth reincarnation can cultivate to become the supreme emperor of Dzogchen!

   Cang Da Tianzun, healed in the land of the origin of ten thousand domains.

   Ye Chen and Human Sovereign entered the endless chaotic time and space at the same time.

Clearly sensed that the eternal magnate, Cang Da Tianzun, is weak in energy, and the origin is constantly dispersing. The eternal body is also shattered. The same is true for the eternal soul. It is just forcibly combined with the cultivation base of the supreme magnate. There are also ten thousand domains. The original energy of the original land made up for the injury, but the injury was too serious after all, and it was not a cure for the symptoms.

   That battle was too tragic. The Great Heavenly Venerable almost died. He was lucky enough to survive, but the injury was so serious that most of the eternal origin collapsed, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's Eternal Body and Eternal Soul are also unstable. It was also the Emperor of Humanity and other Supreme Immortal Kings, who injected him with the blessing of Eternal Power, and with the help of the maintenance of the Origin of Ten Thousand Territories, this would not deteriorate.


   "Little friend, you are here."

   Cang Da Tian Zun saw Ye Chen's appearance, and he also showed a smile. He clearly felt the power of Ye Chen's world, and even the eternal giant, like him, felt a huge sense of oppression.

   Seeing his injury, Ye Chen frowned. It was indeed serious.

   But it’s not impossible.


   Ye Chen said nothing, using the Supreme Healing Secret Technique to infiltrate the body of the Great Heavenly Sovereign and heal his body.

   The chaos is all-encompassing, everything in the heavens is derived from chaos, not to mention the healing sacred art of Ye Chen's level, once it is used, it has a great effect on the eternal giant.


   Cang Da Tianzun’s injury is gradually recovering, but it is only external, and as for the internal, it is a big problem for other eternal giants, even the emperor is difficult to solve, but it is not a big problem for Ye Chen.

   After all, Ye Chen, who is the highest eleventh-order alchemist, is better at healing.

   With a bang, a towering giant tree appeared that covered the sky and the sun. The canopy of the tree can cover the sun, moon and stars. It is extremely huge, but it exudes endless light of life.

   Immortal Emperor Medicine is the Immortal Emperor Medicine belonging to the warlord against the sky.

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