Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3984: Eternal Soul Fusion Dao Soldier

The Emperor of Humanity revealed a ray of surprise: "It's the emperor medicine for the undead warlord!"

   Originally, this imperial medicine was incomplete, but after following Ye Chen for many years, and growing in his small chaotic universe, he also shot it. The imperial medicine has long since recovered, and now it has produced a fruit.

   The fruit fell, Cang Yan Da Tianzun took it, and with a bang, the wounds in his body were more than half resolved.


A supreme demon shadow appeared, and it was grabbed by Ye Chen on the palm of his hand. It was the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty. It has not been completely killed yet, but has been suppressed. It has always been considered to be reused, and now it is also used. It's time.

   At this time, Ye Chen used the overlord-level tycoon's cultivation base to forcefully tore open the eternal soul of the ancestor of the early Emperor Kaiyuan, took out the eternal origin, and just suspended it on the palm of his hand.

   "No, you can't do this to the Saint King of Fighting!" The emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty was frightened.


   Ye Chen slapped it out, and the soul of the eternal ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty was suddenly plunged into the small chaos universe, and was suppressed again, and only he could do this in this world.

   A slap again suppressed the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, and the deprived eternal origin was immediately refined and injected into the eternal origin of Cang Yan.


   After a while, Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign has been greatly recovered, and the eternal majesty has been rising steadily, shaking the origin of the ten thousand domains.

   If it weren't for the isolation of Ye Chen and the Emperor, the majesty of the eternal giant, I am afraid it would be able to shake the origin of the ten thousand domains.

   A few days later, Cang Yan Datianzun completely left the customs, and the heavens and ten thousand domains were quashed. Congratulations from all parties.

  His injury recovered more than 90%, without affecting the display of true combat power.

   On the other hand, Ye Chen found Emperor Golden Crow and saw the latter’s injury on the spot, which was far more serious than he thought.

   is as strong as he uses the supreme taboo method, and he cannot save the Golden Crow the first time.

   can only make the Golden Crow Emperor more vigorous.

   Even if it is the Immortal Emperor Medicine, it is also difficult for the tenth-order Emperor Pill.

   "I'm afraid that only the 11th-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill can bring Senior Jin Crow back to life."

   Ye Chen sighed lightly, and now, there is one more person in the Immortal King Cave, who needs the treatment of the 11th-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill.

Unfortunately, after so many tens of thousands of years, he was still unable to collect all the materials, but fortunately, now Pangu Universe and the Primordial Immortal Realm are in good contact, even the two supreme immortal kings Pandao and Hunshi came in person for Pangu. It is conceivable that the universe guards one side.

   Ye Chen wants to raise enough materials, he can use the power of the prehistoric fairy world.

   Right now, he approached the Immortal King Pan Dao, expressed the corresponding willingness, and promised that as long as he collects the corresponding amount of materials, he will pay more than the equivalent value, and he can agree to a condition that is not excessive.

"My little friend, once your favor comes out, I believe no one will not work for you." The Immortal King Pandao laughed, and today Ye Chen's prestige and Chaos Sea are so big, no one knows, no one knows, and shows The strength she gave is enough to make everyone willing to befriend and sell one favor!

   When the Pandao Immortal King returned to the Primordial Realm, as soon as the news came out, it completely shocked the entire Primordial Realm.

   All the fairy kings all agreed to come down, and immediately took action, ordering the supreme fairy to collect the corresponding materials.

It has to be said that the Primordial Realm is not to say that the Primordial Chaos Sea is the first Chaos Ancient Universe. It has only been a few months. The various materials of the 11th-order Anti-Sky Emperor Pill have been collected more than 90%, better than the previous ones A collection of hundreds of thousands of years in the morning.

   But now, there are still a few main main medicines missing, all of which are rare in the ages, even if many fairy kings and giants have never seen them in their entire lives, it is conceivable.

   Ye Chen sat in the Pangu Universe. After 30,000 years of retreat, he was completely immersed in his wounds. He never thought that the foreign race would be so rampant during his absence. On the other hand, he was also thinking about the protection of Pangu Pass.

   It can be admitted that Pangu Pass is very stable. It has gathered a number of imperial gates and imperial cities to condense. The Boundary Pagoda, Human Emperor Pagoda, and Ziji Lingxiao Palace are suppressed by Cang Yan Datianzun himself.

   But what we are facing now is the invasion of the ancient alien universe. Over the past 30,000 years, many giants have invaded many times, and Pangu Pass is no longer enough to continue to sustain such an offensive intensity. It must be more stable.

   This time, Ye Chen continued to retreat, preparing to solve all problems.

   At this moment, he is located in the Heavenly Dao Sun in the Primordial Heaven Realm. After his return, the Heavenly Dao Sun is becoming more prosperous and resonating with the chaotic universe, evolving into the heavenly path, making the chaotic universe stronger.

   After Ye Chen returned, he communicated with the origin of the Pangu universe, and used his strength to suppress the Emperor of Longevity, Emperor Swallow, and the second and third ancestor of the Celestial Race, and the four giants together.

   Among them, Emperor Swallow Emperor suffered the most serious injuries and was on the verge of falling. It was because Ye Chen repeatedly tore and exploded Emperor Swallow Emperor that day, causing his body and spirit to collapse extremely severely and almost completely died.

   Ye Chen first grabbed the eternal body of Emperor Swallowing Emperor and placed it in front of him.

   Even if the Emperor Swallowing Emperor is on the verge of dying, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse and is still much stronger than the quasi-giant. The first-generation giants will also take a lot of effort to kill.

But Ye Chen is now much stronger than many of the first-generation giants. Emperor Swallowing Emperor shattered between his fingers, and then plunged into the Great Chaos The source of chaos rose up and began to disintegrate. The eternal soul of the Emperor is transformed into the essence of the eternal giant.

   Gradually, with the passage of time, the eternal soul of Emperor Swallowing Emperor began to collapse, and immediately the true spirit was dying out bit by bit, turning into a majestic masterless soul power.

In the end, the real spirit of Emperor Swallowing Emperor, the alien eternal giant, completely disintegrated and annihilated, and became a thing of the past, leaving behind a vast and endless soul of eternity, but there is not a bit of wisdom, because the most core true spirit has been completely disintegrated into empty.

   "The Sealed Gate, from now on also become the top eternal Taoist soldier!"

   With a loud yell, Ye Chen grabbed it to seal the door, and in one fell swallow the eternal soul of Emperor Swallow.

   Moreover, the ten quasi-giants that were suppressed were also sacrificed, and they were directly refined into the ten war gods of the Sealed Gate and integrated into it.


   There was a loud noise, and the Sealed Gate attracted the Eternal Tribulation, which was transformed and wanted to become a more powerful Eternal Warrior.

   Ye Chen took a look, and let the sealed gate fly out, surpassing the tribulation and sublimation in the chaotic sea.

  Originally, although the Sealed Gate was regarded as the eternal Dao soldier, it could only be regarded as the most common eternal Dao soldier, but now it has been integrated into the Eternal Soul and ten quasi-giant soldiers, and has directly become the top eternal Dao soldier.

The sea of ​​chaos shook greatly, and the eternal dao soldiers of the fighting saint king once again crossed the calamity. The vast and endless heavens fell from the sky, flooding the six and eight wastes, covering the nine heavens and ten earth, which is extremely terrible, shaking many realms, making everyone The Fang giants were all alarmed.

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