Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3985: Shenkong Emperor

Many giants are very jealous and want to catch a glimpse.

   But seeing Ye Chen's figure appear, sitting cross-legged under the eternal calamity, one by one had to converge on that plan.

Since the matter has been, Ye Chen has made a great reputation and killed many giants of the ages before and after. There are no shortage of first-generation giants. That impressive record, looking at the past and present, is also one of the few first-class and one-strongest giants. The contemporary overlord of Chaos Sea.

   Countless seas of chaos, who dares to lift the peak?

Ye Chen ignored the gazes of others, and when the Eternal Tribulation reached the later stage, he raised his hand and slapped it upwards. The Eternal Tribulation exploded and disappeared without a trace. It was taken apart by his life, showing Outstanding cultivation skills!

   The eternal soul of the original Emperor Swallowing Emperor, merged with the original **** of the Sealed Gate, and completely became a brand new god.

   This seal gate **** has also become the eternal giant level, almost detached, and turned into a real giant besides the Taoist soldiers!

   "Very good, not bad, it is also made of a top eternal Taoist soldier."

   Ye Chen showed a smile. Right now, the Sealed Gate was not even worse than the Great Cauldron of Chaos and Euphorbia, or even better, because Shendi had melted the soul of eternity, and it was so powerful.

   But he did not immediately retract the Sealed Gate, but flicked his fingers. The ten-fold Sealed Gate penetrated time and space, and finally fell on Pangu Gate.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   The ten-fold seal gates descended from the sky and merged with Pangu Pass to become the ten heavenly gates at Pangu Pass.

   The voice of Ye Chen spread throughout the Pangu universe: "Today, the gate of my seal guards Pangu Pass, and the Human Emperor Tower and the Realm Tower can be recovered."



   The imperial towers of the people and the world towers soared into the sky, and entered the center of the heavens from the Pangu Pass.

   The thirty-third floor of the Human Emperor Pagoda carrying endless chaotic energy, first came to Ye Chen's side, as if he was signaling, and immediately descended on the Human Palace where he disappeared.

   Boundary Pagoda, the eternal Taoist soldier of the Great Time and Space, came to Yaya, the Great Tree of the World, and matched her homology, and will become her temporary eternal soldier before the Great Time and Space returns.

There is no one in Pangu universe to worry about the departure of the two great Taoist soldiers, because I believe in the sealed gate, and I believe in Ye Chen, the sage king of fighting. Since he opened the door and witnessed the gate of the sealed gate, he can represent the two great forces. Eternal Taoist soldiers guarded Pangu Pass.

   In fact, it is true. The Sealed Gate is heavily suppressed at Pangu Pass. Ten quasi-giant puppets are transformed into ten huge and boundless stone statues of God of War, exuding the terrifying aura of fighting unparalleled, guarding Pangu Pass.

   What's more, there is also the **** of the seal gate-the supreme **** of the eternal soul smelted by Emperor Swallowing Emperor, which can revive at any time, no less than an eternal giant guarding Pangu Pass at all times.

   At this point, the Pangu universe is so solid that it is difficult for the outside world to invade.

   Ye Chen retreats again, immersed in his mind, and concentrates on refining the suppressed giant enemies.

   The emperor of longevity roared, constantly rioting and struggling, trying to get out of trouble.

   However, Ye Chen personally suppressed it with the origin of the small chaos universe. It was so sturdy and immortal that it could not be shaken at all, nor was it possible for the first-generation giants like the Longevity Emperor.

   In the final analysis, he has been completely severely injured by Ye Chen, and now it is even more impossible to struggle successfully.

   Ye Chen took out a light ball-like artifact, which was the sacred heaven realm of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race. This top eternal Taoist soldier no less than the longevity realm was highly valued by Ye Chen.

   Now, the chaotic small universe has expanded to an astonishing level, no less than the land of the upper realm of the heavens.

  Moreover, there is a prototype of the Upper Realm in it, and it has also grown tremendously, but today, the prototype of the Upper Realm must be quickly perfected, and even directly perfected.

   In this way, it is necessary to use the eternal Taoist soldiers of the great world, the Holy Heaven Realm.

   The Holy Heaven Realm, as a top-level eternal Taoist soldier, is naturally difficult to crush.

   However, even the first generation giants are not Ye Chen's opponents, let alone an eternal Taoist soldier, even if it is the top-level ancient Taoist soldier.

   Ye Chen took a shot, it took a while, and finally the sacred heaven was completely refined, and it began to be melted in the small chaotic universe.


   There was a terrible loud noise, and the holy heaven was shaking, shaking all parties!

   The small chaotic universe is more stable, unbreakable, and closer to the complete ancient chaotic universe.

   But Ye Chen didn't leave the customs immediately. Instead, he punched the tenth heaven divine aperture into the small chaotic universe, and found that the small chaotic universe was surprisingly stable.

  He was thinking about the heavenly path projection within the tenth heaven divine aperture, but the chaotic small universe has not yet derived the true heavenly path, perhaps this is the root cause.

   Since then, the tenth heaven divine aperture has completely integrated into the chaotic small universe, and finally a prototype of the heavens has been derived, making the chaotic small universe more perfect.

At the same time, Ye Chen also wanted to understand when he was recovering from his wounds for 30,000 years. At the beginning, the Emperor of Longevity was crushed by a wave of death, but he did not destroy his chaotic universe in the first place. At that time, he thought about it, maybe The ability to destroy the ancient Chaos Universe is not because the ancient Chaos Universe is not stable enough, but that there is no real controller to dominate the blessings, unable to fully mobilize the power of the entire ancient Chaos Universe, and can only passively defend it.

   Now, his small chaotic universe is more perfect and powerful, even if it's impossible to break it with a single kill.

   After finishing all this, Ye Chen moved to Panzhou, one of the ten largest states in the center of Wanyu.

   Panzhou, as one of the top ten states in the center of Wanyu, follows the supreme ones who came from the ancient road of origin such as Ye There are many supreme emperors and immortals placed in Panzhou.

   Among them, there is the emperor of Shenkong Great.

In the past battle, the Shenkong War unfortunately died, the Shenkong Emperor clan fell directly from its heyday, but because the Shenkong Great Emperor fought for the Pangu Universe and received the key care of Pangu Universe, all forces did not dare to oppress the gods. The Kong Emperor clan, but even so, the right to speak in Panzhou has been reduced a lot, and life will be a bit difficult after all, unless someone proves Dao to become an emperor.

   But proving that Dao became the emperor is not easy, Shenkong once had nine sons, and there are more children. After a long time, there are still three people left, and some people have been released from the seal of the long years and became emperors one after another.

   However, it is still difficult to prove Dao becoming emperor.

   And before his death, Emperor Shenkong had friction with some supreme emperors.

   Before his death, Emperor Shenkong was a quasi-giant, squeezing all directions, the supreme emperor was naturally very powerful.

   Now that Emperor Shenkong was violently killed in the first battle, those Supreme Emperors would naturally not continue to target them, and the Supreme Emperors would not dare to target them openly, but there were a lot of small actions behind some people.

   Even in the blood-stained era, it can't stop all of this.

   The supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants of all parties are not happy to intervene at all times, so I can only warn them.

  So that, the days of the Shenkong Emperors have been a bit difficult recently.


   Ye Chen descended from the sky and appeared in the Shenkong Emperor Clan, attracting attention from all parties.

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