Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3988: news

Now, the Fighting Saint King silently goes deep into the depths of the Chaos Sea, hunting down the eternal giants outside the alien ancient universe,

   Over the years, Alien Ancient Universe has also been very cautious. Most of the eternal giants who left have returned. On the one hand, the situation in the Chaos Sea is getting more and more severe, and on the other hand, it is also because of the worry that Ye Chen will take action in person.

  The average eternal giants will die when they meet Ye Chen, basically they can't even escape.

   The first generation of giants is also very bad luck.

Speaking of it, this alien giant went out to find the head of the origin burial owner, and also obtained relevant information. When he was about to return, calling for more alien giants to dispatch together, he was stared at by Ye Chen, who left Pangu universe silently. Got it, and killed it very quickly.

   At this time, all parties in the Chaos Sea just woke up. It is impossible for the Fighting Saint King to give up revenge. He just rushed from the early recklessness to the current opportunistic action.

   However, the current fighting king is the most terrifying.

  Because, you don’t know when he will make a move!

   Although the Alien Ancient Universe was greatly furious, it also understood that it was already difficult, or even impossible, to deal with the fighting king, unless the corresponding price was paid.

   However, the price of such a heavy price is no longer easily affordable by the current alien ancient universe.

   Hunted and killed an alien giant to return, stunned the Chaos Sea, and the upper and lower circles of the Pangu universe cheered and shouted the name of the fighting king.

Because of the death of another eternal giant, Alien Ancient Universe is more cautious in the following years, but for all other eternal giants that return, there are many giants in the distance to meet each other, and they are unwilling to give the Holy King of Fighting again. The slightest chance.

   In response, Ye Chen just sat cross-legged on Pangu Gate and watched with a sneer, turning around to return to the Pangu universe.

   Hundreds of years later, a piece of news went wild in the Chaos Sea.

  Pangu Universe got a head of the original burial owner, which is the original head of thunder.

   The news, I don’t know who came from it, and it spread wildly everywhere.

   Originally, because Ye Chen strongly suppressed and killed the alien giants and repelled the alien army, all the giants were quite afraid of Pangu universe.

   But this time, because of the head of the origin of the Burial Lord’s Thunder Origin, Pangu Universe once again fell into the eyes of the storm.

   I have to say that the head of the burial owner of Origin is really touching, even if it is an eternal giant.

   Since the Bloody Era, the eternal giants who have fallen because of the head of the burial owner have long surpassed the number of hands, and they contain special temptation power.

   Even if he knew that the head of the origin burial master was in the Pangu universe, or even in the hands of the wicked Chaos giant Ye Chen, it was still difficult to stop this charm.

   In the following hundreds of years, the supreme sages went to the Pangu universe one after another, and there were no lack of quasi-giants, hoping to visit the Pangu universe, more hoping to explore the origin of thunder.

Behind   , there is the instruction of the eternal giant.

   Of course, I have always been relatively restrained.

   Moreover, Ye Chen's fierce name comes first. Even if the supreme and quasi-giant enter Pangu Pass, they must strictly abide by the rules and dare not mess around.

   They came to visit, and they hoped to visit Ye Chen, the giant of chaos.

   According to the spread of the news, the head of Lei Zhi's source was on Ye Chen.

  Sometimes, quasi-giants come to visit, but no Wangu giants personally visit.

   In the final analysis, it is still extremely jealous, and even Ye Chen, the fiercely famous fighting king!

   However, whether it is a supreme or a quasi-giant, when you see the ten God of War statues on Pangu Pass, all of them are shaking and feeling a great sense of oppression.

   At their level of cultivation, how can it be unclear that these ten God of War statues were all incarnations of quasi-giant-level peerless existences, and now they have become War God statues guarded at Pangu Pass, which is really incredible.

  The quasi-giant, no matter where it is placed, is definitely an existence like a foundation. It needs the supreme to pursue and look up, and it needs the existence of the eternal giants.

   Now, there are ten people, guarding at Pangu Pass.

  Pangu Pass’s background is so unfathomable.

   "No, that is not a simple quasi-giant, but a quasi-giant puppet, they don't have the corresponding wisdom!"

   A quasi-giant looked horrified, and the ten most powerful quasi-giants had fallen to the point of becoming a puppet.

At the same time, they also want to understand that this is mostly because of the fighting sage king, who must be known to him, otherwise the entire chaotic sea of ​​variables will be so extravagant, and many quasi-giants will become puppets. .

   On the other hand, it also makes people feel the strength of the fighting king, this is really a young and domineering chaos giant.

   Pangu Pass did not refuse the visit of these supreme and quasi-giant. The Emperor Profound God personally opened the door to receive them.

   Although it is at least supreme, there are no lack of quasi-giants, but no one dares to be arrogant and arrogant, and all of them are very disciplined.

The ten quasi-giants have been sacrificed to become puppets. They are also worried that if they do anything inappropriate, they will provoke the wrath of the fighting holy king, and they will also come under such a heinous punishment. It's so innocent.

Entering the Pangu universe, a total of three quasi-giants and fourteen supreme lords came, but only the Profound God Emperor and the Terran emperor received them, and there was no one even the quasi-giants. However, Zhu Xiong dared not say anything. After all, this place is Fighting Saint King personally sits in town.

   "Friends, can you see your Majesty the Holy King?"

   A quasi-giant spoke, hoping to see Ye Chen with the help of Emperor Xuanshen.

   How could Emperor Xuanshen not know the fundamental purpose of these people's coming, but he did not refuse, and said with a slight smile: "Yes."

   He led a group of people across the sky to Chaos Tianfu.

Chaos Tianfu is now more magnificent and majestic. There are supreme seats, more than one or two people. It is enough to see that the emperor’s light pillars that exceed the number of hands are soaring into the sky. It was the three quasi-giants who came, the Fourteenth Supreme, who was also secretly shocked.

   is worthy of the fighting sage, even if he is not included, the Chaos Tianfu created is a pinnacle power that cannot be underestimated.

   entered the Chaos Tianfu, but seeing that there was no one in the main hall, the Emperor Profound God asked all the heroes to wait here.

   Zhu Xiong also nodded, not daring to walk around.

Several days have passed. Zhu Xiong has always been very patient. When he reaches the level of the Fighting Saint King, he often sits for millions of years and waits for a few days, but he dare not have any opinions. Up.


   Finally, Ye Chen appeared and descended into the main hall, sitting high on the throne, watching all the heroes, and said indifferently: "Everyone, why are you here?"

   Facing the Wuzhan Wushuang Ye Chen, Zhu Xiong was frightened and afraid to be careless, Zhu Xiong quickly stood up and said: "I have seen your Majesty the King of Fighting!"

   Ye Chen nodded slightly.

   The three quasi-giants took the lead to speak, bitterly saying: "Your Majesty Fighting Saint King, I am waiting to hear that you have obtained the head of Origin Burial Lord, dare to ask, is it true?"

   Ye Chen frowned: "Why should I tell you?"

   Standing time, the three quasi-giants and the most supreme were terrified, and their scalp numb.

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