Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3989: Cang?? leave

Yes, why did the Fighting Saint King tell them.

   Soon after, these foreign quasi-giant and supreme left Pangu universe and walked as far away as possible at the fastest speed. All parties in the Chaos Sea were surprised. What happened?

   But no one can understand how frightened these quasi-giant and supreme were at that time, lest the fighting saint king would kill all of them directly under the anger of the fighting king, and then they would really cry without tears.

   The giants of all parties originally had a peeping heart. Once the Pangu universe really had the head of the original burial owner, they would even slowly plot it.

   But now, all the supreme and quasi-giant hurriedly return, making them somewhat distracted, and feel that it is necessary to think twice before acting.

   It was another thousand or several hundred years. At this time, it was a full 10,000 years since Ye Chen left the gate. At the same time, the great Heavenly Venerate's injury completely recovered, and on this day, he said goodbye!

   He wants to return to the chaotic ancient universe where the ultimate ancient road is located. He has been away for many years, and he is very concerned, especially in the blood-stained era, which is becoming more and more unstable.

   Ye Chen and others were reluctant to give up, but they did not stop them, and said that once the chaotic ancient universe where the ultimate ancient road is in crisis, immediately send a message, and Pangu universe will rush to help as soon as possible.

   In this way, Cang Da Tianzun chose the path of Longhuangyuan and returned to the ultimate ancient road.

   Years are long, unknowingly, 70,000 years have passed since the great battle of Chaos Sea.

   Because of Ye Chen, and because of the prestige gained in the past World War I, the Pangu universe has spent 70,000 years of peace. This is rare, and foreigners dare not invade.

  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

  The name of the Fighting Saint King is so loud in the Chaos Sea that the eternal giants who have lived for many epochs are extremely jealous.

   And this year, Ye Chen's control of Chaos Avenue is still at the stage of 9999/10000.

   It's a pity that Chaos is in control, and the further you go, the more difficult it is to control.

   Ye Chen has rarely made much progress over the years. After all, when his cultivation has reached his level, it is really impossible to make progress. It is extremely difficult to make any progress. I don't know how many years it will take to achieve.

   It's a pity that in the past ten thousand years, there have not been a few Supremes born in Chaos Tianfu.

   The environment of the Heavenly Dao was restored to that year, allowing people to prove Dao becoming emperor, but if you want to prove Dao becoming emperor, you must accumulate enough to succeed.

  Accumulation takes a long time.

   But the situation of the Chaos Sea is getting more and more uncertain. In these 70,000 years, the eternal giants in the Chaos Sea have fallen.

   Because the head of the original burial owner was born, terrible casualties were caused.

   Even almost, there were many terrible battles in the ancient chaotic universe.

   As time goes by, more and more eternal giants are born one by one. With the collapse of the ancient universe of chaos, even the primordial immortal realm cannot be completely safe, because there was an extremely shocking battle that broke out in the primordial immortal realm.

   It is said that the head of the original burial owner appeared and rushed directly to the prehistoric world.

   There are also rumors that a supreme immortal king obtained the head of the original burial master in the Chaos Sea. It was discovered on the way back to the prehistoric immortal realm and was followed by many eternal giants.

   The terrifying giant-level melee broke out directly, with far-reaching influence. Many eternal giants did everything they could to directly kill the prehistoric fairy world.

   An eternal immortal immortal gate on the edge of the immortal world was directly shattered, and a number of powerful immortal giants appeared together, directly entering the prehistoric immortal world, and once destroyed many vast immortal fields.

   On that day, at the place of the broken Immortal King's Pass in the prehistoric immortal realm, a dozen immortal realms in the vicinity collapsed directly, and hundreds of millions of immortal citizens were directly smothered by the power of eternity, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

   Even the supreme immortal and the quasi-immortal king were casually killed in the process of preventing them. The blood spilled into the immortal world, dyed many immortal domains red, and finally shocked the deepest immortal king domain.

In the end, a number of supreme immortal kings were born out of anger, and the existence of the first generation of giant immortals also set off. They took the lead in fighting among the immortal kings. After a terrible battle, they paid a huge price, many supreme immortals and digital quasi immortals. After Wang Sheng was behind, it was finally suppressed and repelled the invading eternal giants.

   The Great Immortal Venerable was even more furious, and killed an eternal giant, slaughtered chickens and monkeys, and frightened the giants, which allowed the giants to retreat.

   Since then, the prehistoric immortal world can no longer maintain true peace, and the prehistoric immortal world, which is as powerful as this known as the first chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea, cannot be completely safe.

   However, the existence of the first generation of giant-level immortals has been born again and again, which can be regarded as shocking the Chaos Sea again.

   "The Chaos Sea is getting more and more chaotic, and the prehistoric immortal world cannot completely maintain peace."

"In the chaotic blood-stained era, the eternal giants can't be said to be completely invincible. I should go further and at least become a quasi-immortal king. Otherwise, it will be difficult to protect himself even at the supreme level." Ye Cangqiong said deeply. sigh.

After so many tens of thousands of years, he not only became the ancient emperor, but also completely consolidated. Thanks to Ye Chen, the emperors and daughters of other human races, the ancient emperor, and Ye Chen, a giant of the world. On Dao, of course, it is more about listening to his preaching, and the perception of Emperor Dao is no worse than many veteran Supremes who have stopped in the Supreme Emperor Realm for more than an era, and even surpassed it.

After all, after the veteran supreme becomes the supreme, they basically rely on their own enlightenment, and it is difficult to go further, and they are the guidance of Ye Chen, the giant chaos giant who surpassed the first generation giant~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Naturally, it can directly solve many problems in the monasticism.

However, even so, in just over a hundred thousand years, even if they have made rapid progress, they are still in the supreme state of the Dzogchen Emperor. There is still a huge distance to become a quasi-giant, not to mention becoming an eternal giant. And the way is far away.

   After all, not everyone is a pervert like Ye Chen.

However, it is worth mentioning that Emperor Kunpeng, the ancient emperor who followed Ye Chen back in the Chaos Ancient Universe where the Ultimate Ancient Road is located, was originally stronger than the average ancient emperor after devouring the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. Now it is often for hundreds of thousands of years. Preaching with Ye Chen, he also has a long history, and now he has become a quasi-giant.

   He is very powerful, and even more so in time and space.

   Over the years, he has been following Ye Chen, is very grateful to Ye Chen, and has become a peerless powerhouse of Chaos Tianfu who suppresses the background.

   The three emperors of Emperor Shenkong's level have been given to Emperor Kunpeng by Ye Chen for guidance over the years.

  Because Emperor Shenkong mainly cultivated the Dao of Space, and his descendants were the same, the Emperor Kunpeng who cultivated the Dao of Time and Space would naturally be able to guide the three of them twice with half the effort, and the three of them also had a little more hope for the Supreme Dao.

   Similarly, Ya Ya also often followed the Emperor Kunpeng to practice, after all, as a world tree, she is also a natural master of time and space.

   Moreover, Emperor Kunpeng also loves Ya Ya very much, and even pampers him, he is not hesitating to give pointers, has no legacy, and is also assisted by the Boundary Tower. Ya Ya's cultivation of the Time and Space Avenue is steadily increasing, and it is a sign of becoming a quasi-giant.

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