Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3993: Honghuang Ancestral City

The ancient Supreme Immortal King said: "The Chaos Heavenly Emperor must not be self-conceited. You can call it the Chaos Sea generation hegemon. It is only a matter of time before you catch up with the ancient hegemons such as Xianzu, Heavenly Emperor and Shidai."

Obviously, this ancient fairy king, who has survived for years to be compared with the first generation giants, has witnessed countless times in the eternal era. He also believes that Ye Chen has the potential to be comparable to the overlords of the Chaos Sea such as the ancestor and the emperor. Invincible overlord.

   Highly rated!

   Similarly, facing Ye Chen with such infinite potential, this extremely ancient and supreme immortal king also hopes to be able to make friends.

   Otherwise, because of their seniority, even if they are not as good as the true first-generation giants, they are only slightly inferior, and they will not be so friendly.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not be arrogant. Now he has not many enemies in the Chaos Sea, but not many. After all, the two most powerful ancient Chaos Universes-Alien Ancient Universe and Chaos Burial Ground Ancient Universe are completely offensive. Up.

   now has a good relationship with the Primordial Immortal Realm, and he naturally hopes that this relationship will be even higher.

   The more fairy kings you make, the better the relationship between the prehistoric fairy world and the Pangu universe.

   Ye Chen chatted with the three fairy kings while heading to the place where the eternal meeting was held-Honghuang Ancestral City!

   At their speed, they only need to lean a little to reach their destination across half of the fairy universe.

   It can be seen from a distance, an indescribable ancient ancestral city is located in the deepest part of the starry sky, in the center of the prehistoric fairyland.

   Honghuang Ancestral City, as the name implies, this is the oldest ancestral city in the realm of the prehistoric immortal world. It has a very long history. According to legend, it is the ancient city left by the ancestor, and it is no less than the ancient city.

   Now, the ancestor of the immortal is nowhere to be found, and it is rumored that he has entered the deepest part of the "Forty-nine Immortal Pass", and is hidden.

The descendants of    Xianzu are in this city. Throughout the ages, they have always stayed behind, and they are also waiting for the day when the Xianzu can return, so that the Xianzu clan will regain the supreme glory of ruling the primordial world.

   The Eternal Ages Conference is about to open, and the invited immortal kings and giants of the ages will arrive one after another and descend into the prehistoric city.

   At the main gate of the ancestral city, there is a group of strong figures standing, seeming to wait and welcome the arrival of the giants from all sides.

   Although there are also many supreme and quasi-giant people coming one after another, it is difficult to alarm these people to greet them. Most of them are just nodding indifferently, which is the best etiquette.

   Among these people, the head of the descendants of the immortal ancestors-Immortal King Hongtian appeared, beside him, there was a supreme immortal who was very good.

Seeing Ye Chen’s arrival, the veteran immortal king Hongtian, who had no idea of ​​how many epochs, also appeared very polite. He personally greeted him. Even other immortal kings and giants did not have such a standard hospitality, only Ye Chen. Just now.


   The fairy king Hongtian politely handed over his hand to compile the compilation, and Ye Chen bowed his hand in return, never neglecting.

   Ye Chen exclaimed, he is indeed the ancestor of the immortal.

At his level, it is not uncommon for a family of Double Great Emperors and Double Immortals to be seen, but it is rare to see double quasi-giant and quasi-immortal kings. Besides, it is the first time for him to see double immortal kings and double giants. .

   I’m afraid, only such characters as the ancestors of immortality can future generations come out of another supreme immortal king.

   When Ye Chen saw the rich and handsome Supreme Immortal beside the Hongtian Immortal King, he suddenly showed a bit of astonishment. He turned out to be the great enemy of the Ten Heavenly Realm Ancient Road-Chu Shenjun!

Back then, the Ten Heavens Realm had the strongest arrogance from all parties in the Chaos Sea. It was dominated by emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao. Among them, the first class such as Chu Shenjun, Emperor Wentian, and Demon Chutian were the first ones. A group of the best among the strongest arrogances took the lead to become the king of gods, and their bloodlines and talents were obviously higher than those of other supreme heirs.

   Of course, I learned later that these people are basically the heirs of eternal giants.

   Chu Shenjun is the heir of the Hongtian Immortal King.

  Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the **** of Chu has also become the supreme immortal. Ye Chen didn't have the slightest accident. The only accident was that he met him here.

   It’s just that, I don’t know what happened to the other great enemies back then, such as God Emperor Son, such as Wudao and others.

   Chu Shenjun's eyes are extremely complicated and full of sorrow.

How can I think that in the past few years, I have finally become immortal, and I can be regarded as extremely good. However, the enemy of the year has become an inexhaustible giant. It is still the strongest existence among the giants. The Chaos Sea was terrified when he heard the wind, and the eternal giants with more than one hand were broken in his hands.

   Now, it is his father, Hongtian, a prestigious and prestigious immortal king in the prehistoric immortal world, who also personally welcomes him, which is enough to show his status.

   Years, too much has really changed!

"Friends of Taoism, although I met for the first time, I also yearn for your reputation outside." Immortal King Hongtian exclaimed, admiring Ye Chen, and deliberately or unconsciously glanced at the parents and children around him. God of Chu, who became immortal, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

   It is also hard for him to imagine that the young man who was only competing with his children back then has reached such a height.

   Of course, there is admiration, there is a certain respect, but it is not afraid, and there is no lower knee, this is the integrity of the descendants of the fairy ancestors.

The immortal king Hongtian personally greeted Ye Chen to enter the prehistoric ancestral city and came to a palace of the ancestor of the immortal king. It is rumored that it is also the ancient temple left by the ancestor of the past. It is simple and magnificent. There are still traces of the immortal ancestor. The more powerful, the more Can feel the prestige of the former immortal ancestor, the more in awe.

  The ancestral hall seems to be just a hall, but in fact the upper hall is extremely huge.

The immortal kings and giants of all parties saw the appearance of Ye Chen, and they all grew up, stubbornly composing compilations, and also saw that the immortal king Hongtian came to welcome him, and the three immortal kings around him showed up with the highest standard of hospitality. None of the other eternal giants and fairy kings at the scene had ever enjoyed such specifications, and couldn't help but be amazed.

   In the world, only a handful of people, such as the Emperor of Chaos, are qualified to let all the fairy kings welcome seniors! "

   In the ancestral hall of the Immortal King, Ye Chen met the final Yan Xianzun, and the two first-generation giants including the Eternal City Lord, stepped forward to meet.

   Finally Yan Xianzun met Ye Chen, but the Lord Eternal City was still seeing Ye Chen for the first time in so many thousands of years, so he couldn't help but sigh.

   Ye Chen's talent can be seen back then. At a young age, he is already a generation of extreme quasi-giants. They all think that becoming an eternal giant is not a problem, but how can I imagine it, it will be so fast.

   He is now far superior to the first generation giants. Vaguely, he has a tendency to respect the Chaos Sea and become the overlord of the world, overwhelming the Chaos Sea, who will fight for the front!

   It is a pity that in the Palace of the Immortal King's Ancestor, there are no other eternal giants of the Pangu universe faction such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Taisheng Emperor, Heaven Defying Battle Lord, Yan Emperor, etc., which makes Ye Chen somewhat regretful.

   At the same time, I was also very curious, where did they go?

   After the burial masters of Origin died, and the ancient road of origin collapsed, they just disappeared.

   The Eternal Conference is about to begin, and Ye Chen is sitting on a throne quite forward, and there are even faint signs of occupying the first seat.

  Many ancient giants and immortal kings are willing to subdue, without any dissatisfaction, after all, the strength lies there.

   Suddenly, the three supreme immortal kings suddenly appeared, and they went straight to Ye Chen and apologized very sincerely: "Sorry, Emperor Chaos, I am willing to pay the corresponding price for your understanding!"

  :. :

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