Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3994: D

After all, the three immortal kings took out a lot of lifeless treasures, all of which were radiant and shining brightly.

Among them, there are some treasures that are even tempted by eternal giants.

All the great immortal kings and eternal magnates here were puzzled. What happened, the three immortal kings suddenly apologized to the Chaos Emperor.

Only Ye Chen knew that in the past, the fairy king thoughts left by each of these three immortal kings were integrated into a quasi-immortal king legal body, followed by Ye Chen, and wanted to steal his avenue secrets, but was later discovered and destroyed. Read the fairy king.

Originally, Ye Chen came to the Great Desolate Immortal Realm this time and wanted to put an end to it. He never thought that the three immortal kings would take the initiative to come forward and apologize.

Hearing that, Ye Chen nodded and flicked his sleeves very angrily, never accepting the three great immortal kings' apologize, willing to resolve this grievance.

After all, no matter what to say, the current Primordial Immortal Realm is on the same front as Pangu Universe, and there are some grievances, as long as it does not involve grievances of life and death, they should be resolved and not resolved.

What's more, the quasi-immortal king's dharmakaya has also become the immortal king's dharmakaya, on the other hand, it is also a treasure of apocalypse.

This made the three big immortal kings secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time secretly thanked Ye Chen for his generosity.

At this time, other giants of the ages came one after another, as well as the first generation giants, but without exception, they all greeted Ye Chenyao.

At this stage, Ye Chen is really a Megatron Chaos Sea, and the giants of all parties have to look up to it and have to pay attention to it.


A monstrous aura descended, and I saw a majestic and majestic man dressed in imperial robes walking and stepping into the palace of the Immortal King’s ancestor, which immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

Behind him, followed by a man who was seven or eight points similar to him, younger.

Ye Chen also raised his eyes and looked over.

He saw two people with similar faces, especially the younger man, who happened to be the enemy of the year, and immediately guessed the identity of the man in the emperor clothes, the **** emperor!

This is a giant of the world that spans multiple eras of the Chaos Sea. From the moment of entering the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall, almost no one in the huge hall can keep calm, and they can all feel the overbearing power of the **** emperor.

If it weren't for the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall, it had the prestige left by the Immortal Ancestor, if it was released like this, it would be an ancient temple, even an emperor world would collapse and it would be unbearable.

"Divine Emperor, I didn't expect that even he would come in person."

"In the past, the hero who was able to compete with the fighting ancestors of the Chaos Sea with the most powerful force in the past!"

"The warlord against the sky back then was shockingly powerful, but the **** emperor was able to compete at the top without losing the wind!"

"Not seen in an era, the **** emperor seems to be stronger than before!"

"The God Emperor Mythology Era has been hidden from the world. Even at the beginning of the Bloodstained Era, I rarely hear about him. How could he suddenly appear at the Eternal Conference for no reason? In theory, even if invited, this fighting madman I don’t necessarily participate."

In the Immortal King Ancestral Hall, many giants are frowning, communicating with each other.

God Emperor, by no means ordinary giants of the ages, although not the earliest batch of giants of the ages, but the giants of ages that have really risen in recent epochs, but the strength is no less than that of the first giants before endless years.

Now that an era has disappeared, the giants of all parties have discovered that the **** emperor seems to have become stronger, and they all faintly feel a huge sense of oppression like Mount Tai.


Final Yan Xianzun, Wangu City Lord, and other first-generation giants opened their mouths, as Ye Chen guessed, they were **** emperors.

"A few fellow daoists, long time no see."

The **** emperor responded that he was younger than the first generation giants present here, but in fact, his cultivation level was not bad at all. The title of the **** emperor proved his invincibility.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Chen, and immediately the eternal power on his body became countless strong, and the infinite power that was like a sea was directly exploded, and it was pressed against Ye Chen like a mountain.


The majestic Chaos Tianwei appeared on Ye Chen, colliding with it.

The Immortal King's Ancestral Hall also trembles, and the giants of all parties change their colors.

Is it true that today the God Emperor is going to fight the Chaos Emperor?

Ye Chen's face also condensed slightly, he could feel the power of the **** emperor, stronger than the average first-generation giant!

Of course, he is not afraid, and he really wants a battle. Unless there are real hegemons such as the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, the Immortal Ancestor, the Great Emperor of the Universe, and the ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan, he firmly believes that he is enough to push.

Behind the **** emperor, the son of **** emperor was also taken aback. Could it be that today's father is going to fight Ye Chen Peak.

The eternal majesty was released quickly, and the introverted quickly, the **** emperor showed a smile: "The Emperor Chaos, worthy of this name, you have the qualification to honor the Emperor of Chaos."

Ye Chen was slightly stunned, but after hearing the voice of Yan Xianzun, he was relieved.

In the end Yan Xianzun’s voice transmission, the **** emperor is a domineering and war-thirsty generation. He was very war-thirsty when he rose back then, dare to challenge the quasi-giant as an eternal emperor, and is not afraid of all challenges.

Demonstration, the ultimate leap, after becoming an eternal tycoon, the **** emperor is even more addicted to war, challenging all the titans along the way, is the ancient tycoon who has hibernated the deepest, and can not avoid the challenge of the **** emperor.

However, all parties in the Chaos Sea had to admit that even though the **** emperor was a warrior, he was also talented to guard against the sky.

In just a few epochs, he has not only become an eternal giant, but also an existence no less than the original giant, and even stronger.

In the Chaos Sea, the **** emperor is also a world-class figure who dared to fight against the saint ancestor and the warlord against the sky.

Now, most of it is because of knowing Ye Chen's impressive record, even more than the original self, and also because of the almost hegemonic existence who has killed the Chaos Sea, and the combat power is amazing.

He was extremely addicted to war, and he also had a desire to fight Ye Chen.

Ye Chen clasped his fists towards the **** emperor: "The **** emperor is polite."

"I heard that you used to compete with my course, my son is far inferior to you." The **** emperor laughed and said bluntly that his son was far inferior to Ye Chen.

The **** emperor's eyes were dim.

Yes, he was indeed far inferior to Ye Chen, he was still superior to the latter, but with the passage of time, he gradually became inferior, and even in the later stage, he was left behind.

Now, although he has also proved that Dao has become an emperor, and under the guidance of the **** emperor all the year round, he also has great hope of becoming a quasi-giant, but the hope of becoming an eternal giant is not very great, let alone competing with Ye Chen.

Now he doesn't even have the qualifications to look forward to.

Not far away, the **** of Chu and the **** of the emperor looked at each other and smiled bitterly at each other, showing sympathy for each other.

After all, in the final analysis, they are all the same people left behind.

The **** emperor said: "Fortunately, I can meet you. You are the strongest arrogant who astounded the past and the present. I was far inferior to you back then. However, if there is a chance, I hope to fight."

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