Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3995: Pacify chaos

The **** emperor was very direct, and directly put forward the request of Hope for the First Battle.

The giants of all parties are all awe-inspiring, the **** emperor actually wants to challenge the Chaos Emperor!

Both are the world-famous giants of the Chaos Sea. One is a long-famous **** emperor who defeated the first generation giants. They have crossed the Chaos Sea for several epochs. In the past, they dared to fight against the ancestors of the fighting and fighting. Falling wind.

One is the Chaos Emperor, who has recently risen up against the trend with an alarming posture. He has killed many eternal giants and even dyed the blood of the first generation giants, making it even more famous.

The battle between the two giants is bound to be extremely exciting, and people are looking forward to it, and I believe that more far-reaching mysteries can be observed from it.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen smiled. After knowing that the **** emperor was a war-thirsty person, he didn't feel much ill feeling, on the contrary, he added a little favor.

Similarly, he also hoped to be able to fight against the **** emperor, the world-defying giant who dared to fight against the saint ancestor and the warlord against the sky.

He was originally a descendant of the fighting saints, and he was naturally very interested in fighting.

"Hahaha, okay, I look forward to fighting with you." The **** emperor laughed loudly. This mighty Chaos Sea giant stepped forward. It was also a rare generation of giants who needed to be greeted by Hongtian Immortal King. Adjacent location in the morning.

The two giants of the world talked next to each other. Although they met for the first time, they cherished each other. They are the best giants in the Chaos Sea. Kind of feeling of seeing each other late.

The son of the **** emperor can only stand awkwardly behind the **** emperor, like a younger generation, unable to insert a word at all.

During the period, several giants from the Chaos Burial Ground also came. The Emperor Taishi was among them and returned to the peak, showing the power of the first giants.

For the chaotic burial ground, the giants present here are also quite jealous. After all, a few epochs ago, the chaotic burial ground was a terrifying chaotic ancient universe that could bury the entire epoch. It should not be underestimated.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, but he wanted to take action, because Chaos Burial Site had invaded the Pangu universe several times, and the Qin family, another branch of the First Emperor, was forced to stay on the ancient road of old origin for an epoch.

New hatred and old hatred are naturally not small.

However, on this occasion, in order to reconcile the grievances between the immortal kings of the Honghuang Immortal Realm, he was not easy to take action.

Soon after, a majestic aura quickly arrived, and it was indeed the giants of the foreign race, the Lord of Hongtian and the other two first-generation giants who appeared in person. There were three first-generation giants with terrible fighting power.

The three first-generation giants moved together, enough to pose a threat to anyone.

Ye Chen opened his eyes and gushed out a bright light, which can penetrate everything and shoot at the three big aliens of the first generation.

Lord Hongtian released the eternal might, shattering this gaze, staring at Ye Chen coldly, and said: "The Emperor Chaos, I didn't expect you to dare to appear."

Although he was an enemy, he would like to honor Ye Chen as the Emperor of Chaos, and admit that he was indeed qualified to be called the Emperor of Heaven.

Ye Chen said indifferently, "Why don't you dare to show up in front of me with the three hidden heads and bare tails? How can this seat dare not!"

In the Immortal King Ancestral Hall, the atmosphere was immediately cold to the extreme!

Lord Hongtian said coldly: "Emperor Chaos Heaven, if you want to fall here today, this seat can satisfy you!"


The three first-generation giants directly released the eternal power, and the entire Immortal King Ancestral Hall was majestic.

The eternal prestige collapsed directly, and Ye Chen's body was chaotic and surging, giving rise to the heavens, all realms, all things, all things, and everything. He laughed, and was very arrogant: "Just rely on your three wastes? I carry it. You can suppress it!"

In the Immortal King Ancestral Hall, the battle is about to start!

Boom boom boom boom boom

The immortal kings and tycoons of all parties immediately came forward to stop them, and finally Yan Xianzun, Wangu City Lord and other first-generation giants also stopped. Once there is a big battle, there is no need for the Wangu Conference.

The immortal king Hongtian activates the Immortal King’s Ancestral Hall, and immediately has an unimaginable power release. It is the supreme power left by the immortal ancestor in the past, and it is much more terrifying than the eternal prestige. Vaguely, the immortal ancestor seems Dormant here, you must recover at any time, overwhelming everything.

"Okay, I will give you fellow daoists a face and spare them once!"

Ye Chen is fierce and introverted, but no one can keep calm and smile bitterly. This Chaos Heavenly Emperor is much stronger than imagined!

The three giants of the first generation of foreign races snorted coldly, showing no fear at all, no fear of a battle.

In the ancestral hall of the immortal king, the giants of all parties and the immortal kings are here, but the real battle has not continued to break out, and this is the ancestral hall of the immortal king, the ancestral hall left by the immortal ancestor, even the first generation of giants must be blessed in awe here. The color.

After all, Immortal Ancestor is a powerful man who can compete with Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, and Universe Emperor.

The Eternal Conference was held in the prehistoric ancestral city, but the final Yan Xianzun who presided over the Eternal Conference, he glanced at all the giants present, and said: "Today you are summoned to come here, the purpose is to resolve this bloodstained era. Since the beginning After the burial master was born, although he was finally killed and perished, its ten heads of origin caused too much blood in the Chaos Sea. In less than a million years, there were many eternal giants perished. Everyone has huge casualties, even in the prehistoric immortal realm, I have also fallen for the immortal king. Today, all fellow Taoists come here with the same goal to solve the huge disaster of the blood-stained era. Now I am willing to start and stop responding to the prehistoric realm. The frantic scramble for the head of the Origin Burial Lord has brought the blood-stained era to an early end!"

These words have been recognized by many eternal giants and fairy kings.

Every day in the Blood-stained Era, even at the level of the eternal giants, it was not completely safe and sound. Even the ancient Chaos universe collapsed and caused incalculable huge casualties.

Now If the chaos can be calmed down and the turmoil of this blood-stained era can be calmed, it would be the best!

Immediately, each of the eternal giants expressed their attitude, which also represented the attitude of the ancient chaotic universe, and was willing to calm the turmoil.

"I disagree!"

However, the Alien Ancient Universe was the first to disagree. Hongtian Ruler stood up and said coldly: "Since the Bloodstained Era, the number of eternal giants in the Ancient Universe in our world has been damaged by nearly as many as their hands, and they have paid the greatest casualties. And basically because of the Emperor Chaos, if the ancient universe of ours is to agree, we must let the Emperor of Chaos release all the suppressed giants, and make himself in front of the ancient universe of ours, otherwise this matter will not be discussed! "

The tone of the alien race is very tough, making all the tycoons frowned, but they also understand the attitude of the alien race.

Because of the Chaos Emperor, the Alien Ancient Universe has really damaged too many giants of the ages, and the strong and invincible first-generation giant, who is as strong as the Emperor of Longevity, has also been broken, which is evident!

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, he had anticipated the attitude of the alien, and watched quietly without saying a word.

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