Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3997: Chaos

Ye Chen watched coldly, and the immortal kings who were familiar with him, such as Pan Dao and Hun Shi, said with a deep face: "In order to stop the war, the Emperor Chaos should be dictated by himself. Why do you have such qualifications! "

"Foreign race, I'm waiting to invite you to come to discuss letting go of the war, but you are asking others to die. It's too much."

The **** emperor also coldly snorted: "The tone is really not small, let the Chaos Emperor sacrifice himself in exchange for your peace, and it is me, the big deal is that the Chaos Sea will continue to chaos."

He is strong and domineering, not afraid of giants from all sides, and speaks bluntly.

However, after all, there were only a few people who helped Ye Chen speak, and everyone else either hoped or acquiesced, only hoping to end this blood-stained era quickly.

Although, later Yan Xianzun and Wangu City Lord also spoke, saying that this was unrealistic and could not end at the expense of others' lives, but there were also other first-generation giants who retorted.

Generally speaking, more than 70% of the giants in the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall hope to sacrifice Ye Chen in exchange for the peace of Chaos Sea.

God Emperor Son and Chu Shenjun looked at each other, and they were frightened and worried for Ye Chen.

It's a pity that people at their level are not qualified to give advice at all, and naturally they can't help Ye Chen.

Lord Hongtian sneered and said: "Emperor Chaos, how about it, now that the majority agrees to this, the minority obeys the majority, and you agree to it."

Sovereign Dahong and Sage Sovereign said: "Don't you see the current situation? If you can sacrifice you alone in exchange for the peace of the Chaos Sea, why not do it."

Emperor Taishi said: "I also think this decision is a good decision!"

The **** emperor looked at Ye Chen and said, "Emperor Chaos, you can't agree to this request."

"Divine Emperor, don't you want to see the calmness of Chaos Sea?" An eternal giant frowned. It was hard to get the decision that Chaos Sea can be calm, but now God Emperor wants to disrupt the situation.

The **** emperor said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, who dares to provoke this seat, directly kill it."

The Immortal King's Ancestral Hall was awe-inspiring, and they were all startled by the overbearing of the **** emperor.

But no one can refute, because the **** emperor does have this qualification. He is a giant of the world. In the past, even the saint ancestor and the warrior against the sky had fought for the front and defeated the first generation giants, showing unparalleled combat power. , Without fear of everything.

And he didn't leave too many enemies, not like Ye Chen.

If you really want to invade the ancient chaotic universe dominated by the **** emperor, the powerful chaotic ancient universe like the chaotic burial ground, you must be afraid of several points.

After a long silence, Ye Chen glanced at the giants, especially those who agreed with the eternal giants. No one dared to face him squarely. At this time, he indifferently said: "If this is the case, let the Chaos Sea continue to be **** and chaotic."




The faces of the giants of all parties changed suddenly.

One of the first generation giants said: "The Emperor Chaos, are you trying to be an enemy of the entire Chaos Sea? You have to think twice!"

"Hahaha" God Emperor laughed loudly, "This is the power that the Emperor Chaos should have!"

Hongtian ruled indifferently: "Emperor Chaos, if you really decide like this, then if you stand on the opposite side of everyone, then Pangu Universe will also be implicated by you. Do you have to decide like this? "

"You have to know that you are not truly invincible, even if the emperor of the year is already like this. If you object, everyone here will rise up and attack, even though you may have a chance to escape, but you think Pangu behind Can the universe escape?"

"Do you really hope that the Pangu universe will be destroyed because of you?"

"You have to know that Pangu universe is your mother realm ancient universe. Do you really want to be so selfish, for your own selfish desires, do you hesitate to make Pangu universe suffer a great crisis?"

He does not hesitate to threaten with Pangu universe!

The expressions of all the immortal kings present here were dazzling, the foreign races are damning every word!

Maybe the Chaos Emperor is really ruthless to the outside world, but will he be ruthless to the Pangu universe?


Everyone is convinced that even if the Emperor Chaos is indifferent and ruthless, he is still full of emotions for the Pangu universe. Otherwise, with his power, he should not continue to stay in the Pangu universe, but should join the prehistoric world and use his power. , Can become the uncrowned emperor of the prehistoric world.

If the ancestor does not come out, who will fight for it?

But Chaos Tiandi did not like this, but continued to stay in the Pangu universe, explaining everything!

On the throne, Ye Chen's eyes flickered, seemingly struggling.

"Emperor Chaos!" The **** emperor yelled.

Familiar immortal kings such as the Final Yan Immortal Clan, Eternal City Lord, Hunshi Immortal King, and Pandao Immortal King also looked at Ye Chen.


Suddenly, Ye Chen stood up from the throne and said, "You are right!"

He walked out slowly, and every step he took was enough to shake the entire Immortal King Ancestral Hall.

And as he stepped forward step by step, the chaotic heavenly power on him also rose steadily, and in the end, it turned into a terrifying chaotic storm, surging out.

The look of the giants of all parties changed, and they were so powerful. Is this the power of the Chaos Emperor?

"The Emperor Chaos, what do you want to do?"

The expressions of the three giants of the first generation of the alien ancient universe, such as the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of the Sky, changed. Because Ye Chen was walking towards where they were, the might of Chaos slammed into the three of them.

"You are not wrong at all. If the Pangu Universe is implicated because of this, it is not what I want." Ye Chen looked directly at the three first-generation giants.

Lord Hongtian waited for a look of joy and said: "If you are willing to judge yourself, I am willing to give up targeting Pangu universe for an era."

"No, you all misunderstood." Ye Chen said, but his voice fell indifferently for an instant, with endless murderous intent: "I don't like others to threaten me. Since you want to threaten me, you also said that you must Self-decision, otherwise it will be implicated in Pangu In order to prevent Pangu Universe from being implicated, I'm sorry, I can only kill you!"

The words stayed, Ye Chen shot.

Everything ahead is shattered and unstoppable!

The ancestral hall of the Immortal King was shaking, shaking, and countless secret patterns of the Immortal King emerged for blessing.

Otherwise, with Ye Chen's surpassing power, a mere immortal king's ancestral hall would not be able to withstand his majestic prestige, and only this ancient hall left by the immortal ancestor, imprinted with the immortal ancestor's great power, can withstand it.

But even so, the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall is also trembling, and it even affects the outside world's prehistoric ancestral city. The first city of the prehistoric immortal world is trembling. The outside world does not know how many immortal king domains and the land of the immortal domain, there are It is full of terror and extreme depression.

Hundreds of millions of stars exploded out of thin air, countless visions, the mighty and wild fairy world, and attracted the attention of infinite sentient beings.

A supreme immortal and quasi-immortal king was alarmed, even some ancient immortal kings who had never been here were also surprised.

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