Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3998: All over the world

"The eternal meeting in the ancient city is not harmonious. An eternal level is about to occur. No, is it a battle of the first generation?"

In a secret territory of the immortal world, hundreds of millions of immortal mountains lie across, and the existence of a first-generation immortal who has been dormant for multiple epochs is shocked. Looking at the desolate ancestral city, he senses the unspeakable supreme aura.

The Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of the Sky are all the first-generation giants. They have first-class natural response capabilities. They shot at the first time. The three attacked together and strongly collided with Ye Chen, and they coldly shouted: "You are indeed very strong in the battle. , But if I wait for three people, I can also kill you!"


A powerful collision between the overlord of the Chaos Sea and the three first-generation giants was so amazing that it could easily destroy the primitive world of Chaos, and even caused an immeasurable impact on an ancient Chaos universe.

The Immortal King's Ancestral Hall was shocked, as if it was about to explode. At the critical moment, the Immortal Ancestor's Dao pattern shone, and there was a loud noise, as if the Immortal Ancestor was reviving, operating the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall, suppressing all the energy of destruction.

Even so, there are signs of cracking.

After all, it is not the deity of the immortal ancestor, but just an ancient temple left by the past.

"Everyone, please stop, and discuss something!"

Immortal King Hongtian spoke, wanting to stop it.

Final Yan Xianzun and Wangu City Lord also spoke, ready to intervene.


The three giants of the first generation of foreign races were shocked and retreated.

Ye Chen also stepped back a few steps, but there was no injury.

With one enemy and three, and the three first-generation giants, he did not lose the wind, his combat power once again shocked all parties!

Ye Chen was astonished. He didn't expect that this Immortal King Ancestral Hall could withstand the offensive of the four of them.

"Everyone, please take action. Kill the Chaos Heavenly Emperor. My alien ancient universe will surely abide by the promise and eliminate the blood chaos, and anyone who takes action, whether it is an individual or the Chaos Ancient Universe represented by it, will receive the ancient universe of our world. Friendship." Hongtian dominates roaring, and is inspiring all the giants to attack Ye Chen.

I have to say that although it is just a verbal promise, many giants are quite excited.

After all, no one wants to easily become an enemy of the ancient alien universe, and also hopes to put down the blood chaos and return to the peaceful years.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold and indifferent. He swept to all sides and said, "You guys, you have to think about it. Once you make a move, you will become an enemy of the Emperor Chaos. If you want to think about the consequences, you want to kill me, but that's not the case. It's so easy, not to mention that if I don't die, I will directly turn into the biggest source of blood chaos in the Chaos Sea. Anyone who shoots will definitely get revenge!"

Hearing that, the titans of all parties are terrified.

Offending the Chaos Emperor, the consequences would be extremely terrifying.

Just as the Chaos Heaven Emperor said, it would be fine if he perishes, but if he does not die, once the revenge, there are a few people and forces in the entire Chaos Sea who can afford it.

Saint Dahong said: "Don't worry, everyone, this time the Saint King will definitely die."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Does it depend on the three of you? One to one, I can suppress it by raising my hand."

The tone is calm and strong. The so-called first-generation giants are in his eyes, but so.

Of course, no one dared to refute, because he was qualified to speak like this. In the past, he had cut two first-generation giants in a single day, and the **** emperor in the field was only defeated, and he had never killed a real first-generation giant.

Hongtian ruled: "Emperor Chaos, although you are very strong, you have not yet reached the level of the emperor. What's more, even if you are as strong as the emperor, you are not trapped in the long river of years by the masters of the ancient universe in our world. You must die today!"




The three giants of the first generation of foreign races attacked together, and they all killed Ye Chen.

"Everyone, please take action today, and be the Emperor of Chaos Chaos today. Even if he does not die in the future, the ancient universe of our world can keep you safe, and give a generous gift. The classics left by the first generation can be viewed for 100,000 years! "

The Sovereign of Sorrow attacked Ye Chen and promised.

It has to be said that this has tempted many giants. The first generation is one of the overlords of the Chaos Sea. Its realm is so high that no one can reach it, and it is very likely to be a half-step eternal existence.

The preciousness of the books he left behind may allow one to get a glimpse of the eternal realm, which is probably not worse than the head of the original burial owner.

Right now, the look towards Ye Chen was also a little different, with a bit of killing intent.

Ye Chen clearly felt all this, his expression was slightly sinking, and the foreign race's trick of lure was not ordinary skillful, enticing all the giants to jointly attack him.


An eternal giant took the lead, looked at Ye Chen indifferently, and said: "Sorry, the fighting king, I can only wrong you."




In the blink of an eye, three eternal giants joined hands and rushed towards Ye Chen.

The Immortal Ancestor's secret pattern in the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall has fully recovered, and at this moment it rises to resist the waves of destruction by the giants of all parties.

"The trivial three eternal giants dare to attack this seat?" Ye Chen stood his eyes, and after colliding with the three first-generation giants such as Hongtian Master, he immediately turned around and evolved the Chaos Heavenly Emperor body to counterattack the three eternal giants.


However, there are a total of six eternal giants joined the camp, a total of nine eternal giants chose to attack Ye Chen, defuse his fierce offensive.

Ye Chen is indeed very strong. Even if he is not the real Chaos Sea Overlord, he is quite close to the Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, and other ancient overlord levels. Even the first generation giants can kill.

However, the nine magnates of the ages, united with each other, their power is extremely terrifying, as strong as Ye Chen and cannot be suppressed.

What's more, on the other side, there are three great aliens of the first generation, including the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of Sky.

"Okay, really good!"

Ye Chen rushed into the crown. He didn't expect that the alien race would actually attract other eternal giants to take action, nor did he expect that he was so unpopular. These eternal giants would rather take revenge by him.

It's just that he is really a good persimmon when he is the Emperor Chaos?

Although it has only risen for hundreds of thousands of, it is far less than a fraction of an epoch, but the record of hundreds of thousands of years since his debut is enough to prove his invincibility.

At this moment, under the furious rage, countless chaotic lights burst out from the heavenly spirit cover, creating a variety of extremely terrifying visions in the sky, like an absolute world of metaplasia, dominating one party.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoists of the Primordial Immortal Realm, I have to take action today!"

Ye Chen said apologetically, and then there was a long roar, and the Great Chaos Cauldron flew out and fell under his feet. On top of his head, an incomparably majestic and stunning universe appeared, but it was extremely solid, as if it were real forever. , It is the projection of the small chaotic universe.

At this moment, he stepped on the great chaotic cauldron, and the small chaotic universe above his head, like the lord of eternity, released the most astonishing power and directly shook the entire prehistoric immortal world.

"Even if you choose to kill me, then my Chaos Heavenly Emperor will directly become the biggest source of blood chaos today!"

Ye Chen declared, shaking the Chaos Sea, but also shaking the past, present and future.

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