Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4001: Master of the first generation giant-Mo Daozi


The chaotic blood exploded, and Ye Chen was under siege. After all, he was as powerful as he could not be truly invincible, half of the chaotic saint exploded, and the blood burst.

But taking this opportunity, he successfully broke through the interception of the three big aliens of the first generation, rushed to the gate of the immortal immortal world leading to the Pangu universe, and was about to cross and return to the Pangu universe.

Silently, he was suddenly terrified, and there was a deep crisis in his mind.

what happened?

Ye Chen saw it silently, and there was a figure standing on the sect of the immortal Dao, but compared with the immortal sect of the sky, it looked small and dusty, and even he did not pay much attention to it.

But it was such a person, very ordinary, very thin, and the moment Ye Chen grinned at Ye Chen, Ye Chen only felt his horror.

As if being caught by the most terrifying murderer in the world.

"Battle Saint King, no, Chaos Emperor, this deity can wait for you for a long time!"

The seemingly weak person opened his mouth, and then appeared in front of Ye Chen from the front of the immortal gate clan, and slammed his fist.

It was the moment that a seemingly fluttering fist blasted over, Ye Chen only felt as if his whole body exploded. This was a feeling that he had never felt after becoming a giant.

It's not easy for this person to feel like this. Who is it?

Ye Chen didn't dare to be careless, swinging the chaos holy fist and colliding with it.


When the two collided, the terrifying force escaped, causing a great earthquake in the prehistoric immortal realm, which directly collapsed the immortal light curtain released by the immortal king's imprint. A dozen immortal realms in a radius of more than a dozen celestial domains directly sank. The existence of the supreme level was also instantly turned into ashes.


Ye Chen's arm broke, his fist burst open, and that fist hit his chest directly, and he pierced the front and back with a chuckle.

With endless chaotic blood light, Ye Chen's figure flew upside down, looking at this person with a slightly changed look.

"Emperor Chaos? But so, do you dare to dominate Chaos Sea?"

The mysterious man sneered, full of merciless ridicule.

In the prehistoric immortal realm, the giants of all parties were also shocked. How sacred this person was, he defeated the invincible Emperor Chaos in a frontal battle.

It's incredible!

It should be noted that in the past few years, Ye Chen has had no success since becoming a giant of the ages.

Now, a mysterious person who turned out to make the Chaos Heavenly Emperor who was able to kill the first generation giants also fly backwards, what kind of strength should it be?

"Master, you are finally here!"

Hongtian ruled, and when this name came out, it shocked all parties.

The mysterious man is actually the master of Hongtian?

You know, Hongtian ruler is the first generation giant. The invincible powerhouse that emerged in the early days of Chaos Sea has swept the invincible and it is difficult to find an opponent. So how terrible is it to teach a mysterious man of the first generation giant?

"I have seen Senior Demon Daozi!"

The two great alien first-generation giants, Dahong Shengzun and Kong Zhizun, spoke.


"This name is very unfamiliar. I have never heard of such a person in the Chaos Sea."

Many giants shook their heads, the title of Mo Daozi is too unfamiliar. Even though many giants of the ages have survived for multiple eras, they are knowledgeable, but at this moment they have never heard of this name.

However, Zongyan Xianzun, the Lord of the Ancient City and the many early-generation giants present showed a shocked expression: "Modaozi? It turned out to be him, still alive?"

Perhaps for now, the name of Mo Daozi has never been heard before, but in those distant years, dating back to the early days of the Chaos Sea, the name of Mo Daozi is like thunder and initiation. It is a powerful shock to all parties. Who does not know, who People don't know.

In the early days of Chaos Sea, Mo Daozi represented the invincibility of Chaos Sea.

At that time, the origin holy clan ruled the Chaos Sea, the emperor did not come out, and the first generation did not appear. Mo Daozi became a generation of giants early, and he was respected by the magic way, slaughtered the Quartet, the methods were cruel, and the strength was strong. The clan is also afraid of a few points, not willing to provoke it easily.

Later, it was suspected that Mo Daozi killed an eternal tycoon of the Origin Saint Clan, and finally caused the Origin Saint Clan's ancestor to personally take action and kill him.

However, now that Mo Daozi reappears in the human world, it is enough to show that the ancestor of the origin holy race did not succeed in killing Mo Daozi.

The **** emperor squinted his eyes, he could feel the power of Mo Daozi, and he also felt a great threat, but he was also curious that the Chaos Emperor was so strong that he shouldn't be so fragile that he would be destroyed and decayed.

Mo Daozi's figure seemed to be thin, but his thin body contained unimaginable power. He buckled Ye Chen's smashed body halfway around his neck, tilted his mind, and threw a handful of them in the crowd. His face was full of sarcasm, and said: "The Chaos Emperor? He is too weak to be called the Emperor, die!"

The palm of his hand slammed into force, and a force enough to make any tycoon's heart throbbed out of his palm, and immediately exploded the remaining half of the chaotic body of Ye Chen.


The sentient beings are shocked, and the power of the devil is so terrifying!

Invincible is like the Emperor of Chaos, and even today, he has no choice but to end in such a bleak condition, which makes people sigh.

Master Hongtian was very excited: "Master is mighty. Although the son of Chaos Heavenly Emperor is young, he has paid a great price to the ancient universe of our world. Now, once your old man takes action, no matter how strong this son is, he will not escape death!"

Dahong Sage and Kongzhi Sovereign said: "The predecessor of Mo Daozi's magic power is overwhelming, even the Chaos Emperor!"

They were also sighing in their hearts. Dealing with the Chaos Emperor was better than the three of them. It was just a fight. However, when the Mo Daozi took action today, he directly showed an invincible posture of destruction and standing.

Now as long as you catch the opponent's eternal soul, refine it, you can successfully kill it.

Suddenly, Mo Daozi let out a surprise.

"Senior Mo Daozi, what's the matter?" Dahong Sovereign and Kongzhi Sovereign were unclear.

The Lord of Hongtian was also quite It was strange, the soul of this son, the deity could not sense the true and accurate position for a while. "Mo Daozi frowned.

Hongtian ruled: "Maybe Master, you accidentally smashed the eternal soul of the eternal soul of the emperor Chaos to smash too much, causing it to be too scattered. Everywhere is the location of the eternal soul of the eternal soul of the emperor."

The holy priest of the sky said: "What the Hongtian Daoist said is very true."

Mo Daozi shook his head: "No, it's not that his Eternal Soul is too shattered, but that it cannot be sensed at all, as if it is completely destroyed!"

The three first-generation giants of the foreign race were stunned, and at this moment they couldn't help but frown.

They had to admit the power of Mo Daozi, but no matter how strong it was, it was impossible to completely annihilate the eternal soul of the Chaos Emperor.

No matter how unbearable the Emperor Chaos is, he can still rival the three of them alone!

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