Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4002: Ye Chendie?

Moreover, the most weird thing is that the Emperor Chaos is clearly broken to pieces, but the small chaotic universe above always exists, lying here, never disintegrating and floating with it, with a bit of strange color.

   "This cosmic phantom is a bit strange." Mo Daozi frowned, always feeling that the cosmic phantom was strangely solid.

   Could it be that the eternal soul of the Emperor Chaos could not be sensed because of the phantom of the universe?

   At this point, Mo Daozi punched, punched, and banged with a loud bang, blasting into the phantom of the chaotic small universe, with an immeasurable majesty, enough to severely damage and even blow up an eternal giant.


  Mawei is the world!

   Visible to the naked eye, the phantom of the small chaotic universe was directly plunged into darkness.

   Around this center, the vast immortal realm that does not know how many billions of miles is directly collapsed, and the supreme immortal who occupies the immortal realm has also been greatly affected.

   That was just the influence of Yu Wei, it was never a real hit, but it contained an unimaginable power.

   boom boom boom boom boom

   The eleven supreme immortals entrenched in these many immortal realms, they also exploded with the collapse of the immortal realm, their bodies were broken to pieces, and the blood was spilled on the nine heavens and ten places.

   There are two of them, and the existence of the quasi-immortal king remains the same.

   Destroy withered!

  Even, Yu Weibo reached the land of the Immortal King Territory at the core edge of the prehistoric immortal world.


   A fairy king roared and was affected.

The immortal king who is as powerful as him, the existence of the eternal giant level is just the lingering power of Mo Daozi's punch. I don’t know how many billions of miles away, he is just a little closer. At this moment His body was stained with blood, his skin was open and fleshy, and the immortal Immortal King's body couldn't bear it. The surface of the body showed terrible cracks, and the blood of the Immortal King was dripping.

   The sentient beings are awe-inspiring, and the eternal giants are also changing.

   is too strong, is this Mo Daozi?

   In the legend, the demon master who can teach the first generation of giants!

   After the power of destruction slowly dissipated, but the most eerie scene appeared, the small chaotic universe above the head was still there, standing still, as if it existed forever.


   Hongtian ruler was shocked, and couldn't believe what happened before him.

  Similarly, the two great alien first-generation giants such as Dahong Shengzun and Kong Zhizun couldn't believe this scene.

That's the devil. Looking at the entire alien ancient universe, it can be regarded as one of the highest existences. The Lord of Hongtian must be called the enemyless object of the master of the sound. This kind of punch is enough to blow a game giant, and it can't crush the universe. Phantom?

Mo Daozi frowned as he looked at the phantom of this small chaotic universe, but he was a little puzzled. His eyes were shining like a hot magic sun, shining the most terrifying magic light, and he looked at the phantom of the small chaotic universe, and he was trying. See through it.

   But what changed his expression slightly is that he actually discovered that he could not penetrate this chaotic little universe phantom!


  His cultivation base is superb, his eyes can see everything in the world, there can be nothing to shield him, even the chaotic ancient universe.

   "The deity does not believe that you can still bear the deity's second blow!"

   Mo Daozi snorted coldly, this time he was also angry, waved the magic fist, the eruption of power was even greater than the previous one, and it could directly hit the level of the first generation giant.

   The great quake in the desolate immortal world seems to be because of the fist of Mo Daozi.

   "Madaozi, enough, do you really think this is the territory of your alien ancient universe? The immortal world cannot be destroyed!"

   Final Yan Xianzun coldly drank, his eyes shining like the sun on the vast immortal world, shot to stop the demon Daozi, with the power of the infinite immortal king, turned into a galaxy-like rainbow light, slashing towards the demon Daozi.

   "You are a mere magnate of the first generation, and you can't stop the deity." Mo Daozi said indifferently, shattering all the rainbow lights of the galaxy in a single thought, and the magic fist blasted towards the chaotic small universe.


   Finally Yan Xianzun shouted, and a majestic ancient city appeared above his head. It resonated with him, and it also released the imprints of many eternal avenues, just like an eternal giant standing by his side, fighting with him.

   "Eternal Ancient City!"

  Mo Daozi was surprised. The Eternal City was so famous that he had also heard of it. It was one of the strongest ancient cities that could be compared with the Primordial Ancestral City. It was even stronger than many Eternal Warriors.

   It’s just that, shouldn’t Wangu City half collapse in the battle of Origin Burial Lord?

   Now, it is complete, and it seems that it has been repaired.

   However, who on earth did the restoration? One has to know that the Eternal City is much more amazing than the Eternal Taoist soldiers. It really needs to be restored, and it is by no means as simple as imagined.


  Zun Yan Xianzun topped Eternal City on his head, released the mighty power of the world, shattered Eternal City into the sky, and lowered pressure from the sky to Mo Daozi, trying to stop him from making this punch, and even suppress him.

   Even if the distance between the two is more than hundreds of millions of miles, or even almost half of the prehistoric world, but I really think that these distances are far away in front of this existence.

   "Finally, let's deal with you!"

  The three great alien first-generation giants, including the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of the Sky, rushed past and wanted to stop.

   "You don't need you, the deity can do it by yourself!"

   Demon Daozi opened his mouth, his expression condensed, as strong as he did not dare to be careless at this moment, a magic fist blasted towards the phantom of the chaotic universe, and the other hand turned into a great hand, facing the shock!

   The vacuum is annihilated for thousands of miles!

   All beings are terrified!

   Visible to the naked eye, no less than a huge eternal city like a fairyland, originally descending from the sky to look straight, at this moment, it stopped abruptly.

  Mo Daozi actually stopped the suppression of the Eternal City, with just one hand, it was alive to hold up the Eternal City, and he couldn't drop a bit!

   That is the eternal city, known as the first city of eternity, an immortal ancient city that can be compared with the ancestral city of the primordial ancestors, was actually held up by a hand by Mo Such power shocked the world.

   At the very least, even if the first generation giants face it, they have to be frightened by a few points. Once the ancient town is suppressed, it is as strong as this to exist, and there is the possibility of being refined.

   "Oh, although the Eternal City is strong, but you can't fully use the power of the Eternal City, how can you threaten the deity!" Mo Daozi said coldly.

   At the same time, the magic fist tore everything apart and fell on the phantom of the small chaotic universe. The phantom of the small chaotic universe was shaken and faltered, as if it could not bear it and exploded.

   Just when everyone thought that the small chaotic universe would not be able to bear it this time, and would inevitably explode, suddenly, the small chaotic universe was trembling violently, and a deep black hole appeared out of thin air.

   Immediately saw a fist sweeping through the vast chaotic light suddenly stretched out and collided with the magic fist head-on.


   The magic light and the chaotic light exploded, like the collision of the two masters of the universe, terrifying, and straight to tear open the infinite time and space of the fairy world.

"Huh?" Mo Daozi showed a strange color, and his expression changed slightly, because the power of the fist swept by the chaotic light was increasing sharply in the blink of an eye, and it was slowly overwhelming his own demon. Above the punch, the castration was greatly reduced, and there was even an impulse to be reversed.

   Such a terrifying power, I don’t know how many eras I have never felt before.

   Mo Daozi was surprised.


   The black hole continued to expand, and slowly, it was seen that an unparalleled figure leaped out of the Chaos Emperor!

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