Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4003: The situation reversed

All parties are shocked!

  Isn't the Emperor Chaos broken to pieces? Why did it appear in the phantom of the small chaotic universe.

   Ye Chen reappeared in the prehistoric immortal world, and fisted with Mo Daozi fist and fist, did not let the wind fall, and even faintly gained the upper hand.

   "Are you not dead?" Mo Daozi frowned.

   Ye Chen said lightly: "You can't kill me."

   "Impossible, you understand that if you have been crushed by the eternal body by the master, how can you be safe!" Dahong Lord did not believe it, all that was clearly visible.

Ye Chen glanced at him and said indifferently: "It's just my external incarnation, otherwise, what about the three of you, even if you add nine eternal giants? Do you really think that you can completely damage me with your strength? "


   Thorough contempt!

Don’t mention how ugly the expressions of the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, the Lord of the Sky, and the nine eternal giants are so ugly. They combined the power of twelve people and thought that they could completely injure the Emperor Chaos. At first, the match against them was just an external incarnation.

Of course, they don’t know. Even if it’s just an external avatar, it was Ye Chen who briefly combined the giant chaos body and the spirit of the chaos emperor into one, so that the power of deity soared to the level of the deity, otherwise it would be difficult to be alone. Contend against the three first-generation giants and the nine eternal giants.

   And Ye Chen's deity looked down at all of this from the Chaos Little Universe, with the purpose of confuse the other party and also looking for an opportunity to break the deadlock.

   It's a pity that Mo Daozi appeared before he could tell, and wanted to take action against his chaotic universe.

  Note that even if it is only a projection, it is a projection that is almost fully visible. Half of the chaotic universe contains projections. Only then has the projection been so powerful and unmatched, as strong as a demon that can't be broken with a punch.

   Of course, the strength of Mo Daozi's second punch made Ye Chen also feel threatened. In the event of a last resort, the deity can only take action, otherwise once the projection is destroyed, I am afraid that the chaotic universe will also be greatly turbulent!

   "It's you!" Ye Chen glanced at Mo Daozi and said, "It's really strong!"

   Demon Daozi is the second existence that can give him a sense of threat besides the divine emperor.

   is very strong!

   I have to admit this!

   "As expected to be known as the Chaos Emperor, and able to kill the first generation giants, your strength is indeed beyond the expectations of the deity." Mo Daozi sighed.

"You are also beyond my expectation, but I didn't expect you to exist in the alien race. I thought there would be only one ancestor." Ye Chen also sighed, the background of the alien ancient universe is more than his own. His imagination is even more unfathomable.

   He doesn't know whether there is still such a terrible existence as the Demon Daozi in the ancient alien universe.

   For the first time, he felt more jealous of the ancient alien universe, and he also paid more attention to the tenth chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea.

   It seems that in these ten thousand years, he has been so smooth, that he has now somewhat despised the ancient alien universe, which is not acceptable.

   A demon master almost let him preach, besides, there are even more terrifying ancestors who have to pay attention.

   Ye Chen and Mo Daozi looked at each other. If they weren't enemies, they might have a chance to become confidants.

   After all, there are too few people who can reach their level, and there are only a handful of them!

   "Unfortunately, you must die today!" Mo Daozi said.

   "You are the one who must die!" Ye Chen said, fighting power exploded. On one side, the chaotic holy fist aimed at the magic fist, and on the other hand, he rushed towards Eternal City.

   "Senior, please borrow Eternal City for a use!" Ye Chen conveyed a voice to Zunyan Xianzun and Eternal City Lord.

"it is good!"

   The two agreed, the lord of Eternal City taught the method of controlling Eternal City, and finally Yan Xianzun released the control of Eternal City.

   Ye Chen, who is the person, completely mastered the method of controlling the Eternal City in an instant, took over the Eternal City with a large hand, and in an instant, released the majestic and endless chaotic power, and submerged in the Eternal City.


  Eternal Ancient City, although it is under the control of Eternal Ancient City Lord, it is too strong to fully use its full power. It is affected by the eternal imprint of the giants of all parties, among them, the alien giants can only play half of it.

   However, Ye Chen now controls the Eternal City, branding it with its supreme Chaos Giant Avenue imprint, covering the several foreign giants in Eternal City, directly shattering, and completely mastering the Eternal City.

  Eternal Ancient City, the first city of all ages has completely revived, unleashing the strongest power that has never existed in the past and present, directly soaring, and turning into a vast and boundless Immortal King Realm, descending from the sky and pressing against the demon.


   The Eternal City, which was originally held by the hands of the Demon Daozi, was pressed down again at this moment.

  The power of infinity, it is like the giants of the ages and the present work together to hold the Eternal City and put pressure on the magic path.

   Mo Daozi's expression changed, and Ye Chen now has a tendency to slowly suppress him!

   He suddenly became so strong!

Especially that Eternal City has become the most terrifying weapon of suppression. It is as powerful as him. At this moment, the demon hand held up also begins to crack, dripping drops of demon blood, and it is also slowly falling, and it is impossible to hold it again. stand up.


   The three first-generation giants, the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of the Sky, rushed over immediately, wanting to help the Demon Daozi.

   In addition, the nine giants of the ages are the same.

   But I really thought that the final Yan Xianzun and others would ignore it. He and the Eternal City Lord came, and a first-generation giant-level Xianzun also joined them, intercepting the three big aliens.

   As for the nine giants, many immortal kings from the prehistoric fairy world took action to stop them.

   There are other first-generation giants who want to assist the alien side, but the **** emperor has exploded with infinite combat power and reversed it.

   The absolutely disadvantaged situation, at this moment, gradually began to reverse to Ye Chen's side.

   Ye Chen slowly suppressed Mo Daozi, and said: "Foreign race, you still have to lose in the end, even if you have more conspiracies, it won't work."

It’s just that Mo Daozi coldly snorted: "The Emperor of You are indeed stronger than the deity imagined, but don’t think that you can check and balance me in the prehistoric world. Don’t forget that there is Pangu universe. !"

   In the sea of ​​chaos, many eternal giants of different races moved together, and even the first generation giants set off and madly attacked Pangu Pass. By this moment, most of Pangu Pass had been broken, and many giants of foreign races were about to enter it.

  Furthermore, several emperors from the Chaos Burial Ground also participated, showing terrifying combat power.

   The Immortal King's Law Body, and even the Human Sovereign were bloody.

   The situation in the Pangu universe is very bad.

   Hongtian Lord laughed, arrogantly: "Emperor Chaos, no matter how powerful you are, starting today, Pangu universe will once again become a victim of our ancient universe!"

   Ye Chen's mouth suddenly raised a sneer arc: "Do you really think so?"

   For some reason, seeing Ye Chen's weird smile, the first generation giants of the foreign race always had a bad feeling.

   It is clear that there is a great situation in front of us, and the Pangu universe is about to be broken. Why does it still feel like this?

   Their eyebrows are also beating constantly, and the bad premonition is getting stronger.

   Mo Daozi said: "The Emperor Chaos, you give up. At this time, Pangu Universe will only be annihilated!"

"Is it!"

   A voice suddenly sounded, and the Chaos Sea exploded directly. A strong figure suddenly appeared, and an unparalleled huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi picture fell from the sky.

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