Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4004: Pangu's giants return


   Many eternal giants on the alien side were blown off.



   There was also a golden fist, which shattered the boundless Chaos Sea at the same time with a halberd, and exploded two foreign giants, two unparalleled warriors of the world, slowly appearing, king of Chaos Sea.

   "The courage of the foreign race is really not small. I dare to make shots again and again while I am not waiting. Do you really think that Pangu universe is good or bad?"

   The chaotic sea sky, out of thin air, is now the strongest emperor flame that is endless, even the giants of the ages can burn, and the smashing blows caused many giants of the foreign race and the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground to regress steadily.

  Four invincible figures appeared in front of Pangu Pass in an instant, and the four energies erupted in the chaotic sea wantonly, stirring up the Liuhe Bahuang!

  The broken Pangu closed, and the human emperor's always solemn face also showed a smile: "You are finally willing to come back!"

   "Yeah, if we don't come back, Pangu universe will be crippled, how can we be willing to do it!" The invincible giant who is trapped in the Yin Yang Tai Chi picture smiled lightly, revealing his true face, and he is indeed the Supreme Emperor.

  Beside him, three giants such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Battle Lord, and Yan Di also appeared!

   The four giants of the Pangu universe that have disappeared since the end of the ancient road of origin after the first battle, return!

   Ye Chen’s Immortal King’s Dharma Bodhisattva said: "Welcome the return of the four seniors!"

   The Sea of ​​Chaos is quake!

   In the wild fairy world, the giants change their colors.

   At the critical moment, the great magnates such as Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Guardian Warlord, and Yan Di suddenly returned, which really surprised them.

  Who would have thought that even at the beginning of the Bloodstained Era, the most dangerous stage of the Pangu universe, the four people who had never appeared would choose to appear at this time.

   Hongtian Lord's expression changed drastically, with a trace of disbelief: "Impossible, how could you possibly be able to return? Aren't you trapped in an eternal unknown place?"

   Hearing about the eternal unknown place, all the giants of all parties have changed their colors, because they know exactly what kind of place the eternal unknown place is, which makes the eternal giants and even the first generation giants extremely jealous, and even a place of fear.

  Instructions, as long as anyone who can become an eternal tycoon is not a true peerless, talented person is difficult to find in the past and the present, and it is difficult to find one or two people in an era, and often it is not always possible that one person can be born in an era.

   Such characters should be fearless forever, but who can they be frightened?

   However, the eternal unknown place is just such a place.

   It is a secret realm of Chaos Sea, and it is the secret realm of the "Forty-Nine Fairy Pass". It is a secret realm rumored to fall from the place of origin.

   Rumors, in the eternal unknown place, also contains the immortal secret of the realization of "eternity".

   But once you fall into an eternal unknown place, no matter how powerful you are, you can never return.

   Throughout the ages, there have been many giants who have gone forever to explore the eternal and unknown places, and there has been no news in the world.

   Among them, there is no lack of the existence of the first-generation giants.

   Over time, even the eternal giants will regard the eternally unknown place as a forbidden place.

After the burial owner of Origin was killed and killed, the four giants of the Pangu universe, such as Taishenghuang, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Guardian, and Yandi, disappeared at the same time. Even in the blood-stained era, Pangu universe was in the most difficult years. Never returned, in the final analysis is trapped in a strange place-an eternal unknown place!

  Naturally, there is no other race behind the push, among them, many foreign tycoons moved quietly and quietly took action when dealing with the origin burial owner.

"You can come out of the eternal unknown!?" An emperor in the Chaos Burial Ground spoke gloomily, with a trace of condensed color, but also shook his head: "This is impossible, but if you enter the eternal unknown It’s impossible for people in this place to leave alive."

   Not to mention that the emperor giants in the Chaos Burial Ground think like that, even other eternal giants are the same.

   The eternal unknown place is full of mystery and unknown. Anyone who enters will never return, including the first generation giants.

I really want to fall into the eternal unknown land that is now the three unknown places in the Chaos Sea. The giants of all parties do not think that the fighting ancestors and others can return, even if they all recognize the power and strength of the fighting ancestors and others. Invincible, far better than the average eternal giant, but I don't think it can be done.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor glanced, and several emperors in Chaos Burial Ground said indifferently: "Do you really think that these people are the weak people like you and Chaos Burial Ground?"

   His words are very strong, and he directly treats Chaos Burial Ground as a weak person. Even if Chaos Burial Ground has many emperor-class magnates, he never really put it in his eyes.

   The several emperors of Chaos Burial Ground had a gloomy expression, and they gave a cold snort, but did not speak any more, because they were indeed quite afraid of the strength of the fighting ancestor.

   claimed to have the highest attack power of Chaos Sea, but in fact, it has been proved that he is only a strong or weak existence compared to the **** emperor.

   Tai Sage Emperor smiled lightly: "Foreign race, do you really think that you were able to plunge me and the others into an eternal unknown place back then? But I don't know, it was actually done by the four of us deliberately."


   Hongtian Master and the others changed their expressions, but the Taishenghuang and others did it deliberately?

   Why do they do this?

   Entering the eternal unknown is extremely dangerous.

   Tai Sheng Huang smiled mysteriously, without explaining.

   Within the realm of the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, Ye Chen smiled. Over the past ten thousand years, people from the outside really thought he couldn't contact Taishenghuang and others.

   Ever since he swallowed the first ancestor of the Celestial Race and suppressed the Empress of the Longevity God, he can reach the sky with a single thought and communicate everything in the dark.

   What's more, in the past few years, Qianxun and the others have left, saying that it was experience, in order to go further, but in the final analysis, the main purpose is to find Taishenghuang and others.

   It is true that the Taishenghuang and others have disappeared over the years. It seems that they disappear without a trace, but it is impossible to disappear completely. Through all kinds of things, Ye Chen knows that they have entered the eternal unknown land and involve the biggest secret.

   is also only as strong as Ye Chen, who is almost a supreme overlord, and is a chaotic giant, can they sense their existence secretly, break through all taboos, and communicate.

   Over the past ten thousand years, the four giants, Taishenghuang, have been conspiring with a shocking event that can be turbulent for eternity, and it will change the color of anyone.

   There is only one explanation for their return, which is to prove that this matter has been completed, and the corresponding effect will happen soon.

   also represents the situation of the Pangu universe, and even the situation of the entire Chaos Sea is about to change.

   The aftereffect of this incident will be far more profound than the current Ye Chen.

  :. :

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