Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4005: The situation reversed

"Fighting saint ancestor! Defying warlord!"

   In the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, the divine emperor’s eyes were hot, and he never thought that he would see the two great enemies again.

Of course, he now naturally knows that the ancestor of fighting and the warlord against the sky are the same person, and he has to admit that the other party has advanced his skills and walked out an amazing path, and he can coexist in the past and the present, and his strength is extremely strong, even if But now I dare not say that I can defeat the opponent.

   "No wonder the Chaos Emperor is so confident!"

   Hongtian Master and the others looked gloomy. They didn't expect to go to the eternal unknown place and return. In theory, it is impossible.

   Mo Daozi looked at Taishenghuang and the others, also revealing wisps of dangerous energy.

   "Go ahead, let the scumbags of foreign race bully me Pangu Universe for many years, and now it's time to get some interest back!" Taishenghuang said indifferently.

  Besides, the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, and the Emperor Yan nodded at the same time, looked at the giants of the foreign race, and revealed an undisguised killing.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Pangu Pass, with the return of Fighting Saint Ancestor and others against the sky, the situation suddenly showed a one-sided tendency.

   There are a lot of foreign giants who came to knock at the pass. There were eight giants, and four emperor-class giants came to the chaos burial ground. They attacked twelve giants of the ages, two of whom belonged to the first-generation giants.

However, regardless of the Supreme Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Human Sovereign, and Immortal King’s Dharmakaya, they are at least as big as the first generation of giants. Especially the Fighting Saint Ancestor, it is also known as the Battle in Chaos Sea. One person, powerful, no less than Ye Chen's existence.

   In other words, it is also an invincible existence above the original giants.

  These existences, which one is not a stalwart existence that can rival several eternal giants at the same time.

   Pangu universe giants attacked.

   The foreign giant, the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground, immediately flew upside down, sprinkling blood in the Chaos Sea.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor is even more powerful, using the holy method of fighting, detonating the Chaos Sea, the birth place will be a powerful alien giant to explode, turning into a **** light, floating around.

  The sky-defying warlord held a halberd against an early-generation giant of an alien race. His combat power was shocking. After less than ten rounds, he showed a tendency to suppress.

   Tai Sage Emperor expands the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram, encompassing the vastness of a realm, and at the same time confronts four foreign giants, without losing the wind, it begins to suppress.

   The Emperor of Humans simultaneously confronted four Emperors of Chaos Burial Ground.

   The Immortal King Dharma Body and Yan Di were to deal with the other two lonely alien giants, their combat power was amazing and they were completely suppressed.

   It can be clearly seen that the alien party is completely suppressed, and the defeat is only a matter of time.

   "These juniors... are very strong!"

   is as strong as a demon and could not help but speak, clearly feeling the terrifying of the fighting ancestors and others, especially the strength of fighting ancestors, is no less than his existence.

   A Chaos Emperor is already terrifying, let alone another one.

   Several others are not the general first-generation giants.

  The luck of the Pangu universe is too terrible. Although the number of giants of the eternal race is not as good as that of the alien ancient universe, each giant is quite top-notch.

   Here, those giants in the prehistoric immortal realm who had originally decided to let Ye Chen dictate themselves, all have changed color at this moment.

   At the critical moment, the fighting saint ancestor and others returned, reversing the disadvantages, and presenting absolute advantages.

  Perhaps, it will only be the alien that will fail in the end.

   Now, they have extremely regretted why they had to intervene in the grievances between the alien race and the Pangu universe, and it is not impossible to retaliate with the temperament of the Chaos Emperor and other Pangu universe giants.

   But now, there is no choice.


   The Great Desolate World of Immortals quaked, and at the same time, the duel between Ye Chen and Mo Daozi had reached a white-hot stage. The two fisted against each other, and the other side was colliding with Eternal City.

   Visible to the naked eye, Ye Chen grasped the Eternal City, suppressing Mo Daozi with absolute power, and shattered the land of ten directions.

   Fortunately, there are all fairy kings blessings, otherwise the immortal realm will be unbearable if this continues. One day, it will be completely broken.


   Ye Chen broke out in an all-round way, and the power of the Chaos Emperor was so powerful that it absolutely shocked the past and the present.

   Mo Daozi's figure was also shaking, and he felt embarrassed to withstand the First World War, which made him, the master of the first generation giant, also showed a shocked look. It seemed that Ye Chen's power was so great.


   The two separated, Mo Daozi's figure trembled slightly, and there was a drop of terrible demon blood splashing down, which was much more terrifying than the eternal blood.

   Even though he was an eternal giant, he would never dare to easily bear the blood of Mo Daozi, because the realm of Mo Daozi was much higher than that of ordinary eternal giants, and even surpassed the first generation giants in strength.

   There was a big quake in all parties. The Chaos Emperor was too strong. Even the master of the first generation of giants, Mo Daozi, was not as good as that, and he was hit.

   Is this the strongest point of Emperor Chaos?

   Ye Chen supported the ancient city of Wan, and pursued the victory, and the Chaos Great Cauldron and Chaos Small Universe also attacked together.

The Demon Daozi roared and propped up the monstrous demon shadow, much more magnificent than the eternal giant's face, as if completely lying above the ancient, modern and future, and also opened up the most terrifying demon domain. The demon domain is huge, close to A real chaotic ancient universe is undergoing the most intense collision with Ye Chen.

   However, Ye Chen also showed his own form of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, which is more stalwart and upright than the Demon Shadow, covering the past and the present, and overwhelming the future. Who will fight for the front?

   The two are fighting each other, exploding with peak combat power that surpasses the first generation giants, and a big shock in the border of the prehistoric fairy world, but the fierce battle will almost spread to the fairy kings in the center of the fairy world.

   All the immortal kings took action and joined forces to resist the aftermath of the battle of the two invincible giants, and even the existence of the immortal statue personally came forward to outline the supreme power and completely resist the aftermath of the battle from the center of the fairy world.

Of course, even so, nearly a quarter of the vast territory of the Primordial Immortal Realm was covered by the aftermath of the battle between the two. The immortal realms collapsed and the infinite stars exploded, and countless star realms were also caused by this. Sink.


   By chance, Ye Chen unexpectedly allowed the Eternal City, the Great Chaos Cauldron, and the Chaos Small Universe to temporarily unite, and the collapse showed incredible power, which seemed to be able to completely reverse the eternal years.


   Demon Daozi's body collapsed and flew, his skin spattered, and even half of his immortal demon body exploded as a result. He suffered severe damage and looked at Ye Chen in shock.

   Because just after the collision, he discovered to his horror that Ye Chen could explode the mighty power of that level, which was almost a power above another level.

   Otherwise, no matter how strong the Chaos Heavenly Emperor is, he is still at the same level as him, and it is absolutely impossible to severely hurt him in a single blow.

   Ye Chen was also surprised. It was naturally beyond his expectation to be able to explode with such power. He had never thought about it before.

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