Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4019: The 50th Chaotic Universe

There are nine out of forty in the universe, the one who escapes is detachment!

Throughout the ages, there have been such rumors.

Especially since the Chaos Sea opened up to the present, it is rumored that the only eternal Pangu in the past opened up all the ancient Chaos universe.

The first Primordial Ancient Universe was the Primordial Realm. Because it was originally created, Pangu was the most serious and very special. As the first initial ancient universe that opened up the world, the Primordial Realm was particularly powerful and carried part of the chaotic sea.

Other chaotic ancient universes are relatively ordinary.

The tenth chaotic ancient universe is exactly the ancient alien universe. Because "ten" is the number of perfection, surpassing the ultimate number of "nine", the ancient alien universe is also extremely powerful, and even the first generation was born. Wait for the existence of eternal invincibility.

After that, the chaotic ancient universes seemed ordinary.

Until the birth of the last chaotic ancient universe-Pangu universe.

There are rumors in ancient times that there are nine out of forty avenues, and the Pangu universe is the forty-ninth chaotic ancient universe. It is also rumored that Pangu died after exhaustion and became one with the Pangu universe, so it is also quite special.

However, many people also believe that the most special ancient Chaos Universe should be the fiftieth ancient Chaos Universe.

Forty out of nine, the one who escaped is detached.

It is also very likely to be the key to eternal achievement.

Now, the Chaos Emperor actually controls the fiftieth Chaos Ancient Universe in the legend. I have to say that this is shocking.

In the depths of the sea of ​​chaos, there is a vast and boundless ancient universe of chaos.

Unlike other ancient chaotic universes that are relatively peaceful and immovable like mountains standing in the chaotic sea, this ancient chaotic universe is like an already awakened horror, freely releasing the infinite power of the universe, and surging the surrounding chaotic sea. As a result, the surrounding areas were turbulent, and even a series of extremely terrifying chaotic sea vortices emerged from the center, diverging the vastness of the surrounding areas.

This huge and boundless chaotic sea vortex is also accompanied by terrifying power.

Under this kind of power, it is enough to survive the supreme emperor's annihilation and annihilation, and the quasi-giants will face a fatal crisis, even the eternal giants will be disgraced.

On weekdays, this ancient chaotic universe can be described as Longtan Tiger's Den for all forces in the Chaos Sea, and it is no less than an eternal unknown place. Even the giants of all parties do not dare to enter this chaotic ancient universe easily.

At this moment, in this ancient chaotic universe, at the origin of the most core universe, a stalwart figure sits crouched.

Just sitting there, he can shock all existence in the world.

He is the invincible emperor of Chaos Sea!

The true overlord of the world, above all, the invincible who completely masters all the power of the ancient chaotic universe!

At this moment, under the induction, the Emperor Universe opened his eyes and looked beyond the universe, at the battlefield in the core area of ​​the Chaos Sea. He also saw the small chaotic universe, showing a sudden color. "No wonder he felt the new chaotic universe back then. Aura, it turned out to be you, the Chaos Emperor. I didn't expect that you, who were only at the level of a quasi-giant, would have grown to this point."

"It's a pity, this is the fiftieth chaotic universe, and it is very likely to become the key to transcendence and eternity."

The Emperor of the Universe couldn't help but shook his head with some regrets. Once the fiftieth ancient Chaos Universe is completely perfected, it may push the masters of the universe to detach completely and achieve eternity!

He closed his eyes again.

Because he knew the final result of the fiftieth chaotic universe.


"No wonder, it is said that the Chaos Emperor is the most critical person in the Pangu Universe, and it is no wonder that the Chaos Emperor is so strong that he has become a half-step overlord in just a million years, overwhelming the past and the present."

"Yes, maybe it is because of the fifty ancient Chaos Universe that the Chaos Heavenly Emperor can grow to this point."

"In less than a million years, how young he is. Once he was proved that he was at the level of the first generation giant, and now he is a half-step overlord, he must have a close relationship with this fiftieth chaotic universe."

"Wait, who said that the Emperor Chaos has proved the way!"

The giants were talking through the voice transmission, and suddenly, an immortal king spoke, and suddenly a thousand waves of waves were raised!

Everyone looked at the Chaos Emperor in shock.

He, the invincible Emperor Chaos, doesn't seem to have truly proved the Dao!

"Oh my God, the Emperor Chaos hasn't proved the Dao yet?"

"He seems to be the eternal emperor, right?"

"How is it possible? The Chaos Emperor cannot be the eternal emperor, even if the eternal emperor who is against the sky can match the Dzogchen Emperor Realm supreme, it is already very remarkable, and it can be said to be one of the few in ancient and modern times. It is unheard of, not to mention that the Chaos Emperor can slay the eternal giants, the first generation giants, and the peak duel half-step overlord. How can it be only the eternal emperor."

Many giants do not believe it, because this is too incredible.

It's just that the eternal emperor is so powerful that it has directly crossed multiple levels such as supreme, quasi-giant, eternal giant, first-generation giant, and possesses a world-class combat power comparable to the half-step overlord. Who would believe it.

"But in fact it is true. Don't forget that the Emperor Chaos has cultivated the Avenue of Chaos. The Avenue of Chaos, except for the Supreme Emperor, is the Emperor of Chaos. There is no record of anyone who has ever succeeded in proving the Tao."

"Furthermore, Chaos Avenue is recognized as the first avenue of the eternal age. It is rumored to be the Eternal Avenue. Once the Dao is proclaimed, it will never be just as simple as the Dao giants."

Some giants raised such doubts, and immediately silenced everyone.

Yes, because the Chaotian Emperor majored in Chaos Dao, once the Dao is proclaimed, it will inevitably be shocking and unconcealable.

Moreover, I am afraid that once it has been proved, it will not be just as simple as the first generation of giants, and may directly become a world-class overlord, or even a legendary eternal existence.

However, it is precisely because of this that makes the most frightening.

The Heavenly Emperor Chaos, who is recognized as the invincible sweep of the Chaos Sea, is actually just an eternal emperor?

If it spreads out, many people will not believe it, but as giants, the Origin Avenue has become the Eternal Avenue, and they are most sensitive to the induction of the Eternal Avenue. This can be used to detect the origin of the Chaos Emperor-Chaos Avenue. Dzogchen is complete.

Soon, they came up with an answer that was both expected and unexpected--

Chaos Emperor is just an eternal emperor!

"Oh my god, it's impossible. The Chaos Emperor is actually just the eternal emperor. Although I also feel that once the Chaos Dao is successfully proclaimed, it will certainly not be so ordinary and will cause a shocking effect that has never been seen in ancient or modern times, but it is also too great. It's too shocking, even the only one in ancient and modern times!"

Many giants were silent immediately.

Even if I know this is true, I don't want to admit it.

The current Primordial Chaos Emperor is only an emperor realm. Although it is an eternal emperor realm, it is too defying the sky and the world.

You must know that he is only the eternal emperor realm. Throughout the ages, the emperor and the first generation who have given up the most uncertain factors, even the eternal emperor, who is against the sky, can meet the eternal emperor in the strongest state. The supreme is already very few, and there are only a handful of quasi-giants who can reach the peak of World War I.

However, the Chaos Emperor is only an eternal emperor in the final analysis, but he can be incomparably against the world, be able to cut the giants, cut the eternal giants, cut the first generation giants, and even fight against the four half-step overlords at the same time. The battle is inextricably difficult.

This level of combat power is far beyond imagination.

They are the real giants who need to look up.

Is this the horror of the Great Perfection of Chaos Avenue? It has not really succeeded in proving the Dao, and its strength has already achieved a half-step overlord. When it has truly achieved Dzogchen, it will aspire to the invincible overlord of the Chaos Sea, and even the eternal position.

What's more, he also has the legendary fiftieth chaotic cosmos, which represents the detached one!

Moreover, the Pangu universe is the only chaotic ancient universe that is rumored to be the only eternal Pangu falling incarnate, and it contains the key to eternity...

If you think about it carefully, perhaps the Chaos Emperor is the one who will become truly eternal after the launch of Pangu Universe.

Similarly, when other giants thought of all this, the foreign giants naturally thought of it.

Suddenly, the alien ancient universe's killing intent towards Ye Chen has risen to an infinite level. Such a chaotic emperor is extremely likely to become eternal. In any case, even if he pays the heaviest price, he will never be able to completely reach that point. go with.

"kill him!"

The four half-step overlords inside and outside roared and blasted all together, showing the most terrifying combat effectiveness at this moment.

Throughout the ages, few people have been able to withstand the lore of four and a half overlords at the same time, and Ye Chen can't either.

Although he was resisting fiercely, he kept coughing up blood, and the chaotic body exploded every inch, heading for complete annihilation.

However, Ye Chen laughed suddenly, with a smile that looked like disintegration.

"Do not--"

Seeing the smile on Ye Chen's face, the wives and children in Chaos Tianfu suddenly changed their expressions. They understood what they had come to, and exclaimed with a bit of despair!


The naked eye can see Ye Chen's whole body is burning, giving birth to an extremely bright brilliance.

This scene shocked everyone!

Chaos Emperor, is this going to ignite spontaneously?

"No, the Emperor Chaos is going to ignite spontaneously and burn everything. This is to die with us!"

Aoyuan changed color, and the other two half-step overlords also changed their faces.

Especially Mo Daozi, who was trapped in Ye Chen's body at this moment, was also burned up, and couldn't help being frightened and angry, struggling frantically.

"It's useless, you should follow me to complete self-destruction. It's a bit less lonely to have you accompany me on the road." Ye Chen chuckled lightly, completely wrapped up with a bit of resoluteness, and the overwhelming flames Staying in the magic way, deriving an infinite chain of eternal rules and order, no one can break free.

Now that the chaotic universe was exposed, Ye Chen was also determined to die.


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