Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4020: Emperor's Ultimate Realm

"Emperor Chaos, he has the ambition to die, but Mo Daozi can't just die, he must be saved." A foreign half-step overlord opened his mouth with a very ugly expression.

The Chaos Heavenly Emperor is going to fall, this is what they want to see, however, they want to pull the Mo Daozi and fall together.

This is absolutely unacceptable. Mo Daozi is a half-step overlord and extremely important. Even ten eternal giants cannot be as good as one Mo Daozi.

Aoyuan and other three heterogeneous half-step overlords attacked together, and the chain of the gods flew out from the hundreds of millions of eternal paths, killing Ye Chen, letting him further destroy, and even rescued the Mo Daozi.

"Ha ha!"


Ye Chen sneered, the flames of the Tao of Transformation on his body were burning, and he even ignited the small chaotic universe.

Everyone was stunned, and no one thought that Emperor Chaos would be so decisive, at the expense of the fiftieth Chaos Universe.


The small chaos universe collapsed every inch, and then completely exploded, turning into infinite mighty force, and submerged into Ye Chen's body.


Unprecedented majestic power is full of limbs and corpses. At this moment, Ye Chen’s body is full of infinite brilliance, and a wave of unparalleled power that is far superior to the past emerges, the whole body is blooming, and every inch of his body is shining like thousands of days. .


In his body, there seemed to be a series of sounds of the yoke breaking down one after another.

In the end, the shackles of the avenue were forcibly penetrated, and Ye Chen took the opportunity to take the final step and stepped into another new situation.

At this moment, the brilliance of Ye Chen's body suddenly flourished countless times, shining through the ages of time and space, through the past, the present and the future.

A wave of supreme mighty force that can be called annihilating the ages is surging and emerging in the body, like an eternal overlord who smashes the invincible hand of the past and the present, the power between the hands and the feet is so powerful that it can raise hands to annihilate billions of time and space, and penetrate a chaotic ancient universe. .

The three half-step overlords of the alien race, and the suppressed Mo Daozi in his body changed color "The ultimate state of the emperor, the Chaos Tiandi actually stepped on that level!"

Immediately, his indifference fell again, and he said, "Even if you get to this situation, it is only temporary. Burn everything to force you to set foot. After this battle, there will be no Chaos Emperor in the world!"

They all could see that Ye Chen's current situation seemed to have set foot in the legendary realm-the ultimate realm of the emperor!

That is, the level of the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, the universe emperor, and the ancestor of the origin holy race.

This situation is the most extreme of Emperor Dao.

That's right, even the more powerful quasi-giants, eternal giants, first-generation giants, half-step overlords, and the real five overlords are actually still in the realm of imperialism.

The emperor's path is endless, and it is these levels that really need to be divided.

Further, it is the eternal state.

The original burial master who was killed at the beginning is actually the ultimate emperor's realm. It can be called half-step eternity, or it can be called the overlord of the world!

Now, with the help of the burning form **** and the burning chaotic universe, Ye Chen's exchange of power has made him break the shackles forcibly and step into the ultimate territory of the legendary emperor, which can be described as the invincible overlord of the world!

However, it was only a brief step, and forcibly stepping in by burning everything, it could not be long at all. After the First World War, there is no doubt that he will die.

Many giants also understand this and sigh for it.

A generation of invincible Chaos Heavenly Emperor had enough potential to become a truly indispensable overlord of the world, and it was not impossible for Chaos Dao to prove Dzogchen and achieve eternity.

It's a pity that he is too enchanting, he must be buried, and he is not allowed to grow.

Even if there were grievances in the past, but at this moment, I will let go, and my heart is full of admiration for Ye Chen, the Chaos Emperor who has risen like a comet.

Probably in the years to come, no one can walk to the point where the Chaos Emperor is.

"Unexpectedly, it was the last step to truly enter this realm. But--" Ye Chen also felt the power and incomparability of that realm, transcending everything, and even reversing the chaos of the past and the present, turning everything in the world.


In his body, the original power of Thunder that belonged to the original head of the origin burial master, the original source of Thunder, was boiling crazily, carrying a dark aura of destruction.

If looming, a silver bead with a trace of pitch black appeared, which was very similar to the Chaos Thunder Orb obtained in the past, but it was strangely different, because the previous Chaos Thunder Orb also possessed the power of destruction. But it was full of violent, and this Chaos Thunder Orb carried absolute and pure destruction, silent.

Only at this point did Ye Chen truly feel the power of this special Chaos Thunder Orb.

"Because I have also reached the ultimate state of the emperor, just like your master in the past, are you willing to show your true face?" Ye Chen stared for a moment, letting this special Chaos Thunder Orb be melted in the Chaos Holy Soul .

At the same time, the crown of eternity, the imprint of the moon, and a special group of rays of light located in the deepest part of the chaos holy soul are also blooming with immortal glow, and they are resonating at the same time, giving rise to strands of incredible and wonderful rhythm fluctuation.

"The crown of eternity is the sacred object of origin, and the mark of the moon follows my past and present life. Even if I am a half-step overlord level, I have never seen it through and cannot open it. Now I finally understand that it is left by the overlord of the emperor's ultimate realm. Yes, is it left to me by the Emperor of Heaven? It’s a pity that if you want to open it completely, you need not only the power of the world-class hegemon, who is also the ultimate emperor, but also the seal, but the time and strength that I need now do not allow me to open it. ,Pity."

"'Ultimate Sovereign' has finally revealed its ultimate secret. That's how it turns out. I didn't understand the true face of'Ultimate Sovereign' until now. It is not only the great insights left by the heavenly Sovereigns, but also... alas, what a pity , It would be great if I could set foot on the ultimate realm of the emperor earlier!"

I sighed faintly, I don't know how much it means, outsiders can't explain all this at all.

Then the conversation turned Ye Chen's eyes bloomed with a more flaming brilliance, "I can't help it, so why not take the last step and become the last step before the Great Perfection of Chaos!"


Ye Chen's body burned with billowing chaotic flames, all of which were the most terrifying Chaos Emperor Flame, capable of harming the half-step overlord level.

"First of all, solved you!"

Looking at the three half-step overlords of other races including Ao Yuan, Ye Chen made a strong move.

Inexplicably, the three of Aoyuan were horrified, but they quickly stabilized their minds. After all, they were all half-step overlords. They were invincible existences second only to Heavenly Emperor and Shidai. Daoxing was invincible. How could they be afraid and attack together again.

However, the attack that could have caused Ye Chen's serious damage not long ago, at this moment, was difficult to get close.

Swinging the Chaos Sacred Fist, the most immortal forbidden power swept across the fist, swept everything, and attacked Oyuan first.


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