Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4024: Emperor Qingtian, Emperor Shitian died!

"No, Di Shitian may be in danger."

The Six Dao Emperors looked solemn, and the Emperor Qingtian who rebelled against the Pangu Universe was also the Emperor Qingtian. At this moment, he is refining the origin of the alien ancient universe.

Since he rebelled against the ancient universe of foreign races, then Emperor Qingtian also had a crisis.

Even though he claimed that he was not the same passer-by as the Qingtian Emperor, most of the first generation would suspect that there are more things than good luck!

as expected

"Di Shitian, you really think that since this era, you have been silently refining the heavens of the ancient universe in our world, and now you want to refine the origin of the universe and become the master of the origin of the universe. Do you really think this seat will not know?" Shidai looked at the origin of the ancient alien universe, slowly and authentic.

The sound spreads in all directions, attracting the attention of all heavens!

Immediately, the foreign giants changed their colors!

The Six Dao Emperors rebelled, and indeed even the Qingtian Emperor also rebelled.

In this way, the myths have shattered and rebelled, the two supreme powerhouses of the first generation giants of the Pangu universe have rebelled, and perhaps even from the beginning they did not really submit to the alien ancient universe, but were dormant, acting as an undercover, everything can be described as It is to calculate the alien ancient universe.

And that’s all for the Six Dao Great Emperors, but the Qingtian Emperor Shitian in this era silently refines the heavenly ways of the alien ancient universe on his back. He succeeded and became stronger, and now he is taking advantage of them to leave the chaotic ancient universe. At that time, he sneaked into the origin of the universe, tried to refine the origin of the entire chaotic ancient universe, and became the master of the universe, just like the former cosmic emperor.

"Di Shitian!"

The giants of foreign races roared, what a great emperor Shi Tian of blue sky, actually cherished wolf ambition, wanted to completely refine the universe origin of the ancient alien universe, become the master of the universe, and in turn deal with the ancient alien universe!

In vain, they respected the emperor Shitian in such a way, and even gave them such supreme power and status, but in the end betrayed them like this?

With a light sigh, the immeasurable and majestic shadow of Emperor Qingtian rose from the origin of the universe, looked at the first generation, and said: "It is worthy of being the most terrifying black hand in the ages. You have seen it through."

It's just a pity that he still hasn't been able to truly refine the origins of the ancient alien universe, and he has not even reached one tenth.

too difficult!

The ancient alien universe is no less than the chaotic ancient universe of the primordial immortal world. Although Qingtian the Great has refined the heavens of this ancient universe, it completely fits the alien ancient universe, just like the creatures born in the alien ancient universe, and theoretically is quite close to the origin of the universe. Yes.

In fact, in the process of his attempts to refining, the origin of the alien ancient universe always gave birth to resistance, which resulted in his failure to complete refining, which was far from successful.

The plan failed!

"I've given you a chance, the time of an era will allow you to refine the origin of the universe, but unfortunately you let me down." Shidai said indifferently.

The Great Emperor Qingtian showed a shocked expression, and then sighed slightly: "Sure enough, he is indeed the Chaos Sea Overlord of the Emperor's Ultimate Realm. I thought that no one knew it, but I never concealed it from your eyes."

At this point, he naturally believed that what Shidai said was true.

I have to sigh that Shidai is indeed a terrifying character. He has seen through everything, but he has never stopped or even given a chance.

Shidai said: "Since you want to refine the origin of the ancient universe of our world, then this seat is as you wish, allowing you to completely become one with the origin of our ancient universe."

Shidai shot, and his white palms came out, turning into an immeasurable big hand, covering the origin of the entire alien ancient universe, just like a big hand covering the sun, making the entire alien ancient universe directly dimmed and shimmering. Today's unspeakable power is boiling.

Although there are world-shattering powers that are exploding frantically, rushing to all parties in the alien ancient universe and crushing the heavens, it is clear that the Qingtian Emperor is resisting.

The heavenly powers of the two chaotic ancient universes are exploding.

The incomparable heavenly power trembles the entire alien ancient universe, and the giants of the alien race are shocked. Only in the past epoch, the strength of Emperor Qingtian has been so much stronger, and he has mastered the heavenly ways of the two chaotic ancient universes, which is extremely powerful. , You can borrow the infinite cosmic power of the entire alien ancient universe for your own use.

The first generation giants such as Lord of Hongtian, Lord of Great Hong, and Lord of the Sky took a deep breath of cold air, one-on-one, they could not be the opponent of Emperor Qingtian.

How strong is the Emperor Qingtian who accepts the two great Chaos Ancient Universe and Heavenly Dao in one, I am afraid that he will be comparable to the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, Mo Daozi, Ao Yuan and other half-step overlords.

However, it is clear in the end that the stalwart Emperor Qingtian's shadow is gradually fading, obviously not the opponent of the original generation, and is in the process of being refined.

In the end, the emperor's shadow of Emperor Qingtian appeared, and sighed faintly: "Planning an epoch will eventually fall short!"


The emperor's shadow exploded and turned into an endless rain of light, submerged into the origin of the ancient alien universe.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are endless visions, all over the entire alien ancient universe, rushing out of the sea of ​​chaos!

A generation of Qingtian emperor has died!

Shock the world!

The ancient alien universe was deserted, and among the endless alien army, Emperor Wentian, one of the leaders of the alien army, was very sad, almost rushing to meet his father for the last time, but finally held back.

Because he knew that he could not be the opponent of the original generation, if he rushed over, he would be suppressed by the foreign race and become a prisoner, and there would never be a day for revenge.

"Father, you have to wait for me, the child will avenge you!"

Di Wentian left tears of sorrow, turning around and leaving when all the foreign experts hadn't reacted, using the escape technique taught to him by the emperor Qingtian the Great, it disappeared in an instant, and there was no trace.

He must devote himself to practicing, and one day he will be the strongest, kill the first generation, and avenge his father.


In the next moment, a foreign quasi-giant arrived in the air, searching for the whereabouts of Di Wentian himself, but his expression was ugly and nothing was found.

Moreover, let him personally search for it, and back in time, he couldn't find the trace of Di Wentian.

"If the order is passed down, you must find Di Wentian!"

The alien quasi-giant personally ordered it and promised to reward it.

Emperor Qingtian rebelled, and his son Wentian naturally couldn't let it For traitors, alien races have always been cruel.

"Di Shitian!"

The giants of the Pangu universe sighed slightly, revealing a sad color, and the Great Emperor Qingtian also died.

This was the battle that the myths shattered that year, and the important figures of the Pangu universe arranged in the alien ancient universe, intending to use this to finally kill the alien ancient universe by surprise.

Unexpectedly, the Six Dao Great Emperor and Qingtian Great Emperor also exposed in advance.

The Six Dao Emperors escaped by chance, but the Qingtian Emperor was refined into the origin of the ancient alien universe.

"I didn't want to do it personally, but the matter has reached this point, I can only end it early!"

In the ancestral temple, Shidai took the shot himself.

The strength of the Chaos Sea Overlord showed that a giant finger traversed the infinite area, unearthed the ancient alien universe, straddled the Chaos Sea, and pointed towards the Pangu universe, possessing the potential to destroy the heavens and the earth, and shatter the ages!

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