Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4025: Return of the Emperor


   Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, and Heaven Defying Warlord could not stop them, because they were also restrained by other alien giants, and they could only watch the giant pointer point towards the Pangu universe.


  The battle emperor roared, holding the supreme scepter in his hand, showing the strength of the eternal giants and resisting.


   However, under the giant finger, the ordinary eternal giant is far from an opponent. The Emperor of War immortal battle body has exploded, and the supreme scepter has exploded, showing the power of the giant finger.

  Once it falls on the origin of the Pangu universe, I am afraid that the entire Pangu universe will be destroyed by an unimaginable huge.

  In the Pangu universe, all the emperors and supreme lords joined forces to attack, and one stroke of the emperor's magical powers appeared, and they slammed the giant fingers, but they also shattered one by one, failing to achieve much.

   "Is the Pangu universe really going to perish today?"

   Everyone is desperate!


   abruptly, an ancient monument that was as high as the sky suddenly fell from the sky, and the whole body was inscribed with infinite ancient characters, all of which were emperor characters, but also stained with many emperor blood, resisting the giant finger.

   When the giant finger fell in front of the ancient monument, instead of flying the ancient monument, it was resisted.

   You must know that the giant finger, but the first one finger, can easily defeat the eternal giant's best finger!

   "The Burial Monument!"

   At this time, someone finally recognized it. The ancient monument was the monument to the burial of the sky, the monument dedicated to the emperor.

   "The burial monument appeared, could it be—" The emperor said in surprise.


   At this time, the long river of years resurfaced, and the missing section reappeared.

   and looming, walked out a stalwart figure, returning from the land of disappeared years.

  He is unparalleled and majestic, he traverses the ancient and modern, his shoulders can carry the heavens.

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

When they saw those who could come, all the giants of all parties gave birth to the sound of exclamation. It was the Heavenly Emperor Geshi, not the Chaotian Emperor like Ye Chen, but the Heavenly Emperor, who has been dominating throughout the ages, and is gradually returning from the long river. , One step at a time, falling from the sky.

   "The Emperor of Heaven is back!" Ao Yuan and other three half-step overlords of foreign races looked extremely embarrassed. It was the Emperor of Heaven, a taboo like the eternal legend of the Chaos Sea, but he did not expect to return.

   Shidai also raised his eyes, looked at the emperor, and said, "The emperor!"

  The Heavenly Emperor looked at Shidai and said: "Shidai!"

   The two overlords of the early Chaos Sea, at this moment, look at each other.

   Even though it was only the eyes of the eyes at each other, it could be regarded as two Chaos Sea Overlords colliding in the air, and the river was swaying for a long time, almost exploding like crazy.

   "Impossible, the emperor is clearly trapped there, how can I return?" The alien giant changed in disbelief.

   In order to contain the Emperor of Heaven, this was an unimaginable cost of the ancient universe of alien races. Now, the Emperor of Heaven has returned.

   You must know that the Emperor of Heaven is one of the five great overlords of the Chaos Sea. He possesses unparalleled strength, invincible in ancient and modern times, and no one can surpass it.

   Now his return, Pangu universe has hope.

   Tai Sage Emperor coldly shouted: "The true purpose of our entry into the eternal unknown place was to bring the Emperor back. Now the plan is finally completed."

An eternal unknown place, leading to a mysterious and unknown place. There are rumors that it belongs to the chaos sea secret realm that fell from the place of origin, and there are also rumors that it is the only eternal Pangu enlightened secret realm in the past, full of unknowns, and the first generation giants strayed into it and gone forever. .

   Throughout the ages, the only people who can return are the Taishenghuang, the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, and the Yandi.

   No one knows how they came back, but why they entered the eternal unknown place, and now they finally know.

   rescue the emperor!

In the old days, the Emperor of Heaven was trapped on a tributary of the Long River, facing the most terrifying enemies of all ages, at least at the supreme level. There were quasi-giants, eternal giants, first-generation giants, and even half-step overlords. There are more than two or three people, only for the Emperor of Heaven.

   And, with the power of the Emperor of Heaven, you can retreat at any time, why have you never left?

   All because of the fact that after every great enemy has died, the blood has stained the tributaries of that long river, and it contains characteristics that will rush to the future Pangu universe.

   Once the emperor leaves, these blood will rush to the future Pangu universe, smear the entire Pangu universe, and annihilate the infinite beings.

   That is all blood above the supreme level, bit by bit, containing infinite power, even if it is isolated by the long river of years, it is still terrifying, enough to destroy the entire Pangu universe.

   Therefore, over the years, the Emperor of Heaven has been killing the enemy while preventing the enemy's blood from infiltrating the Pangu universe.

Otherwise, the blood of many tycoons and even a half-step overlord rushed down, containing the absolute killing intent, and gave up the emperor as the world overlord, no one can stop him, even the Chaos emperor like Ye Chen can't do it, he will eventually Not a world-class hegemon, but a relatively powerful half-step hegemon.

   But how they rescued the emperor, allowing the emperor to smoothly leave the tributary of that long river, it made people feel incredible.

  Once the Heavenly Emperor leaves, what will happen to the enemy's blood?

   Even if you kill all the enemies, it is not that simple to refining all the enemy blood, and the overlord of the world is not truly omnipotent.

  Of course, the world is still puzzled about how the Taishenghuang and others rescued the emperor in the eternal unknown, after all, what is it like in the place?

Next to   , Emperor Yan sighed, with a bit of deep sorrow, and said: "It's a pity that Xiao Chenzi, if he can persist for a while, he will not die if the Emperor returns."

   Mention this, it is everyone's regret.

   Ye Chen, known as the Chaos Emperor, although not as good as the real Emperor, but he can see how infinite and unlimited his potential is, and it is no surprise that he compares with the Emperor.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor shook his head: "He may not be dead. When he reaches the realm of our waiting, half a step overlord, how can he be killed so easily."

   Yandi was surprised: "Is he still alive?"

   The Emperor Shen Ning said: "It may not be alive, but it may not be really lost."

   Many people don't quite understand these words.

However, only those who have truly reached this level can understand that it is not easy to really kill a half-step overlord, even if the four half-step overlords take the action, or even the real world-class overlords such as the first generation. Definitely kill.

   An eternal giant can be called an immortal existence, not to mention a half-step overlord who is far above the ordinary eternal giant.

Ye Chen, known as the Emperor of Chaos, and how old he is, he is less than a million years old. He is extremely young. He is in the ascendant period of the human body. He is also a key person in the Pangu universe. Various methods. .

   It is extremely difficult to kill such a half-step overlord.

   Can't say, Ye Chen still has a few souls scattered between the sky and the earth, and it is not necessarily that it will be resurrected one day.

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