Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4027: Time and Space Emperor

Here, Ye Junlin's power can be completely exposed, and now, he has become a peerless giant!

"So strong!"

"After the Chaos Emperor, another strong young giant has risen. The descendants of the Chaos Emperor are really better than the other!"

Some giants can't help but sigh, such strength, let people sigh.

It has only been practiced for tens of thousands of years, and it is already comparable to the first generation giants who have practiced for many epochs. It is really hard to imagine what step they can take in the future.


Ye Jun walked around the chaotic light, just like Ye Chen in the past, strode towards Aoyuan and other three half-step overlords, his voice was cold and full of killing intent: "You are stained with the blood of my father, I To kill you, sacrifice to father!"

However, the three half-step overlords of foreign races headed by Ouyuan glanced at him indifferently. Ouyuan shot and said indifferently: "Although you are very young and strong, you are not a figure of my level after all. Since you are here, This seat does not mind killing a world-famous arrogant who is no less than the Chaos Emperor."

Ao Yuan shot, directly patted Ye Junlin.

Ye Junlin immediately felt the boundless sense of oppression, knowing that Ao Yuanyuan was much stronger than directly, but he was not afraid, and he screamed and waved the Emperor Sword towards him.


Aoyuan's big hand shattered everything and could severely damage the first generation giants, but Ye Junlin was burning with blazing chaotic light, and he was born to resist it.

"Hey, you are really good. You can actually withstand the blow of the deity. Although you haven't reached my level yet, given time, it may not be impossible to reach this day." I can hear that Aoyuan is very towards Ye Junlin. It is an appreciation and recognition of his strength and potential, but it is also full of murderous intent.


Ye Junlin went fast, retreated faster, coughing up blood, his figure flew upside down, it was obvious that he was not the opponent of the half-step overlord such as Ao Yuan.

Ao Yuan didn't want to watch Ye Junlin's great arrogance continue to grow.

A Chaos Emperor is already enough to threaten the ancient alien universe. If it is allowed to grow, it will not necessarily be much worse than the Chaos Emperor, and perhaps it will grow into the second Chaos Emperor.

The three half-step overlords of alien races smashed the past together regardless of their faces, their fundamental purpose was to kill Ye Junlin.

They also believe that the Emperor of Heaven will be restrained by the original generation.


Suddenly, Aoyuan and other three alien half-step overlords only felt that the front was clearly close. The so-called billions of miles were not worth mentioning in their eyes. They could leap across the past, but no matter how far they rushed past, there was always a distance. The distance lies in front of you, unable to cross over smoothly.

"Is it time and space, or multiple time and space folding!"

Oyuan looked ugly, he couldn't tell with his half-step overlord's power, and this is not a normal time-space folding. Every layer of time-space is blessed by a special force, and hundreds of millions of time-spaces are folded at the same time, making it short in an instant The distance between them has become the end of the world, as strong as they can't effectively cross in a short time.

"who is it?"

The three major half-step overlords of the foreign race coldly drank, which naturally couldn't stop the three of them, but it could greatly reduce the time for them to go and give Ye Junlin time to escape.

"Everyone, go back!"

A giant of the world appeared, with the power of time and space, it was mammoth and wild. It was shocking, and it was really moving the time.

In the Pangu universe, a Taoist pagoda flew out, suspended above its head, resonating, and then evolving into heaven and earth, and there appeared an eternal **** tree that formed the heavens, and every branch and leaf supported a big world. The roots and branches run through different time and space, connecting the heavens!

world Tree!

The figure of Xianfeng Dao Bone appeared in front of the World Tree.

Seeing his appearance, the giants of all parties were shocked again!

He is amazingly the emperor of time and space!

Time and Space Emperor has returned. He did not stay at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, but went to a mysterious and unknown place. Obviously, it was related to the rescue of the Emperor.

Think about it carefully, isn't the space-time mighty power left over that period of time left by the time-space emperor?

Moreover, the reason why the Taishenghuang and others were able to return from the eternal unknown place was obviously also thanks to the help of the Great Time and Space.

The highest achievers of the ancient and modern space-time avenues, even the Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, and the Great Universe, have never surpassed the Space-Time Emperor in this respect, it is evident!

Even the eternal unknown place that was known as the first-generation giant has gone forever, and it has never really trapped the time-space emperor.

Now that the accomplishment is successful, the time and space emperor naturally returned!

The tycoons of foreign races have changed color, and Pangu universe has returned to the strongest tycoons again and again, and now even the most difficult time and space emperor has returned, which seems very troublesome.

Yes, the most difficult thing!

The Time and Space Emperor is the highest achiever in ancient and modern time and space, and no one can surpass it. Especially in time and space, just like just now, hundreds of millions of time and space have been refolded in an instant, blocking the three half-step overlords of foreign races, showing his ability.

If you really want to make a move, it can cause great trouble to the giants of the foreign race.

Even trapping multiple foreign giants is not a big problem.

With him alone, Pangu Universe basically reduced the threat of foreign giants to a minimum.

In fact, it was indeed the case. The first time he returned, the Space-Time Great Emperor took action, cutting the place where Pangu Universe and Chaos Sea contacted.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

It was just a few breaths, visible to the naked eye, countless endless time and space emerged, breaking the direct contact between Pangu universe and Chaos Sea.

Anyone who wants to enter the Pangu universe must go through this infinite time and space before they can truly enter.

It’s just that this endless time and space is personally displayed by the time and space, and contains extraordinary time and space power. An ordinary time and space is enough to allow the Supreme Emperor to travel for a long time to break through. Moreover, this endless endless, it is a very headache for the half-step overlord to come. It takes a certain amount of time to break through.

This time may not be long, but it is enough for Pangu universe to make corresponding preparations.

More importantly, today the emperor successfully returns, that is the invincible overlord-level existence of the world, and to this day, the Pangu universe is no longer the chaotic ancient universe that can be bullied at will.

The Emperor looked at Shidai and said, "Retreat!"

The first generation was silent, the Emperor of Heaven returned, and the Emperor of Time and Space also returned. Even if the foreign race's heritage was exhausted, it would be difficult to cause much threat in a short time.

After all, the Pangu universe today is not what it used to be, and a heavenly emperor can create a huge threat.

Only when they are the world's best overlord, can we truly understand each other's strength.

A single blow can severely inflict the Six Dao Great Emperor of the first generation giant level, which can be seen in general.

Emperor Qingtian was refining without the strength to fight back.

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