Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4028: Resurrection


The first generation spoke. Once he had a well-deserved and absolute right to speak in the ancient alien universe, no one dared to veto it, and all of them responded. Even if the deaths and injuries were heavy, the foreign giants are also retreating.

All parties in the Chaos Sea shook and remained silent.

This is the shock of the Emperor of Heaven, the overlord of the Chaos Sea, just returning can create such a huge threat, making the alien ancient universe that had the absolute upper hand to retreat. It can be imagined how jealous it is.

In the end, a great war that could be recorded in history ended.

The giants of alien races retreated and returned to the alien ancient universe to adjust.

The three half-step overlords of Aoyuan and other alien races also returned, but everyone was absolutely severely damaged. There weren't a few epochs, and it might be difficult to recover completely.

But to this day, all parties in the Chaos Sea have finally fully understood the terrible aspects of the ancient alien universe, sitting on so many giants, there are also several half-step overlords, and even more invincible first generations.

This kind of power has given up to the first chaotic ancient universe known as the sea of ​​chaos. Who can compete?

Pangu Universe, which is as strong as the Emperor of Heaven after the return, is just maintaining the power of self-protection.

The alien race retreated, the Emperor of Heaven returned, and other Pangu universe giants such as Fighting Saint Ancestor and Taisheng Emperor also returned one by one, making Pangu universe excited.

The power of the sky has officially returned, which means that the Pangu universe is more powerful, even if the alien ancient universe does not dare to attack easily.

Because of the return of the Emperor of Heaven, he alone can create a huge threat to the entire alien ancient universe.

What's more, Emperor Time and Space has also returned.

The only regret is the fall of Emperor Chaos and Emperor Qingtian.

For Chaos Tiandi, the strongest Tianjiao who has risen like a comet in just hundreds of thousands of years, many people feel great regret. If they grow up, they may not be the second Tiandi.

Unfortunately, Tian is jealous of talents.

The same is true of Emperor Qingtian.

Until today, the world has only learned that the Emperor Qingtian was wronged, he has never really betrayed the Pangu universe, and even went to the alien ancient universe to dormant at the expense of the ages, just to help Pangu universe one day.

But after all, it was discovered that a generation of Qingtian Emperor, who was supposed to enjoy the supreme glory, eventually fell away in another world. This is a pity!

Regarding the humiliation of Emperor Qingtian, completely dissipated, on the contrary, the world respected the Supreme Emperor.

Similarly, the Six Dao Great Emperor's infamy is also over, and the world respects him. This is a great man who is insulting and dormant like the Qingtian Great Emperor, and should not be insulted.

At the end of the war, no large-scale celebrations were held anywhere in the Pangu universe, and they were all mourning the Chaos Emperor.

Because of his sacrifice, he can win the most precious time for Pangu universe, so that the Emperor of Heaven can return smoothly and prevent disaster.

Chaos Tianfu was very sad, and the death of Ye Chen made many people feel sad.

Although the goddess, Yi Wu and others still believe that Ye Chen never fell, because it has been proved many times in the past that Ye Chen always resurrected from the dead and never really died.

I believe it will be the same this time, he cannot be completely gone.

However, many emperors are pessimistic, because this time they burned Xing Shen, and even faced the first generation. That is the most invincible existence in ancient and modern times. How can Ye Chen's soul be allowed to survive? It is bound to be a supreme taboo. Destroyed by means, completely wiped out.

The possibility of the Chaos Emperor's complete fall is extremely high, and the hope of resurrection is infinitely close to zero.

"Senior Time and Space, can you save your father?"

Ye Junlin was covered in blood, but at the moment he was very sad, his father died, he really did not want to accept this.

Now his father is almost completely wiped out, even the shards of the soul can hardly find a trace.

He really didn't want to believe that the father of the Heavenly Emperor Chaos, who stood upright and could shock the Chaos Sea by himself, had just fallen.

Ye Junlin found the emperor of time and space for the first time, not the emperor of heaven, because the emperor of time and space is the highest achiever in ancient and modern time and space, there may be a way to reverse time and space and resurrect his father Ye Chen.

Other people in Chaos Tianfu also looked at Emperor Time and Space, and Ya Ya said: "Grandpa Emperor Time and Space, you are the first person in time and space in ancient and modern times. If you take action, you can definitely reverse time and space and resurrect Dad."

Faced with the expectations of everyone, Emperor Time and Space remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed slightly: "I'm sorry, child, I can't guard against the sky."

Even the emperor of time and space, the highest achiever on the avenue of time and space throughout the ages, can be called a world-famous figure who can run through the past, the present and the future, and he sighs helplessly.

If Ye Chen were just a normal cultivator, even the ancient emperor, the time and space emperor would have certainty that he could reverse time and space and bring Ye Chen back to life.

But Ye Chen is not. He is too special and too powerful. As a half-step overlord, it is impossible to reverse time and space and save Ye Chen.

Even if the Time and Space Emperor was willing, such a reversal of time and space and just backlash was enough to make the Time and Space Emperor Ye Chen unable to bear it before he was completely resurrected.

Ye Junlin and the others are desperate, as strong as the goddess, Yiwu, Yuqing and others, are desperate. Is it true that Ye Chen will die forever this time?

Because the form and spirit are all destroyed, even the chaotic holy soul is not left behind. With the great overlord of the first generation, how can Ye Chen escape from the chaotic holy soul.

Fighting Saint Ancestor said solemnly: "Time and space, do you really have nothing to do with it?"

Taishenghuangdao: "Perhaps other people can't do it, but you are the first person in time and space. You should be able to reverse time and space, even a ray of soul."

They didn't pray for Ye Chen to be resurrected completely, because it was difficult, even against the world, after all, Ye Chen was a half-step overlord, so powerful.

Reversing the time and space, resurrecting a ray of soul, let him be an ordinary person, they can at least protect Ye Chen to live a healthy life.

"However, it is not completely hopeless." The Space-Time Great Emperor suddenly said.

"Is there any way?" Everyone expressed some The Space-Time Emperor said in a deep voice: "If it is someone else, maybe it won't work, but the Chaos Emperor is the perfect person on the Chaos Avenue, and when he became a giant in the past, Xingkong He Yao, also entrusted part of the chaos holy soul in the Pangu universe, with his ability, perhaps hundreds of millions of years, perhaps three or five epochs, he can return to heaven."

Anyone who proclaims the Dao Supreme in the born chaotic ancient universe can trigger the starry sky to celebrate, and it can also imprint a part of the soul in the starry sky, and it can be revived in the future.

Of course, this is just a statement, and in the endless years, not only the supreme, even the quasi-giant, and even the eternal giant, can really come back to life, it can be said that it is very few.

Because the part of the soul imprinted in the starry sky of the universe, unless it wakes up for the first time, it will gradually be assimilated by the heaven and earth and become a part of the heaven and earth as time goes by, and once so, it will be completely assimilated. When the earth is gone, you can never return from detachment.

"In this case, I personally call on my soul and let my father return completely."

Ye Junlin said firmly,

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