Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4029: spiritualism

Although Ye Junlin is incredibly powerful, and surpasses many eternal giants, he can keep abreast of the first generation giants, but the cultivation time is still short, even if he practices with the emperor, but overall the cultivation time does not exceed a million years, so for Many things are not clear.

Now that there is hope for resurrecting his father, Ye Junlin is full of fighting spirit.

The goddess and others also give birth to hope, even if it may take several epochs to return, but what's the matter, they can all wait for it.

At the moment when the Sea of ​​Chaos returned to the Pangu Universe, Ye Junlin also received the joy of the Pangu Universe.

Ye Junlin did not refuse. On the one hand, it was the original gift of Pangu Universe. On the other hand, it was the most important. He could use the starry sky to congratulate Yao and brand the heavens. He also took the opportunity to sense the brand of his father Ye Chen in the past and prepare for the soul-calling.

After the starry sky's He Yao ended, Ye Junlin became stronger, and he was so powerful that he pressed the heavens.

His whole person is closely related to the Pangu universe, and he has also sensed the little soul marks left by Ye Chen in the past. Although extremely weak, he can still clearly sense it.

It takes a lot of preliminary preparations to call souls, especially the materials.

But fortunately, Chaos Tianfu is the number one power in the Pangu universe, not to mention that a Pangu magnate such as the Heavenly Emperor, Taisheng Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Human Emperor, etc., is also impossible to sit idly by. Therefore, the preliminary preparations are cumbersome, but It was done very quickly.

After half a month.

The people of Chaos Tianfu went to the vast and prosperous star field in the heavens and ten thousand domains. This is the center point of Ye Chen's imprinting the stars of the heavens in the past. This place is the most suitable place to call souls.

Ye Jun was sitting under the plate, and moved many creatures in the star field.

The emperors of Chaos Tianfu are also taking action, arranging the next peerless emperor formations, covering the vast starry sky.

Many giants even took action to lay down an eternal formation.

Because once the soul is called, it will create a terrible eternal taboo and avoid hurting the innocent, so it needs to be transferred and guarded.

This time the soul-calling was carried out by Ye Junlin, because he is Ye Chen’s parent and child, and he has the same bloodline and originated in one body. He is an early giant-level existence, and even a chaotic giant, compared to Qianxun, Chenxi, Ye Jing and others. All are more appropriate, even if the Emperor Tai Sheng, the ancestor of fighting war, the emperor of time and space, the emperor of humans, etc., and even the most powerful and invincible emperor, they can't replace him in this regard.


On Ye Junlin’s body, countless brilliances suddenly rushed out and spread to all sides. Each brilliance represented a kind of treasure, at least at the emperor level, priceless in the world, at this moment hundreds of thousands of them. Many, scattered on all sides, according to a specific location, connected to each other.

Call for souls!

If you want to bring back Ye Chen's sacred souls, you must use the soul-calling formation to increase the chance of success.


Ye Chen, who was in the center of the soul-calling formation, cut his wrist, and the blood of the Chaos True Dragon fell from the wound.

A drop of chaotic true dragon blood is like a sea of ​​blood that can drown the starry sky, containing boundless blood and chaotic light.

Every drop can be described as the eternal blood of the first generation giants, cherish it extremely, can make the ancient great DìDū live longer, can increase the cultivation base, and now it is scattered everywhere in the Pangu universe.

Ye Junlin was sitting in the star space, chanting the soul-calling mantra.

The so-called soul-calling spells are spells that are capable of calling souls. They belong to the taboo level. They are not at the level of the ancient emperor or above, and cannot be activated, otherwise the consequences are extremely terrible.

With drops of chaotic true dragon blood blooming billions of brilliance, like super stars rotating, with the power of blood originating in the blood, trying to resonate with Ye Chen's imprinted soul in this space of stars. Calling souls.

The goddess and others watched closely and prayed in their hearts for success!

With the passage of time, originating in the star domains of the heavens, a trace of special chaotic soul light rushed over, regrouped, and slowly reappeared in front of Ye Junlin.

With more and more soul light, a faint figure slowly appeared in front of Ye Junlin. Although it was still very vague, it was not clear, and very hazy, but it was vaguely visible, very similar to Ye Junlin, and it was exactly The figure of Ye Chen.

In Chaos Tianfu, everyone was pleasantly surprised and proved effective.


However, such soul-calling is also a taboo against the sky, especially when the object of the soul-calling is a half-step overlord, and the backlash is extremely terrifying, directly triggering the extremely terrible forbidden sky thunder.

But it was seen that it was located in the unattainable outer sky, even originating from outside the Pangu universe. It would fall from the sky and rush towards Ye Junlin, and even the spirit of Ye Chen who was condensing in front of him.


Ye Junlin stood up and shouted, using the power of the Chaos Giant to dispel the infinite forbidden thunder.

He absolutely couldn't accept that these forbidden sky thunders fell on his father's soul, and he finally succeeded in calling his soul. Once he was led to fall by the thunder, then his father was very likely to be completely astonished, and there would be no rebirth.

However, such a defiance, but the object of the evocation is still a half-step overlord of the world, it is extremely difficult to succeed.

Strong as Ye Junlin, no less than the existence of the first generation giants, at this moment, too many taboo thunders can not be dispelled, on the contrary, with the passage of time, more and more terrifying taboo thunders have fallen, often exceeding 100 million. Wan Dao, each one was as big as a galaxy, and contained terrible power that made the Great Emperor's Supreme jealous, flooding his whole body.

The surrounding star field collapsed directly, and the divergence did not know how many billions of miles, and it was very likely to affect the heavens and ten thousand fields under the starry sky.

At this time, the numerous emperor formations arranged in the starry sky directly recovered as if an ancient emperor was awakening, the emperor's prestige was permeated, the mighty heavens, fully resisting this terrifying forbidden thunder.

However, these are extraordinary forbidden sky thunders, extremely terrifying, and unmatched in power. They have defeated the imperial formations and are difficult to resist.

"Catch up!"

In desperation, Ye Junlin roared, and with the supreme forbidden magical powers, all the forbidden thunders were taken over and fell on him, and a whole life bears all the forbidden thunders.

Zi Zi Zi-

As strong as Ye Junlin, his skin was broken, and the immortal gold, which was even more immortal than the eternal Taoist soldiers, had wounds everywhere, and even the flesh and blood showed a scorching fragrance, as if it had been roasted.

However, Ye Junlin survived and continued to sprinkle a large amount of chaotic true dragon blood to call upon his father.

With the passage of time, more and more souls were imprinted in the star space of the Pangu universe, and Ye Chen's figure became clearer and clearer. Although it was still very illusory, it was much better than before.

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