Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4030: How can you die!


In the end, all the souls of Ye Chen branded on the stars of the universe were completely conjured back, condensed into a single figure.

Naturally, Ye Junlin also paid a heavy price for this, and the terrible forbidden sky thunder bombarded his body almost completely to annihilation, leaving only the charred white bones.

After all, this is calling for a half-step overlord, and it involves resurrection against the sky, so if it completely goes against the rules of Chaos Sea.

That is, Ye Junlin is nothing but the existence of the first generation giant level, and itself is the chaotic true dragon, inheriting half of Ye Chen's chaotic bloodline, and is naturally compatible with and close to chaos, so to some extent, these taboo sky thunders are already A lot weaker.


Suddenly, a half-step overlord-level forbidden sky thunder descended from the sky, blasting at Ye Junlin and Ye Chen's soul with unprecedented power.

Ye Junlin's hair was horrified, and he could only feel the utter crisis of death.

The people waiting on all sides are also changing color!

Once it falls, not only Ye Chen's hard-to-reconsolidate spirit will inevitably disappear, but Ye Junlin is also in danger of falling.


At this time, the Emperor of Heaven, who was far from the origin of the Pangu universe, put out a big hand, blinked his eyes to cover the infinite starry sky, and grabbed the half-step overlord-level forbidden sky thunder at once, as if grabbing a small bug, letting it go. How the step-dominant-level taboo Tianlei struggled could not escape the palm of the heavenly emperor.


At the same time, when the emperor's palm was pressed down, the remaining taboo thunder and the law of cause and effect were all disintegrated and annihilated.

The starry sky of the universe is calm again.

Ye Junlin immediately used the heavenly power to repair all injuries and restore the appearance of abundance like jade.

But he was still coughing up blood, and after all, he suffered an injury.

But in order to resurrect Ye Chen, he did not hesitate to do anything.




"Little Moon!"

"Battle Saint King!"


A person rushed over and came to Ye Chen's soul, very surprised, and finally succeeded.

However, soon everyone changed color.

Even after collecting all the souls that Ye Chen branded in the universe and space and recombining them, they can always keep their eyes closed, as if they are sleeping.

When the time and space emperor, Taisheng Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Human Emperor, Liudao Great Emperor saw it, they were silent.

Obviously, although the spirits were reunited, it was far less than one-thousandth of Ye Chen's peak state in the past. He was very weak, and lacked the most critical thing, and could not wake up and return.

The emperor's voice resounded: "He should have been destroyed in form and spirit. Now you are reuniting the fragments of his soul imprinted in the universe, but you can only do this. If you want to really revive him, it won't work, because his true spirit is not there. "

The true spirit is the core of the spirit.

The lack of the true spirit of the soul is equivalent to the lack of the body of the soul, as if it were useless!

The faces of the goddess and others were pale, so in the end they couldn't completely resurrect Ye Chen?

Ye Junlin suddenly said, "Master, can the 11th-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill reunite the true spirit of his father and completely resurrect his father?"

The eleventh-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill is the most heaven-defying pill in ancient and modern times. Even if the form and spirit are destroyed, the ancient emperor can reverse everything and be resurrected, showing the anti-tian effect.

"The Heaven-defying Emperor Pill can indeed resurrect the fallen ancient emperors, but your father is different, he is a half-step overlord, and the effect of the Heaven-defying Emperor Pill will not be able to really resurrect him even if he is against the sky." Tai Sheng said, thinking. How easy is it to resurrect a half-step overlord?

Moreover, it is difficult to refine the Heaven-defying Emperor Pill, and only the Pill Emperor can refine it.

However, even if the emperor can be invited, the materials for refining the eleventh-order emperor pill are hard to find.

Don't you see how powerful Ye Chen was at the beginning of Chaos Sea, how many fairy kings and eternal giants collected materials for him, but in the end he failed to collect all the materials.

Everyone was a little desperate.

The Emperor of Heaven said: "It's not that it can't be resurrected. Ye Xiaoyou is the half-step overlord, and he is also the perfect person on the Chaos Avenue. It is to possess the atmospheric fortune of the Pangu universe. Besides, he is a half-step overlord. It is not easy to kill all his true spirits completely. There must be true spirits remaining in the world, but they are floating outside and never returned to this way."

Ye Junlin and others' eyes lit up: "How to call the true spirit to return?"

The emperor's eyes were deep and he said: "Don't worry, he will return eventually, but the time is not yet."

Everyone heard the words and gave birth to hope.

Since the Emperor of Heaven speaks, there must be a reason for him!

Taishenghuangdao: "The important thing now is to make his spirit conceived and strong, otherwise the true spirit will return in the future, and if the spirit is too weak, it will easily collapse and cannot bear it."

Human Emperor said: "Ye Xiaoyou has also walked the road of Buddha's belief. The addition of hundreds of millions of beliefs can put his soul in the power of endless faith, and may allow him to recover faster."

The eyes of other giants brightened.

Indeed, the road of faith can prove Dao becoming emperor, and it has infinite magical effects. It can survive with the power of faith in the hearts of the world. Even if it is perished one day, it may be resurrected.

Ye Chen, although he has also studied the road of faith, and opened up temples to allow the world to believe in himself, which can speed up the power and recovery of the soul.

Immediately, the people of Chaos Tianfu headed by Ye Junlin placed Ye Chen's spirit within the power of endless faith to warm up, and also mobilized the power of the world to let the world recite the good of Chaos Tiandi.

It is clearly visible that the effect is really obvious. Ye Chen's spirit is becoming stronger and more complete. Although it has not yet awakened, it is also becoming stronger, making Chaos Tianfu and the others gratified.

As long as Ye Chen is still alive, this is the best!


The ancient alien universe, at the origin of the universe, ancestral temples stand, and the giants of the alien races are all The master of Hongtian said in a deep voice: "The people of the Pangu universe have called for the Chaos Emperor. The shards of the imprinted souls have all revived their souls. Didn't he come back to life?"

Many foreign giants have ugly looks, and finally paid a huge price, even a half-step overlord like Mo Daozi also sacrificed, and finally let the Chaos Emperor fall, and now he is going to be resurrected?

Aoyuan’s voice sounded: "It’s so easy to resurrect a half-step overlord, not to mention that the former Chaotian Emperor burned everything, and even the core true spirit was annihilated. It is impossible to resurrect it. Today, they even call souls. Success is only part of the soul fragments of the Chaos Emperor, lacking the true spirit, waiting for an inanimate soul."

The tycoons of foreign races nodded, feeling that Oyuan's words were very reasonable, not to mention that he was one of the people who blocked the Chaos Emperor in the past, and he was a half-step overlord, who was qualified to speak.

Therefore, the foreign giants are also relieved a lot.

In the oldest ancestral temple, the first generation's gaze penetrated everything, looking at the origin of the universe, without knowing who said to someone: "How can you die!"

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