Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4031: 0 million years

The giants returned one by one to build the Pangu universe.

In particular, the Emperor of Heaven has an insurmountable influence. Even Ye Chen's heyday cannot be surpassed. He preached and taught the heavens himself.

Six Dao Great Emperor was seriously injured and was invited by the Emperor to go to the Human Palace for healing.

Giants such as Taishenghuang, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Yandi also preached one by one.

Even if they returned, the Pangu universe became stronger, but they did not neglect it, because the danger was not only the blood-stained era, but also the alien ancient universe, but also the blood-stained future.

The return of the giants will make the Pangu universe stronger and stronger, and even surpass the most prosperous mythical era in the past.

Day after day, year after year.

The years are long, and even the most powerful person in the world can't stop the passage of time.

The 1.112 million year of the Bloodstained Era was also 700,000 years after the return of the Pangu giants such as the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor Jinwu was promoted to a giant of eternal age.

Originally, he had great hopes of becoming an eternal giant, but later due to the early birth of Chaos Burial Ground, which led to the final transformation failure, he had no hope of becoming an eternal giant for this life.

However, the Emperor of Heaven returned, and a giant of Pangu, including the Emperor of Time and Space, also returned. Emperor Jinwu has been asking for advice for many years, and will eventually repair the defects, take that step, and become the dominant generation of giants.

In more than 1.2 million years of the Bloodstained Era, the Pangu universe once again shook, and a figure plunged into the chaotic sea, going through endless thunder and sublimation.

The Emperor of War, this extreme quasi-giant also broke through and became an original giant-level existence.

Soon, hundreds of thousands of years passed, and this was the millionth year of Ye Chen's death.

During the period, the return of the Emperor of Heaven put Pangu Universe in absolute stability, much more stable than when Ye Chen was in the past.

It seems that the blood-stained era has passed, and everything has returned to its original peace.

At the very least, the chaos may be chaotic, but the Pangu universe is in unprecedented peace.

Naturally, after tens of thousands of years of explosions, the Pangu universe has also given birth to many supreme sacreds, and there has been a huge blowout in this million years.

Within the Chaos Tianfu, with millions of years of warmth and nurturing, and the blessing of the power of faith, Ye Chen's spirit became more and more solid and stronger.

On this day, Danshi shining on the heavens, and even rushed out of the Pangu universe, shaking the sea of ​​chaos, the ancient and modern future.

The Pangu universe is focused on by all parties.

But seeing the ups and downs of the great cauldron that can cover the sky, the mouth of the cauldron gushes out infinite Dan light, and the fragrance is diffused, filling the infinite star field with vitality. The heavens and the universe are also directly revived, vigorous, and the avenue is boiling, and the end is incredible.

That was when Pangu Universe invited the Dandi, the first person in ancient and modern alchemy, to refine the 11th-order Heaven-defying Emperor Dan.

Because of Ye Chen’s earlier collection and the Tiandi’s personal appearance, the immortal kings of the Primordial Immortal Realm are also willing to help. Bai Wannian has collected all the materials for the Heaven-defying Emperor Pill. Practice success.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the Dandi Cauldron is gushing thin with the Danguang that covers the Chaos Sea, and Danxiang is fragrant from all parties, even the giants of all parties are very excited.

The eleventh-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill possesses the Heaven-defying effect that makes the Great Emperor Supreme come back to life. It is not a joke, as long as there is a little true spirit left, it can return to the peak.

Even the quasi-giant and the eternal giant are the same. Of course, it is impossible to directly return to the peak state like the Supreme, but it can not die.

However, the giants in the Pangu universe are standing there, and the emperor of the world is sitting in person. The alien ancient universe and the chaotic burial ground still dare not take it easily, let alone other people.


On this day, there was a big earthquake in the Chaos Tianfu, and the medicinal power of the eleventh-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill was completely absorbed into Ye Chen's soul, and it instantly surged, and waves of majestic soul light rushed over, one by one from the sea of ​​chaos. Submerge in the soul.

Ye Chen's spirit is so strong that it is astonishing, no less than it was in the past.

The majestic and vast soul power spread, almost annihilating the heavens and domains, and it was still the giants who took the initiative to seal it.

However, Ye Chen still showed no signs of awakening. Even if his soul power was no less than that of the past, he could always keep his eyes closed, otherwise there would be no scenes of soul power overflowing and collapsing time and space.

"Why hasn't my father been awakened yet at this point? Is the true spirit still floating outside?"

When Ye Junlin came to Ye Chen's soul, he could feel the strength of his father's soul power. Even though he was at the level of the first generation giant, there was still a huge gap.

Taishenghuangdao: "The true spirit is still not there, and it cannot be completely awakened."

The Emperor sighed slightly: "Now, I can only look at himself."

Ye Junlin and his relatives secretly prayed that Ye Chen would be able to come back to life.


Just when the eleventh-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill was refined like Ye Chen's soul, the souls of the scattered heavens were summoned to reunite and return.

On the long river of unseen years, it was dyed red by blood, and the blood mist was always floating, representing the tragic battle of the past.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the blood mist, not very strong, it has been up and down here for millions of years, always maintaining an ignorant consciousness.

This ignorant consciousness manipulated the aura. In the initial period, because of its weakness, it was not close to the blood mist, because the blood mist contained the taboo power of the supreme giant. If you are not careful, the aura will collapse into nothingness.

The aura has always carefully devoured the traces of special soul fragments floating in the gap of the blood mist, and it is the other auras inside, weaker and more ignorant.

This aura is to continuously strengthen oneself by swallowing other weaker to become stronger.

Finally, I don't know how many years have passed. This aura has swallowed enough aura, and finally it is so powerful that it has a real sense of autonomy and can practice independently.

By virtue of cultivation, he swallowed the fragments of the spirits scattered in the blood mist, and gradually became stronger, forming a human form of spirits, becoming stronger, and not afraid of encountering the blood mist.

At the same time, in the **** fog scattered on the long river of years, some scattered flesh and blood and bones were found by the humanoid spirits, some of which have a special chaotic light, which is innately compatible with him, as if they were scattered by him in the past Out.

The human form Divine Soul collected all the chaotic flesh and blood and bones, and barely wrapped the Divine Soul, with a vague figure.

At this time, he began to consciously devour all the blood mist and other flesh and bones, refined into the purest essence, submerged in the chaotic flesh and bones, actually gave birth to the growth of flesh and blood, and gradually took on a human form.

In the end, the humanoid soul cultivated into an adult, possessing a perfect humanoid body, who looked only in his early twenties, young and majestic, with black hair and shawls, and a strong body.

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