Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4032: Shidai: You will be back sooner or later

Not long after he became an adult, he was completely vaguely deduced, and it took almost a million years from the beginning to the present, when the most original aura suddenly trembled, he looked in a certain direction and muttered: "What is it? Who can influence my roots?"

Just now, he felt that his original aura was about to leave his body, rushing to the mysterious place.

In a far and unknowable place, he felt the impulse of the original aura, as if the closest person existed there, and it was even a part of him, calling himself.

What is calling yourself?

Suddenly, located in the deepest part of the original aura, was touched, and a mark of the avenue that was hidden in the deepest rose up, faintly visible, with a voice resounding: "through ancient and modern!"

When this sound came out, the river of years suddenly boiled.

I saw the past, present, and future of the long river of years, and countless fragments of time flew out, and they were flying. However, on each fragment of time, there was an unparalleled figure, representing the various eras of the same person.

What is shocking is that this person is actually very similar to him, as if from the same origin!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At this moment, the same figure in all the time fragments flew out, rushed towards him, and overlapped.

At the same time, scattered farther away in the long river of years, there is a drop of blood, containing the most terrifying chaotic power. There was once a digital supreme taboo, and the bones scattered here have never been recovered.

Even in his heyday, he was very taboo, never approached, and never refined.

This drop of blood still carries a monstrous blood, a drop of blood can drown a chaotic primitive world.

There are also many pale golden bones circulating the power of destruction.

At this moment, a lot of blood scattered here and a lot of powerful bones rushed towards that person.


He could not feel the slightest rejection at all, on the contrary, he completely merged with it, and his body gradually became flawless, golden ratio, unparalleled in his body, and completely integrated with that person's soul and light.

This is a young and handsome young man who looks in his early twenties. He has black hair like a waterfall, sword eyebrows and stars. The whole body exudes a strong aura. It is extremely powerful. The immortal aura is vast in ancient and modern times, and his eyes are as deep as a starry sky. Unpredictable, looking at the vast river of years, all memories woke up and sighed: "Sure enough, I'm resurrected again."

Since practicing Taoism, he has died time and time again, resurrected time and time again, always immortal, and constantly reborn.

I have to say that Ye Chen is familiar with this experience.

He knew that, especially after he seemed to have become a half-step overlord, even if he burned Xing Shen and the chaotic universe, it was still too difficult to completely fall.

When it exploded in the past, a strand of true spirit escaped and came to the river of years, lost for millions of years, and swallowed the fragments of the soul on the river again and again, and grew up, gradually became stronger, and was able to consume the flesh and blood of many eternal giants. , There are also the chaotic flesh and blood that he had left over the years before his death, and he was able to re-train his flesh.

Now, the body is reappearing, but it is still far inferior to the half-step overlord-level chaotic sacrament of the Chaos Emperor before his death.

"Well, I feel that some of my souls have revived in the Pangu universe. It seems that someone has collected the fragments of my souls that imprinted on the Pangu heavens and bred them to become stronger, and it seemed to me no less than before my death How much. And my Chaos Sacred Bone, didn't actually smash and annihilate?" Ye Chen first glanced at the position of the Pangu universe, and then looked at the alien ancient universe.

He could feel that the Chaos Sacred Bone was still there before he was alive, and he could sense it in the dark, actually located at the origin of the universe of the ancient alien universe.

"Did Shidai leave it? Why did he leave my Chaos Sacred Bone?"

Ye Chen frowned, but at this moment he couldn't allow much thought. At this moment, the supreme Chaos Dafa was running, summoning the Chaos Sacred Bone.

At the origin of the ancient alien universe, the ups and downs of ancestral temples represent the existence of the great alien giants.

At this moment, inexplicably, at the origin of the universe, a majestic wave was born, which alarmed the eternal giants in the great ancestral temples.

But it can be seen that the origin of the universe is torn apart, and a human bone walks out with a scream, blooming with the light of the vast origin, and also permeated with the trembling power of the universe.

"It's a half-step overlord bone!"

The giants of the foreign races were all shocked. They had always been at the origin of the universe, and they had never discovered such a half-step overlord-level skeleton.

"The familiar Qi machine is the immortal sacred bone of the Emperor Chaos!"

All the giants recognized it. This is the Chaos Sacred Bone of the Chaos Emperor, with wisps of chaotic brilliance, and it is also filled with half-step overlord-level power, immortal and immortal. I never thought I would dare to be in the origin of the ancient universe They never found out.

"How can the remains of the Chaos Emperor appear at the origin of the universe of our ancient universe!"

The tycoons of foreign races frowned, but they were also taking action at the moment, because something abnormal must be a monster.

Ao Yuan even shot himself personally, protruding a magic hand and covering it.

If the chaotic sacred bone shape is as intelligent, the five phalanges clenched into a fist shape and collided with Aoyuan.

There was a big earthquake in the original area of ​​the universe, and the sacred bones of chaos were shot and flew away and fell to the edge of the universe, but the next moment they burst into blazing chaotic light, tearing the barriers of the universe with a boom, and disappeared.

"No, the remains of the Emperor Chaos escaped. Could it be that the Emperor Chaos really came back to life? Hurry up!"

Immediately, many foreign giants rushed out, trying to catch up, and the extremely terrifying fluctuations spread to six and eight wastes, shaking the entire foreign ancient universe.

However, when they came to the location where the Chaos Sacred Bone had left, they all looked ugly.

Because the chaos sacred bones contained chaotic characteristics, all traces were obliterated. Even if there were no lack of first-generation giants among the foreign giants that were chasing after them, and even a half-step overlord like Ouyuan was chasing after them, there was no trace of it.

"First Generation!"

Aoyuan looked towards the origin of the universe, and now only the Majestic overlord can find the traces of the Chaos Sacred The voice of the first generation rang: "You don’t need to chase it, you can’t chase it. The emperor of heaven will also hinder the move."


The faces of the foreign giants were very ugly.

Shidai looked at the origin of the universe and said something that only he could hear: "Sooner or later, you will be back."


On the long river of years, the Holy Bone of Chaos tears through time and space and appears on it.

Ye Chen smiled and greeted him, his whole person and Chaos Sacred Bone were completely integrated.


The river of years is boiling, and billions of taboo sky thunders descend from the sky and blast towards Ye Chen.

Because this is a taboo event that reverses the cause and effect of ancient and modern times.

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