Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4034: Reappearance of Chaos Small Universe

Latest URL: The Chaos Body of the Universe is very powerful, even surpassing the previous Chaos Saint Body.

However, there is an extremely serious flaw that cannot use the power of Chaos.

It is not that a divine power is completely sealed, on the contrary, the chaotic divine power is better than the past, but all the chaotic divine power has become the nourishment of the original seeds of the universe, which is always swallowed, and always promotes the growth of the chaotic small universe.

Of course, Ye Chen's cosmic chaotic body's chaotic supernatural power is so infinite and powerful, it is unimaginable that it is concentrated on the chaotic source seed. Since the cosmic chaotic body is re-trained, the chaotic source seed has sprouted and grown.

In just a short period of time, it has grown to the point of no less than a seat in the world, transformed into a prototype of a chaotic universe, and is still expanding at an astonishing speed.

All of this seems to expand too fast, which will easily create instability and collapse of the chaotic small universe.

However, Ye Chen had the experience of gestating a small chaotic universe long ago, and he was quite skilled in the expansion of the small chaotic universe. Everything went smoothly without any major problems.

In this way, after a thousand years have passed on the long river of years, after the Chaos Small Universe has absorbed enough Chaos Divine Power, it has returned to its pre-mortem position, no less than the Primordial Heaven Realm.

However, at this point, even if the cosmic chaotic body's chaotic supernatural power is boundless, it is difficult to promote the rapid expansion and perfection of the chaotic small universe, completely stop, and continue to slowly expand.

This requires the slow transition of time.

When one day, the small Chaos Universe fully grows into the Ancient Chaos Universe, Ye Chen will be able to use the Chaos Divine Power again.

"This is a bit difficult. Chaos divine power cannot be used. If it lacks nearly half of its combat power."

It should be noted that Ye Chen's strength is not only the invincibility of the physical body, but also the incomparable divine power.

At his level, the divine power cultivated in his body contains the most powerful taboo power, which is far better than the power of the heavens.

Only by using the divine power in the body, can it display truly invincible supernatural powers.

Without the support of the chaos divine power, even if the power of the great avenues of the heavens can be used in a single thought, it is difficult to display the taboo-level supernatural powers of the corresponding realm.

Of course, the so-called corresponding realm is only aimed at the eternal magnate or above, and using the avenue of heavens in one thought can still pose a threat to the eternal magnate.

Ye Chen was a little helpless, and wanted to wait until the Chaos Little Universe was completely complete and perfected. He didn't know when he would wait.

However, it was finally a blessing in misfortune, because he was resurrected, and he also possessed a more invincible cosmic chaos body.

Just relying on the cosmic chaotic body is enough to do many things.

"Since it has been resurrected, the Chaos Small Universe has grown to this point, and it's time to return to the Pangu Universe."

With a bang, he didn't see how Ye Chen used his supernatural powers, only relying on the unparalleled power of the cosmic chaos body to directly tear open the special dimensional space of the years.


Suddenly, countless blood-colored taboo sky thunders fell, carrying special time fragments, and shocking Ye Chen incomparably.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Chen was slightly startled, feeling that the speciality of these blood-colored taboo sky thunders was different from the taboo sky thunders resurrected against the sky, but no less than that, even with terrible causal karma, extremely terrifying, bombarding him overwhelmingly.

But he was fearless, blasted out with a punch, carrying the overwhelming power, and crushed everything.

Ahead, the taboo sky thunders into the sky, pierced through a road by the raw ground.

Ye Chen forcefully crossed the vast sea of ​​calamity formed by the blood-colored taboo thunder, and finally succeeded.

However, unlike the Pangu universe he imagined, his position was so wrong that he finally landed in a vast and endless chaotic ancient universe, only feeling the infinite fairy qi rushing towards his face.

"The Great Desolate Realm?"

Ye Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that he would eventually enter the cosmic plane of the Primordial Immortal Realm, but he felt a steady stream of immortal energy rushing toward his face, and the cells of his limbs and skeletons all made comfortable sounds.

He clearly felt the cosmic chaotic body's desire for immortal energy, unprecedented, and extremely longing for such immortal energy.

Somewhat puzzled, even the Chaos Saint Body of the past was not like this, not to mention that it had swallowed more advanced celestial energy in the past, it was the Immortal King Cave Mansion of Immortal King Zixiao, who had cultivated in it for 100,000 years.

Although he was puzzled, Ye Chen's pores gave rise to tiny black holes, frantically swallowing the fairy qi of this vast fairyland.

The entire Immortal Territory was in a big shock, and all beings were shocked, and they found that a whole Immortal Territory's infinite celestial energy rushed to a mysterious place frantically, turning into a substantial fairy qi vortex.

The size of the fairy qi vortex is as large as a million miles in diameter, which is extremely amazing.

Down to the mortal, up to the Primordial King, all were shocked, able to swallow such a huge amount of immortality, absolutely ordinary people, at least the existence of emperors, and even supreme immortals, far beyond their ability to provoke.

"who is it?"

After all, it alarmed the supreme immortal, the ruler of this immortal territory, and came personally, because the immortal energy that Ye Chen swallowed was too vast and massive, and almost drained a tenth of the immortal territory in a short time. Yi's immortal energy, including many spiritual veins, were exhausted into ashes, how amazing it was.

"Swallowed a little too much, I didn't expect to alarm the supreme immortal in this fairyland."

Feeling the arrival of the Supreme Immortal in person, Ye Chen also smiled wryly, tore the void directly, disappeared, and the Supreme Immortal left one step earlier.

"Where can the rats swallow me Jinxin Immortal Territory and dare not show up, and escaped!"

Jin Xinzhenxian snorted coldly. He is the supreme immortal and the supreme of a generation. How can he allow outsiders to be so arrogant and explore directly with the knowledge of immortals.

But his expression changed quickly, because there was no trace of the shooter, it was better that he, as a generation of supreme-level supreme immortals, could not find any clues.

"Is it the quasi-immortal king, or even the immortal king?"

Jin Xin Zhenxian was shocked, and when it came to that level, he could not hold him accountable.

Ye Chen, who left through the air, didn't know that he was mistaken for a quasi-immortal king by a supreme immortal, and even the supreme immortal king and other supreme existences.

In the following years, Ye Chen traversed the great immortal realms again and again, swallowing immeasurable immortal energy again and again, and alarmed the supreme immortals of the immortal realms again and again.

This caused a big shock in the prehistoric fairy world.

Who is to swallow the celestial qi of the heavens in the great celestial realms again and again, and every time at least more than one-tenth of the celestial qi of the entire seat.

But no one knows what the sacred is, even if there is even the immortal domain of the quasi-immortal king suffered the fate of being swallowed by the immortal energy, it is impossible to find out.

In the end, the supreme immortal king, who was in charge of the destiny of the immortal world, made a personal investigation, but what shocked the sentient beings was that there was no follow-up.

His Majesty the fairy king can't find it out?

However, how can the sentient beings in the prehistoric immortal realm know that the person who devours the immortal energy of the immortal realms is not someone else, but Ye Chen.

Naturally, even if Ye Chen returned from the resurrection, his divine power was constantly being swallowed by the small chaos universe and could not be used, but it was still not traceable by the supreme immortal and the quasi-immortal king.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in a wasteland in the prehistoric world.

I was so immersed in my mind that I could see that at the dantian place, these days after swallowing the huge amount of immortal energy from the great immortal realms, finally condensed a seed of immortal Dao in the dantian.

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