Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4035: Immortal King Taoist

Latest website: The Immortal Dao seeds are condensed in Ye Chen's pubic area, but the size of a thumb, the whole body is densely packed and intertwined with endless immortal runes, all of which are supreme-level Dao runes, unpredictable.

Maybe it is necessary to enlarge this immortal seed to the size of a star to clearly see the immortal rune on it.

The majestic Immortal Dao power overflowed from the seeds of the Immortal Dao, which was the result of Ye Chen condensing the huge amount of immortal energy that continuously swallowed the immortal realms during this period of time, which was extraordinary.

"Sendorial Seed?"

Ye Chen was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect that a seed of the Immortal Dao would eventually condense, which was beyond his expectation.

And this immortal seed is not simple, the immortal energy contained is enough to make the supreme immortal be frightened.

"Perhaps it cannot be called a simple immortal seed, but should be called the immortal king."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, because the celestial qi in this fairy king Taoist species finally entered the body through his cosmic chaos body, and was invisibly washed by the cosmic chaotic body, and the fairy qi was sublimated and became more The powerful Immortal King Qi, the condensed seed is even more difficult, even the immortal king of the eternal giant level, few people can condense such an Immortal King Dao seed.

Generally speaking, if the Supreme Immortal can condense a Dao-seed of the Immortal King, he will be able to prove the Supreme Immortal King's status in the future, and he will not be an ordinary immortal king, even if it is not the level of the immortal king of the first generation giant.

Moreover, what surprised Ye Chen the most was that he was able to mobilize the power of this Immortal King Dao-seed, and a stream of pure and extremely immortal King air flow circulated among the limbs in his body, and he could freely display the magical powers of immortality.

Moreover, the magical powers displayed with the help of the power of the Immortal Dao seeds are slightly different from the magical powers cultivated by the monastic system outside the prehistoric immortal realm. It has a somewhat vague taste and is more solid.

Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly said: "If you can't use the power of chaos for the time being, maybe it is a good choice to cultivate the power of immortality with the help of the method of the immortal world system. The immortal ancestor and the others are at the level of overlord of the world."

In this way, once the Chaos Show Universe is completely perfected, not only the Chaos Divine Power can be used again, but also the Chaos Divine Power can be cultivated as much as the Chaos Divine Power. The two completely different forces are combined together, and they may burst out even more. strong force.

At this thought, Ye Chen was also a little happy, and thought of a further way. Of course, it will take a long time to get to that point to gradually improve.

Moreover, the Chaos Bible he created in the past has little effect on his current self, because the power of the Chaos is concentrated in the small universe of Chaos, he feels that he may need to recreate a Chaos Immortal Method for the cultivation of the Immortal Realm to better cultivate the power of Immortality. .

"Although I practiced the Great Way of Chaos and reached the stage of reaching Consummation, which is close to Dzogchen, I still practiced other cultivation systems after all. Although I can penetrate the Immortal Dao cultivation system with the help of Chaos, I can't really use it as superbly. Only if you belong to the Immortal Dao Method that suits you, can the Immortal Dao power be exerted to the greatest extent."

The Chaos Bible created before, after all, only focused on the immortal Dao system, and once the power cultivated would basically be transformed into the chaotic divine power, it was difficult to cultivate true immortal power.

Creating the method of immortality is the key to the present.

Of course, with Ye Chen's ability, it is not difficult to create an immortal scripture, or even the immortal king scripture, but it is difficult to find a fairy scripture that suits you.

"I feel the primordial realm of the immortal world and study all the great celestial king sutras, maybe it will help me create my own chaotic celestial king sutra!"

Ye Chen said to himself.

On this day, he came to the southern part of the fairy world, which is also known as the Southern Wilderness.

The Southern Desolation is as big as the Heavens and Ten Thousand Territories of the Pangu Universe. There are many fairy territories and even the immortal king territory.

Chiyang Immortal Territory is located in the southern barren land, and is located in the southernmost edge of the southern barren, and also the southernmost edge of the fairy world.

One of the fairy king gates standing on the edge of the fairy world is vaguely visible.

In fact, the Chiyang Immortal Territory is also full of immortality, but it is far less abundant than the central territory of the Primordial Immortal World.

Ye Chen started from the Chiyang Immortal Territory, straddling the vast southern wilderness, exploring the prehistoric fairyland, comprehending the heavens, and gradually perfecting the corresponding Chaos Immortal Method.

During his travels, he occasionally encountered some other cultivators of the Primal Chaos universe who were completely different from the Primordial Realm.

Similarly, I was also delighted to discover that these practitioners were all practitioners from the Pangu universe. According to the information received, with the return of the emperor of the Pangu universe, the Pangu universe re-emerged strongly, and the primordial immortal world also expanded with the Pangu universe. With respect to the cooperation, the practitioners of the two great chaotic ancient universes now lead to each other, so on the vast land of the immortal world, there are also practitioners who practice other systems walking.

And also got relevant news in the Pangu universe, everything is fine.

Millions of years have passed, compared with the chaotic Chaos Sea, it is extremely peaceful and peaceful. Because the Emperor of Heaven is in charge, and there are many giants of the world, no one dares to attack the Pangu universe at will.

Gradually, Ye Chen also understood the difference between the immortal cultivation system of the Primordial Realm and the cultivation systems of other chaotic ancient universes. As the first Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea and the most powerful Ancient Chaos Universe, the Primordial Realm has its corresponding special and extraordinary features.

Moreover, the cultivation system of the Primordial Immortal Realm is slightly different from the cultivation system of the outside world. It is mainly based on the immortal method, and the ultimate practice is to become a god, known as the supreme immortal, instead of proving that it is an emperor like the outside world.

Although The Supreme Immortal and the ancient emperor are both supreme levels, the immortal system of the Supreme Immortal has its special features.

According to legend, the immortal system of the prehistoric immortal world was created by the ancestor.

Immortal Ancestor, known as the same invincible existence as the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, the Great Universe, and the ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan, stood at the top. The immortal system he created was of great help to Ye Chen's cultivation of immortal power.

The Chiyang Immortal Territory has a total of 117 states, and each state has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. It is no less than a large area of ​​the heavens and ten thousand domains, and some are even more vast.

Mortality State is one of them.

Legend has it that this prefecture once lost the supreme immortal, so it has this title.

Ye Chen descended to Death County and came to a small village named Juesheng Village in the Death County.

This small village, very ordinary and ordinary, is located between millions of mountains, but thanks to the rich aura of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world, everyone can cultivate immortals.

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