Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4038: Tai Xiao

Latest website: Wei Yun, as a direct disciple of the suzerain, is very likely to be the next suzerain. She should know what is going on.

However, Wei Yun shook the head lightly, because that beautiful face was also full of shock, in fact she didn't know.


A strong aura rose to the sky, and as the majestic divine light spread, it was a powerful figure.


Many disciples immediately worshipped.


Wei Yun also saluted, and came to this strong figure.

This is a quasi-sovereign, who can be called a very strong cultivation base, and can be called a top-level super power in the entire Red Sun Immortal Territory. For the contemporary lord of the Wushan Sect, he has mastered the legacy of an ancient king. All the energy of the supreme sect.

Of course, the supreme master of Wushan is only relative to the average cultivator. At this moment, his face, which has always been calm and light, has a solemn expression, and solemnly said: "Now, His Highness Taixiao, the fairy prince of the Tai'a Immortal Kingdom, is going to the Tai'an Immortal King Pass , Will pass through my Wushan Sect. I have been notified that it is very likely to visit Wushan Sect. During this time, we must be careful not to offend His Royal Highness the immortal prince. Even a little bit of anger is enough to make us thoroughly. Turned to ashes, completely wiped from the world!"

Hearing that the lord was so serious, the many elders and disciples of the Wushan Sect did not dare to be careless, and at their level, they also understood the terrible aspects of existence!

The fairy prince, the son of the supreme fairy king, inherits the most powerful immortal bloodline in the world, and is born close to immortals. As expected, it will not be a big problem to become immortal in the future.

Moreover, the immortal prince is a great person who is very noble and almost equal to the supreme immortal, how dare they offend.

"Is it finally coming?"

In the Wushan Sect, Ye Chen looked to the east, piercing through the sky, as if he could see everything in the world.

Soon, a very noble immortal passed by the sky, with a surging fairy light, a group of noble figures descended from the sky and descended on the Wushan School.

The leader is a young man who is in his early twenties.

As the quasi-king, Sect Master Wushan didn't dare to be careless, and immediately led a group of elders and disciples to greet him, and respectfully said: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

The immortal prince who came here is the fifth heir of the immortal king Tai A, and the youngest immortal prince named Tai Xiao, who was truly conceived and born in this life, and inherited the blood of the most powerful immortal king.

Now he is only in his early twenties, and he has already cultivated to the Holy Tibetan Realm.

This is the result of re-cultivation after cutting off the innate Dao foundation at birth, and has paid great attention to Dao foundation during the past two decades, and has not raised the realm excessively. Otherwise, with the blood of the immortal king, it is enough to make him Stepping into the cycle of reincarnation, and thus seeking the heavenly kingdom.

Even so, still cultivating into the holy Tibetan realm, standing in the sixth heaven, can be said to be quite an astonishing cultivation speed, which is beyond the reach of ordinary Tianjiao.

In particular, Tai Xiao is a born Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and the bloodline of the immortal king in his body is even more prosperous, as if the immortal king of the world is dormant in his body, powerful.

Even the Wushan Sect Master facing the Quasi-Monarch Realm did not have the slightest stage fright. On the contrary, the power of the Immortal King's bloodline was boiling, and it made the void tremble, almost unbearable, which shocked people.

Sect Master Wushan was frightened, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that there was a supreme fairy king sitting cross-legged in Tai Xiao's body, as if he was about to be fully awakened at any time, and the threads of the fairy king were restrained. , So that he, a quasi-king who is far above Tai Xiao, was also about to split his body.

As if facing a true immortal, not a fairy prince in the holy Tibetan realm.

"Is this the bloodline of the legendary Supreme Immortal King? It is better than the bloodline of the supreme kings of the heavens. I don't know how much it is, even if the bloodline of the Immortal Dao reaches the later stage, it is difficult to compare." Everyone in the Wushan Sect was amazed. The bloodline of the king gives the fairy prince innate advantages, which can be worth tens of hundreds of years of cultivation in a year, and the shackles of the realm are not a problem. With the passage of time, everything will be solved naturally and breakthroughs will be achieved.

Wei Yun sighed slightly, feeling sad.

Although she can be regarded as the world's most difficult to find prince, she has cultivated into the Holy Tibetan Realm in her early thirties, which can be described as an amazing speed, but compared with the immortal prince and Tai Xiao, she is far from it, like The fire of Yingying competes with the sun and the moon.

I have to admit that this kind of bloodline makes people jealous, and it is a heaven-defying bloodline.

However, no one in the room dared to show the slightest jealousy, because Tai Xiao was an immortal prince, and his status was extremely noble.

Tai Xiao Jian’s eyebrows and star eyes, abundance of gods like jade, a beautiful man who is like jade, covered with immortal spirit, like the reincarnation of a fairy king, quite extraordinary. At this moment, I am very kind to Wushan Sect. Salute, this time I went to the Immortal King Pass and passed through the Wushan School, which disturbed me."

Everyone in the Wushan Sect was flattered. They didn't expect Prince Tai Xiaoxian to be so polite, and quickly said: "His Royal Highness is polite, it should be."

Prince Tai Xiaoxian nodded slightly and was about to leave, but suddenly, one person stood up and said to him: "His Royal Highness, can you ask me something."

Hearing that, countless people in Wushan Sect were almost out of spirits. At this time, which **** dared to make trouble.

I saw that the person who came out turned out to be Ye Chen. Sect Master Wushan was helpless and sighed and said: "His Royal Highness, this is a Daoist of my Wushan Sect. In my practice, I don’t understand etiquette. My Wushan Sect prays for forgiveness from His Highness."

Tai Xiao glanced at Ye Chen, her eyes were full of fairy light, she had a lot of insight, and smiled lightly: "There is no need to blame yourself, this temple sees him in the demi-god realm tenth heavenly perfection, it can be described as the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen, it is very good. "

Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao is indeed very good, but as a fairy prince, he has been practicing alongside the Tai Ah Immortal King since he was a child. He has seen countless geniuses. Even if the real Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao is few, but also Not too surprised.

What's more, he himself is also the supreme heavenly arrogant of Dzogchen, and he inherits the bloodline of the immortal king of Xeon Wang.

"Somewhat interesting, okay, this hall accepts your challenge." Tai Xiao said, with a faint and confident smile.

He is a generation of fairy princes, and the realm is the holy Tibetan realm. It can be seen that Ye Chen is only the god-transforming realm, and he has just entered this realm, so he does not pay too much attention to it.

Ye Chen said suddenly: "I have a request. If I win, you will teach me the chapters of the gods of the Supreme Immortal King Sutra."

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