Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4039: Tai Ah Sword Art

The latest website: As soon as the words fell, everyone changed their colors, and Sect Master Wushan shouted with a gloomy expression: "You are too courageous, the Supreme Immortal King Jing is the Supreme Immortal King Jing, how can you catch a glimpse of it."

The Sutra of the Immortal Kings is the supreme immortal sutra that was created and perfected after the supreme immortal king achieved the status of the immortal king, and it took thousands of years to finally create and perfect it. Injecting into it is extremely precious, even more precious than the Supreme Imperial Soldier.

Even if it's just one of the chapters on the great realm, you can get a glimpse of the former Supreme Immortal King's great insights in this realm.

It can be said that even a quasi-king-level existence like Wushanzong would never dare to speak to Tai Xiao like this.

Wei Yun also looked at Ye Chen in surprise, but he didn't expect him to be so courageous.

Tai Xiao had his own guardians around him. One of them was the King of Gods. After hearing the words, his eyes were gloomy and said: "Your Majesty, this son is too arrogant. I dare to peep into the King Tai'a Immortal King Sutra.

The Scripture of the Immortal King Tai's is the untransmitted mystery of the Immortal King's line, and important descendants who do not have the blood of the Immortal King Tai's are not eligible for the cultivation chapter of the Immortal King's Scripture, let alone being just an outsider.

Sect Master Wushan said with trepidation: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me, this son doesn't understand world affairs."

These words are not without the care of Ye Chen's shelter. In the final analysis, a Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao has a good chance of becoming a **** in the future. Wushan Sect is very talented and does not want him to accidentally perish.

Ye Chen ignored him, looking at Tai Xiao and said, "Don't you dare?"

"Ye Chen, that's enough!" Sect Master Wushan hurriedly shouted, and secretly transmitted his voice: "This is His Royal Highness the Immortal Prince, you have to know that His Highness's father is His Majesty the Immortal King, who really controls the entire vast fairyland. Our ruler, Chi Yang Zhenxian, sees His Majesty the Immortal King, and respectfully salutes."

Ye Chen smiled. What about the Immortal King, if it weren't for the fact that the Primordial Immortal Realm had a good relationship with him in his early years, he would have taken a shot long ago, otherwise he would let Tai Xiao stand tall in front of him.

With his position as the Emperor of Chaos Heaven, even if the fairy king sees it, he must be respectful and dare not neglect.

Tai Xiao looked at Ye Chen, but smiled: "Yes."

"Your Highness!"

Behind him, the guards were surprised.

Tai Xiao smiled faintly: "This hall is invincible at the same level, can it still be defeated by the hands of an early stage god?"

The guards just remembered that the boy in front of him was only an early stage of transforming gods. Even the Supreme Heavenly Jiao of Dzogchen must not be compared with the fairy prince who is a holy Tibetan realm.

The guardian of the Divine King Realm said: "His Royal Highness is an immortal prince, with unparalleled blood, and he was born in the Holy Tibetan Realm. Even if his cultivation base is cut off, he will still return to the Holy Tibetan Realm in just over ten years. When Sheng was born. Even though they are both Dzogchen Supreme Heavenly Pride, but in the same realm and generation, no one can compete with His Highness!

This is a natural and absolute advantage, and the supreme blood given by his father's generation far exceeds everything.


A solid martial arts platform appeared, built with a powerful Dao, and itself was a powerful secret treasure, no less than a heavenly soldier.

Ye Chen and Tai Xiao both entered.

As soon as Tai Xiao entered, he began to release the qi machine. The extremely powerful holy realm qi machine swayed and opened. It was extraordinary, especially the blood of the immortal king in his body was boiling, as if a stormy sea was roaring, it was amazing.

Just this holy power is enough to sweep the holy Tibetan realm, and it is difficult to find an opponent of the same generation.

Wei Yun's eyes dimmed. Although she was also a generation prince, she felt that she was far from Tai Xiao.

It's really going to be a battle, she asks herself that she is not an all-in-one general.

But soon, Tai Xiao restrained Shengwei, and took the initiative to suppress the realm to the early stage of the transformation of the gods, calmly and self-belief: "The temple does not deceive you, suppressing the realm to the first stage of the transformation, consistent with you, as long as you win This hall, you can teach you the chapters of the God-Transforming God's Sutra."

Ye Chen said suddenly: "You will regret that you have suppressed your realm."

"Hahaha—" Tai Xiao laughed, with absolute self-confidence, said: "I am too young to be invincible at the same level. I will push everything horizontally. You will not regret it. You can do it yourself."

Everyone couldn't help but feel Ye Chen's arrogance and shook their heads secretly.

In the primordial realm of immortality, the descendants of the immortal Dao are invincible of the same rank. This is an absolute iron law, even the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao is no different.

What's more, Tai Xiaofei is an ordinary heir of the Immortal Dao, the immortal prince, inherited the supreme bloodline of the Immortal King, and the bloodline of the Immortal King is far superior to that of the Immortal Dao.

Even in the early days, the bloodline of the Immortal King was basically in a sealed state and did not show much advantage. However, relying on the Immortal King Scripture and the Immortal King Technique, even if Ye Chen was the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, he lacked the corresponding sutras and methods. Supernatural powers have been widened in this regard.

"Ye Chen is too young. Although he is the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, so what? His Royal Highness is also the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, not to mention the cultivation of the Immortal King Scripture, which can restore the divine power to the greatest extent, and the magical powers created by His Majesty the Immortal King How simple is it, and it can make the best possible use of strength." Wushan Sect Master shook his head, but he also felt that this battle would be better to sharpen Ye Chen, the Supreme Talent of Dzogchen, and he has the heart to cherish talents. , If possible, I hope to send him to Tai Xiao to practice.

With his identity as Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, he will inevitably stand out soon, and may eventually be regarded as a disciple by a supreme immortal in the realm of the Immortal King.

It might not even be valued by King Tai Ah.

Once you become a disciple of King Tai A, your chances of becoming immortal in the future can almost be said to be great.

"Please enlighten me!" Ye Chen said.

"Okay!" Tai Xiao was not polite, and it would not be an exaggeration to teach a little **** of transformation in his capacity.

The same as Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, the power displayed in his shots is no less than the Super Transformation God of the Seventh Heaven, slamming Ye Chen.

The rays of fairy light scattered, overwhelming the sky, and it was amazing.

Just such a shot is enough to make many super gods treat it seriously and dare not careless.

However, Ye Chen ignored him indifferently. He rushed over in an instant, physically unparalleled, and directly shattered a lot of celestial light, disintegrated strongly and directly, and descended in front of Tai Xiao.


Not only Tai Xiao, but the crowd outside the martial arts ring couldn’t believe it. Ye Chen had already crushed Tai Xiao’s attack only with his physical body. Although it was just a casual blow, it was far beyond what could be resisted in the early stage of the transformation. The same is true of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, you need to be attentive, how can it be like Ye Chen that directly collapses into the sky, it can be called withering and standing!

"This son hides his strength? No, he is indeed only in the early stage of Transforming God Realm, but his body is incredibly tough."

A **** king was surprised and said that he could vaguely feel Ye Chen's physical incomparableness, which was amazing, otherwise he would not smash Tai Xiao's attack.

After Tai Xiao was shocked, he immediately concentrated his attention, daring not to be careless, and shouted: "Tai Ah Sword Art!"

This is a sword art of conquering the world created by the immortal king Tai A, with just one sword, it can cut the sun, the moon and the stars, and destroy the heavens!

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