Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4040: Immortal king-level attacking holy technique

Latest website: Zhengzhengzheng——

On the finger of Tai Xiao sword, the infinitely bright sword gas gushes, flooding the entire martial arts arena with a radius of thousands of feet, and it is terrifying.

This can no longer be regarded as the power that a super transformation **** can master, this sword can threaten the top transformation of the eight or nine heavens.

Outside the martial arts arena, all parties were amazed.

Sect Master Wushan said: "Tai'a Sword Art is one of the three great techniques for attacking the immortal kings initiated by His Majesty Tai's Immortal King. It is rumored that in the early days of the Bloodstained Era, the Chaos Sea had an unworldly enemy peeping into the desolate immortal world, Your Majesty When I went to expedition, I once used this sword technique to kill three quasi-giants and severely inflicted an eternal giant with an unparalleled reputation."

Whether it is a quasi-giant or an eternal giant, they are supreme beings on top of the Chaos Sea, and they don't know how far away they are, and they are unattainable.

However, the Tai A Immortal King Ether A Sword Jue, once occupied the quasi-giant and severely damaged the eternal giant, which shows the strength of this sword jue.

"It is rumored that the Tai'a Sword Art is extremely demanding, and it needs to resonate tenfold before it can be displayed. It is also time. It is not the Supreme Tianjiao that is not qualified to display it. Moreover, even the Supreme Tianjiao needs to reach the Holy Tibetan Realm to barely display it. , But His Royal Highness is indeed amazing. He is indeed a fairy prince. Since he has shown the subtlety of transforming gods, it is really not easy."

Many elders in the Wushan Sect lamented that Tai'a Sword Art, as one of the three great techniques of attacking the immortal kings created by the Tai'a Immortal King, is naturally not simple, but the basic requirements are extremely high. It is not the supreme Tianjiao. , Non-Holy Tibetan Realm cannot be displayed.

However, Tai Xiao's ability to use the cultivation of transforming the gods to show it is enough to explain his defying nature.

"I don't know if it is stronger or weaker than the fighting holy technique, which is known as the first holy technique of attack in the legend?"

A god-king in Wushan Sect, the old immortal said that the powerful people could not help but recall that a million years ago, the Chaos Sea had walked out of an unparalleled Chaos Heavenly Emperor, who was an invincible person in the line of fighting saints. But better than Lan, attacking Wushuang, once squashed the Chaos Sea, and has the name of invincibility.

Although it was lost in the most terrifying battle, the holy method of fighting was also carried forward in its hands, showing the unparalleled power of attack.

Even if the Tai A Immortal King who is quite confident in the Tai Ah Sword Art, did not think that it must be stronger than the fighting holy method, because the former Chaos Emperor was indeed too strong, and the rumors displayed the fighting holy Fa has even killed the giants of the ages, that is no less than the existence of the giants of the fairy king.

Wei Yun secretly said in his heart: "Although Ye Chen is very strong, but he is going to lose, that is the Tai Ah Sword Art, attacking the world's unparalleled, the same level of lore, even if his body is strong, he cannot be the opponent of His Royal Highness."

Many people think that Ye Chen will be defeated. Even if Ye Chen is against the sky, he is the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen, but Tai Xiao is also, and he also masters the Immortal King technique, which belongs to the top supernatural power between heaven and earth, and can sweep the same rank.

However, in the next moment, everyone changed color.

I saw that Ye Chen also pointed a finger, and in an instant, countless sword auras spurted out, with strands of fairy light.

The fierce sword spirit also enveloped the entire stage of martial arts.

"Too Ah Sword Art!?"

"Impossible, how could he be too A sword art?"

Everyone was too shocked. How could Ye Chen know how to be too A Sword Art. That is the secret technique of King Tai A. Throughout the ages, only the descendants or important descendants of King Tai A can practice. Practice.

The many powerhouses in the line of Immortal King Tai's expressions were even more gloomy. The first thing that came to mind was that Ye Chen might not know what method he used to steal Tai'a Sword Art.

This is an extremely serious incident.

Tai'a Sword Art is not a general resoluteness, but a holy technique of the immortal king level. There is no superior immortal king's painstaking effort to create the secret that is not passed down, and it is not an important person in the same line to contact. Let alone practice.

However, how did Ye Chen get the Tai A Jian Jue?

Tai Xiao was also surprised and couldn't believe it.

However, no matter it was him or anyone else, it was impossible to imagine. Ye Chen just took a look and penetrated everything, including the route of the Immortal King Jing inside Tai Xiao.

It was just a moment, the route of the Tai'a Immortal King's Sutra in Tai Xiao's body had been spied on by him, and the rest was directly deduced by his mind.

Among them, it also includes the Tai'a swordsmanship performed by Tai Xiao.

"That's it, this is the chapter of God's Transformation of the Supreme Immortal King's Sutra. It really is not easy." Ye Chen nodded secretly.

Tai Ah Jian Jue VS Tai Ah Jian Jue!

Numerous sword qi collisions, fighting and cutting the martial arts arena.

If it weren't for performing the martial arts arena with extraordinary materials, and engraving the extraordinary Dao pattern on it, it would definitely not be able to withstand the attacks of the two swords.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

Countless sword qi collided, ripped apart, and exploded in the space of the martial arts arena, extremely fierce.


In the meantime, Tai Xiao was killed by the Tai'a Sword Art that Ye Chen used to retreat. It really shocked everyone and looked at this scene in disbelief.

The same was true for Tai Xiao, her expression gloomy.

However, how could they know that even if Tai Xiao is the bloodline heir of Tai A Immortal King, no matter how it is, he is no more than a descendant. The realm is too low. It is only in the sacred Tibetan realm, and it is far from able to truly exert the application of Tai A Sword Art. There is power, and even a trace of the true profound meaning has not been really played out.

But Ye Chen is the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, half-step overlord, high-rise building, and even the immortal king technique has nowhere to hide, all mysteries can be penetrated at a glance, and can truly be displayed.


Tai Xiao shouted, and the blood of the Immortal King hidden in his body suddenly boiled, as if Tai A Immortal King was reincarnated.

The Tai'a sword art in hand is rising steadily, showing even more amazing power.

Vaguely, wisps of fairy light emerged, contained in the sword aura, and the power of immediate time increased The void trembled.

The guardian of the line of Immortal King Tai's face slightly condensed: "Unexpectedly, this Wushan Sect's Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao is so great, it is not easy to force His Highness to use the blood of the Immortal King."

Over the years, Tai Xiao has swept the same generation, showing unparalleled talents, who will compete.

However, even if he competed with other immortal heirs, he never used the blood of the immortal king, thus defeated by his own strength.

But at this moment, a disciple of the Little Wushan Sect actually succeeded in forcing His Royal Highness Tai Xiao to use the blood of the Immortal King, which caused the power of the Immortal King Technique to increase sharply, which looked like it in the eyes of the Immortal King Tai'a. How incredible.

"Although Ye Chen seems to be very powerful, once His Highness Tai Xiao uses the blood of the immortal king, even if it is only a small part of the power of the blood of the immortal king, it is still not comparable to him." The person shook his head, believing in Tai Xiao's strength.

Because that is Tai Xiao, the son of Immortal King Tai Ah, inheriting the most powerful blood of Immortal King, unparalleled in the past and present, and only other immortal princes and heirs of eternal giants of the same generation can compete with them!

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