Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4054: 10 strongest Tianjiao

When Ye Chen came to the Eastern Emperor's Temple in the east, the giant hall was as majestic as a mountain, so majestic that people couldn't help kneeling down and bowing their heads.

In fact, anyone who comes to the Eastern Emperor’s Temple will worship three times and nine bows, kneel down, and worship piously, just like the Eastern Emperor who has disappeared for endless years.

The Eastern Emperor has a lofty position in the Eastern Emperor's Realm, and it is even no less than the immortal ancestor who founded the immortal way. In the hearts of countless people, it is even more lofty than the immortal ancestor.


At this time, an extremely luxurious chariot appeared in the sky, and the nine-headed **** king-level alien beast king, as a cart beast, can be called luxurious.

"The royal family is here!"

In front of the Eastern Emperor’s Temple, everyone exclaimed, because the chariot had an imperial flag, and an ancient “East” character swayed endlessly, exuding silk threads of royal majesty. It was the first royal family in the Eastern Empire-- Come from the East Royal Family!

The chariot fell in front of the Eastern Emperor’s Temple, and did not rush in. A group of figures walked down. There were just ten people, and at least they were **** kings. There were many quasi-princes and ancient kings. They are all young, no more than long live.

The ten most powerful young men of the royal family walked and walked, first respectfully worshipping the Donghuang Temple, and then leaving their chariots and stepping into the Donghuang Temple.

"Is it the top ten arrogance of the contemporary Eastern royal family?"

"Yes, I did not expect that this time the ten most powerful arrogances of the royal family will be present. This is the few times that ten people have gathered since they were born. I am afraid that they are all in order to fully understand the trace left by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. Xianzun appeared from his origin."

"It's just that I don't know who can fully understand the origin of the Immortal Venerable left by His Majesty Donghuang this time."

Everyone was shocked, the identity of the visitor was not simple, and it turned out to be the top ten arrogances of the world.

These ten people, even if they look at the huge prehistoric immortal world, are also famous and extremely arrogant, because they are all the supreme arrogance of Dzogchen.

Among them, there are heirs of the Immortal Dao, the disciples of Tianjiao taught by the Supreme Immortal and even the quasi-immortal king, and the immortal Tianjiao who is the heir of the Eastern imperial family with a strong blood of the immortal. They are all talented and rare in the world.

They are also honored as the ten strongest arrogances of the Eastern Empire in this life, and they all hope to become immortals.

"Ten Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, the Eastern Royal Family really deserves to be the number one power in the immortal world." Ye Chen was also slightly surprised. The Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao is not a general generation, and only the descendants of the Fairy Dao and the Supreme Heirs are Dzogchen once they are born. Supreme Tianjiao, it is not that simple and many difficulties for the outside world to give birth to Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

What's more, the gathering of ten Dzogchen Supreme Heavenly Pride is almost unbelievable.

Even in the heyday of a great immortal royal family, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve, unless it is because the descendants of the great immortals also gather.

Ye Chen thought about it, it was mostly so, and he felt that half of the ten people did not belong to this life, but were sealed and then released in this life.

The elder Sovereign, who is qualified to be very old, was surprised and said: "The Eastern Royal Family deserves to be the well-deserved ruler of the Immortal Realm. There were seven immortal kings who followed His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, but now the ten Dzogchen Supreme Heavenly Pride is here. The immortal monument, is it to cultivate a new existence of the immortal king, or to call for the return of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor who has disappeared for endless years?"

The Eastern Emperor, the eternal immortal deity, rose in the early stage of the prehistoric immortal world, once the entire prehistoric immortal world, and finally left the center of the immortal world, and came to the east of the immortal world, leaving behind the Taoism, which is now the Eastern Royal Family.

Subsequently, the Eastern Emperor also disappeared from the world before endless years. Many epochs have passed, and his traces are still not visible.

For a long time, some people suspected that the Eastern Emperor was likely to fall, but no evidence was obtained.

And what I know about the inside story is that the Eastern imperial family itself doesn’t know where the Eastern emperor is going, and even many people in the Eastern imperial family doubt whether the Eastern emperor is immortal or not, otherwise, why should he leave the heir of the Eastern emperor for several epochs? Will return to the Eastern Emperor's holy city, more like sitting in town.

Of course, more people firmly believe that the Eastern Emperor can't be immortal, because his cultivation base is overwhelming the ancient and modern, and it is difficult to find an opponent.

In the endless years, even if the Eastern Emperor has never manifested itself, no one has dared to invade the Eastern Imperial Territory. The Eastern Imperial Bell left by the Eastern Emperor has guarded the ancient imperial family for many epochs, and the enemy dare not invade.

The ten Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao stepped into the Eastern Emperor's Temple together, stepped up the ladder, and faced the immortal monument that traverses the world.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen strode into it, and he became an outlier that everyone noticed because he did not worship the Eastern Emperor Temple.

Immediately someone spoke, "Junior, this is the Eastern Emperor's Temple, why don't you bow down and worship?"

"I don't kneel down in front of the Eastern Emperor's Temple, don't you put His Majesty the Eastern Emperor in your eyes?"

Many people were speaking, sternly condemning.

Donghuang Temple, this is an extremely sacred place, even if the Supreme Immortal is here, you must bow your body and bow to show respect.

Now a young man arrives, but ignores the majesty and disrespect of the Donghuang Temple, which is simply insulting.

However, Ye Chen has already gone its own way, passing through the crowd and entering the gate of the Eastern Emperor's Temple.

This makes more people angry.

The two guards guarding the gate of the Eastern Emperor's Temple also stepped forward and said coldly: "If you don't kneel down in the Eastern Emperor's Temple, go!"



Two powerful powers emerged from the guards. They were actually the strongest of the King of Gods. It is hard to imagine that such a super strong at a high level is actually just the guard of the Eastern Emperor's Temple.

It can also be seen that the Eastern Royal Family attaches great importance to the Eastern Emperor Temple!

However, Ye Chen didn't move, just glanced at them calmly.

The two **** king-level guards immediately had their heads blank, their bodies stiff, they couldn't move their whole bodies, as if they were frozen, they looked at Ye Chen in horror.

Just a single glance, unexpectedly made the two of them immobile in an instant, what kind of method is this?

It is definitely not a **** king, even a quasi-king can hardly do it, is it the ancient king?

But they are not afraid, this is the holy city of the Eastern Emperor, the stronghold of the Eastern Emperor. Few people have dared to be arrogant here!

Immediately smashed the token, and immediately the ancient king was who came here, and said majesticly: "What happened?"

The two great gods said with a serious face: "Commander, some people disrespect the Eastern Emperor's Temple, don't kneel down and worship, ignore our obstacles, and rush in, most likely they are the quasi-kings or above."

The Primordial King was a middle-aged king in the prime of life. He was very powerful and full of blood. He turned around awe-inspiringly: "I want to see, who would dare to disrespect the Eastern Palace like this."

Ye Chen didn't know all of this. He stepped through the heavenly ladders and truly entered the temple.

The temple was empty, and although many people gathered, there was only one simple stone monument standing in the middle of the temple.

Moreover, if the shape of a stone stele is ordinary and without flower, there is no stroke on it, it is a stone stele without words.

It is just such a stone stele that contains a strand of the origin of the Immortal Venerable left by the Eastern Emperor. Once fully comprehended, he can become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor. His identity is no less than that of the fairy prince.

The ten Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao from the Eastern Royal Family stood side by side, facing the immortal monument, and they were comprehending.

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