Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4055: Taiyu Immortal King's worries

The East Palace is like a continuous heavenly palace.

The magnificent ancient temple of Xianzun stands in the center, towering like Tianshan, and there is no palace building comparable to that in the Eastern Palace.

This is where the Immortal Palace of the former Eastern Emperor was located, and it is still the real core place of the entire Eastern Emperor's line.

Don't say that it is the patriarch of the contemporary Eastern Emperor, even the Supreme Immortal Dao of the Eastern Emperor's line, and even the quasi-immortal king, who want to enter the ancient hall of Immortal Venerable must get permission.

Because, in the ancient hall of Xianzun, the former invincible Xianzun Eastern Emperor's son Taiyu Xianwang sits at the gate.

Since an era before, the Immortal King Taiyu, who had been living in the Chaos Sea for cultivation, suddenly returned, which shocked the entire Eastern imperial family, and it was unclear.

But the Immortal King Taiyu didn't say anything, and the Eastern imperial clan was stable for an epoch, so much so that many people believed that the return of the Immortal King Taiyu was just a simple return and there was no major problem.

In the ancient hall of Xianzun, the immortal king Donghuang Taiyu sits cross-legged here. If someone is immersed in spiritual perception, he can sense that the emptiness originates from the oldest ancient hall of the immortal, with endless light of the immortal king like the sun. Illuminate the entire Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, diverging the vast and endless Eastern Emperor’s domain.

At this moment, the Immortal King Taiyu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the East Emperor’s Temple standing in the East. He looked at the immortal monument left by his father, and sighed inexplicably: "In this life, I would not hesitate to wake up the ten most The potential Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and even his sister was awakened, just to let them fully understand the immortal monument. I don't know who can fully understand the origin of the immortal monument in the immortal monument."

"Now the situation of the prehistoric immortal world is getting worse and worse. Even though the Chaos Heavenly Emperor took action a million years ago, he severely damaged the ancient alien universe, and even smoothly extradited the Heavenly Emperor back, so that the arrogance of the alien ancient universe was suppressed a lot, but these Over the years, the ancient alien universe has become more and more rampant. Recently, a chaotic ancient universe has been touched. At any rate, an eternal giant led a group of supreme to attack a fairy king pass in the fairy world, and it almost broke through. It is the original plan. Did you make it?"

"My Eastern Imperial Territory is located in the eastern part of the Immortal Realm. It is precisely the position facing the ancient alien universe. Once a war breaks out, the Eastern Imperial Territory will be the first to bear the brunt. Over the past ten thousand years, the ancient alien universe has also faced the Eastern Imperial Territory several times. Although I can defend against the Immortal King Pass, once there are the first generation giants, or even the half-step overlords such as Oyuan, it will be difficult for me and the senior brothers, the second senior brothers, and the fourth senior brothers."

No one knows what kind of situation the Primordial Immortal Realm is currently facing, because since the Emperor of Heaven returned to the Pangu Universe a million years ago, everything seems to be relatively peaceful, and even many immortal practitioners believe that the blood-stained era is over.

But when you reach the supreme level, you can understand that the Chaos Sea seems calm and calm, but in fact it is turbulent undercurrent, far more dangerous than imagined.

Especially the Alien Ancient Universe, it seems that it hasn't really shot for nearly a million years, but is it really like this?

In many cases, even many supreme immortals such as Xiandao supreme think so, but only the immortal king truly understands that the peace in front of him is just the calm before the storm.

In this era, he sat in the Eastern Imperial Region and sometimes left to go to the Immortal King Passes where the Eastern Imperial Territory was located. He occasionally discovered that there were eternal giants wandering around the Immortal King Pass. His actions were unknown, but he felt certain. Threatened.

There were even a few times that the Immortal King-level battle almost broke out.

The Immortal King Taiyu was vaguely aware that the immortal realm was about to face a huge crisis, and the ancient universe of the alien race might be about to take action.

As strong as the Immortal King Taiyu, he asked himself if the ancient alien universe invaded, the Eastern Imperial Region would be difficult to resist.

Even under the aggressive attack of the ancient universe of foreign races, the Eastern Royal Clan will inevitably fall into endless disasters.

In this case, the Eastern Emperor must return to truly deter all parties.

However, Immortal King Taiyu couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness when he thought of his father Donghuang.

Because the Eastern Emperor had disappeared from the world several epochs.

Maybe others don't know the true whereabouts of the Eastern Emperor, but Immortal King Taiyu doesn't know that, as the son of the Eastern Emperor, he knows the whereabouts of the Eastern Emperor better than anyone.

Many people have speculated that the Eastern Emperor may have gone to the extreme place of Chaos Sea to explore.

Some people speculated that the Eastern Emperor had already died.

It was also speculated that the Eastern Emperor had entered a sea of ​​chaos secret realm, lost in it, unable to return.

There are too many related rumors, but a few people really know that the Eastern Emperor has never left, and has always been in the Eastern Emperor’s holy city.

It's just that the human is there, but the soul is not.

In the past, the Eastern Emperor ascended to the top of the Immortal Dao. He was a generation of immortal immortals, and his cultivation base was unfathomable. Looking at the vast Chaos Sea, there were not many opponents.

As a result, since that day, the Eastern Emperor has never appeared again, suspected of failing to rush through the pass, the fairy soul wandering outside, completely lost, leaving the immortal body in the Eastern Emperor’s holy city.

After the immortal king Taiyu knew that the Eastern Emperor was lost, it was already a few epochs, and he returned as soon as possible. He discussed with several other immortal king realm master brothers how to make the immortal soul of the Eastern Emperor return. Unfortunately, he used many methods, but he still did not get well The effect of the Immortal Soul of the East Emperor was still lost.

As a last resort, he can only block this message and place the immortal body of the Eastern Emperor in the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor. I hope that one day the Eastern Emperor will return to the immortal soul, and the Eastern Emperor who has overwhelmed the invincible hands of ancient and modern times can reappear in the world!

Now, the ancient alien universe poses more and more threats to the Eastern Empire. Although the prehistoric immortal world is not weak, the other four domains are also guarded by many immortal kings and but once a war breaks out, The Eastern Imperial Region must bear the brunt and be the first to be robbed.

Therefore, the purpose of awakening the ten Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao this time is to hope that someone can fully understand the origin of the immortal statue in the immortal monument, and call the lost soul of the Eastern Emperor to return, and sit in the Eastern Imperial Territory, shocking the eye. Alien ancient universe.

It’s a pity that the Eastern Emperor left behind a power of the Immortal Venerable. The origin of the Immortal Venerable in the Immortal Tablet cannot be comprehended by the supremely powerful or above. Otherwise, the Immortal King Taiyu and several of the immortal king brothers would have been completely After the earth's comprehension, he called for the return of the Donghuang Immortal Soul.

Moreover, it is now the last strand of the origin of the Immortal Venerable Donghuang left in the immortal stele. There are several strands left in the past, but everyone who fully understands it has got a strand and has been completely refined.

The Immortal King Taiyu and the others were worried that if they forcefully broke the power of the Immortal Venerable, the origin of the Immortal Venerable would escape and disappear into the world. In this way, the possibility of awakening the Eastern Emperor would be even slimmer.

"I hope that this time someone will be able to fully understand the origin of the last immortal sovereign left by his father, otherwise, if they have to, they can only forcefully break through the power of the immortal, suppress the last immortal origin, and try to call for the return of father." The fairy king Taiyu muttered to himself.

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