Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4067: Innate Chaos Demon God (Happy Chinese New Year!)

However, it is the origin of the seven dark demon gods that make the three great immortal kings change their colors the most!

Because the name of the Qixiong of the ancient chaos is not unknown, on the contrary, it was extremely famous before the endless years, and once powerfully shocked the entire Chaos Sea for many eras.

Because that was once the seven extremely powerful Chaos Demon Gods in Chaos Sea.

Chaos Demon God, as the name suggests, the demon **** born from chaos exists.

Chaos Demon God is divided into congenital and acquired.

The acquired Chaos Demon God is actually the most well-known kind of Chaos Sea in the current world, and can also be called the Chaos Holy Spirit.

Regarding the chaotic holy spirit, many people know that the endless years of chaos bred for millions, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of millions of years, are finally born. Innately strong, it is the existence of the Supreme Heavenly Pride of Dzogchen, and there is great hope for growth. The sermon is supreme.

Historically, there are not a few chaotic holy spirits proclaiming the Supreme.

The Congenital Chaos Demon God can be said to be the strongest Chaos creature born from the sea of ​​Chaos and Kaitian. In essence, it is stronger and more terrifying than the Chaos Holy Spirit of the Chaos Demon God.

If the Chaos Holy Spirit is innately powerful, at the level of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and grows up to have great hopes to prove Dao Supreme, then the innate Chaos Demon God is a supreme level existence at birth, and it is also the Supreme level of physical enlightenment.

They possess the immortal and indestructible flesh body, even the supreme will be quite jealous.

Because the innate has the same life span as the sky, and the lifespan is unlimited, as time goes by, the innate chaos demon **** will become stronger and stronger.

Since the creation of the Chaos Sea, I don't know how many epochs have passed. Basically, all the innate Chaos Demon Gods who survived eventually became eternal giants, and even the first generation giants.

This type of innate Chaos Demon God belongs to the innate supreme existence, possessing unparalleled innate advantages.

Of course, God is very fair, giving the innate Chaos Demon God the innate superiority of the natural body supremacy, but on the other hand, the Dao of Enlightenment will be rejected because the body is too strong, which is a big difference.

It is precisely because of this that the Innate Chaos Demon God needs years of accumulation, and it often takes more than ten epochs to gradually become an eternal giant.

Moreover, the strength of the physical body has also led to the innate Chaos Demon God's soul not being strong enough, relatively weaker than other practitioners of the same level.

This is also one of the defects of the Innate Chaos Demon God.

But even so, with the growth of time, the Innate Chaos Demon God can also make up for all the defects, and eventually become one of the top masters of the Chaos Sea.

The Seven Heroes of Chaos are all the innate Chaos Demon Gods who were born when the Sea of ​​Chaos opened up the sky. Because they were also born in the same place at the same time, they have an excellent relationship and are like brothers, so they are called the Seven Heros of Chaos.

Before disappearing that year, the'Yan' headed by She Quetta was an eternal giant, and the other six brothers were all quasi-giant. They were also in the early days of Chaos Sea. Because of a moment of grievances, they almost caused an ancient Chaos universe to be destroyed. Of a group.

However, afterwards, the Qixiongs of Luangu suddenly disappeared, and no one knew where they were going.

Unexpectedly, they were actually in this Eternal Night Land.

Moreover, since so many epochs have passed, the seven innate Chaos Demon Gods have all become giants of the ages, and the leader, "Yan", has become one of the most powerful Chaos Demon Gods in ancient and modern times.

Immortal King Hao Zun furrowed his eyebrows deeply: "Unexpectedly, they were the seven heroes of the chaos from endless years ago. They are still alive, and they have all become giants of the age. This is a big trouble."

The seven heroes of the ancient chaos, the leader is the most powerful flame demon **** among the seven innate chaotic demon gods, staring at the heavenly gate, and even staring at the Eastern Emperor Bell, revealing a hot color, and said: "This seems to be the Eastern Emperor Bell. The Dao soldiers of the old man of the Eastern Emperor did not expect to still exist in the world. And this Tongtian bridge has the original atmosphere of the old man of the Eastern Emperor, it is a condensed bridge of his deity. Could it be the old man of the Eastern Emperor Trapped in an eternal unknown place, will his descendants rescue him with the help of the origin left by the Eastern Emperor?"

Hearing that, the three great immortal kings and the powers in the Eastern Emperor’s holy city did not change their colors, the Flame Demon God actually guessed all this.

The Flame Demon God glanced back at the eternal unknown place, where the Tongtian Bridge runs through, and suddenly grinned: "Also, the old man of the Eastern Emperor is lost in it. How easy is it to return? Today, the Demon God took his way. Soldiers, invade the prehistoric fairyland again!"

"it is good!"

"Hahaha, brother, great idea!"

"Invade the prehistoric immortal world and become the territory of my chaotic ancient seven heroes!"


The other six innate Chaos Demon Gods also showed the same enthusiastic eyes.

Chaos Ancient Seven Heroes, the seven innate Chaos Demon Gods born from the creation of the Chaos Sea, their target points to the Primordial Realm.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The Qixiongs of the ancient chaos rushed to the Tianmen, riding on their respective mounts, crushing time and space.

It is the main gateway connecting the land of eternal night and the prehistoric world, and it is the place where the seven heroes of the ancient chaos must go.

"No, the chaotic ancient Qixiong is coming, we must resist!"

The immortal king Jiuyou changed his color and immediately yelled, and together with the other two immortal kings, he took action to stop the chaotic ancient Qixiong.

And the Eastern Emperor Bell rang, sweeping out a beam of Xianzun beams, bombarding the chaotic ancient Qixiong!

However, the Flame Demon God is the leader of the seven heroes of the ancient chaos, the first-generation giant-like Chaos Sea giant, terrifying, with a blue dragon and a moon knife swinging, the beams of the immortal are directly smashed, and it is difficult to hurt him.

After all, the Immortal Venerable is equal to the original giants, the Eastern Emperor Bell is just a Taoist soldier after all, and the Flame Demon God is the real body of the deity, which is naturally much more terrifying.

In less than a moment, the Flame Demon God led the Chaos Ancient Qixiong to kill the heavenly gate, and even the Dark True Dragon and Dark Devil Tiger followed. There are nine dark giants. What a terrifying lineup, it is enough. Easily crushed and destroyed a chaotic ancient universe.

The three fairy kings of Taiyu, Jiuyou, and Haozun changed their the first time they worked together to urge the East Emperor Bell.

Donghuang Bell is the most comprehensive recovery, facing the chaotic ancient Qixiong.

The bell body became extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, squeezing every inch of the space of the Tianmen, and even resisting the intrusion of the ancient chaotic seven heroes into the ancient world.

The Flame Demon God snorted coldly and waved the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife. Under the rumbling sound, the East Emperor Bell was smashed by a knife to all the beams of the Immortal Venerable.


The Donghuang Bell was directly smashed into the sky, hitting the three great immortal kings.

Boom boom boom -

The expressions of the three immortal kings changed drastically, and they even used the power of the immortal king to resist, but they retreated hundreds of thousands of miles without any damage.

At the same time, Chaos Ancient Qixiong attacked!

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