Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4068: Attack (I wish you all zero disease in the new year)

"No, they are here!"

The Eastern Emperor Yanran who stood behind Ye Chen exclaimed abruptly. Because she was the heir of the Eastern Prince, with noble blood and high status, she was qualified to stand in the forefront.

In addition, the other nine Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao are also there.

They were all qualified to watch the return of the Eastern Emperor's Immortal Soul.

However, at this moment, they are also the first people to bear the brunt.

At this moment, the Flame Demon God led the Chaos Ancient Seven Heroes to truly descend in front of the Tianmen, only a short distance away, and they would be able to completely cross into the Tianmen and enter the prehistoric immortal realm.


However, as the first chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea, the prehistoric immortal world has taboos at the level of external powerhouses, especially the eternal giants and the first-generation giants. It is not easy to invade.

The entire prehistoric immortal world has given birth to huge rejection.

It was visible to the naked eye that a vast and boundless cosmic origin force was at work, constantly repelling the chaotic ancient Qixiong and the two dark giants who wanted to enter through the heavenly gate.

Strong as the nine giants, including the first generation giants such as the Flame Demon God, are also struggling with the rejection of the prehistoric immortal world, it is difficult to truly take that extremely critical step, and it has never been able to truly and effectively step into the prehistoric immortal world.

They were blocked outside the Tianmen.

"Well, the cosmic origin of the Primordial Immortal Realm repels, they can't invade!"

"Although they are strong, the Primordial Immortal Realm is the first ancient universe in the Chaos Sea. The origin of the universe is blessed by the immortal imprints of the ancients and the present. It is impossible to destroy the Immortal Realm as strong as they are, and it is difficult to truly break into it."

In the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, the Supreme Immortal and Quasi-immortal King also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you want to forcefully break into the prehistoric immortal realm from the outside world, unless you enter normally from the Immortal King Pass, you will be greatly rejected.

It’s just that the three immortal kings, such as Taiyu Immortal King, Hao Zun Immortal King, and Jiuyou Immortal King, still look dignified. Even if the nine dark giants cannot enter across the border for the first time, the immortal realm wants to completely eliminate the nine. Difficult.

At this time, they need to take action by themselves and cooperate with the origin of the Primordial Realm to prevent the arrival of the nine dark giants.

"Hmph, my chaotic ancient seven heroes used to conquer the eternal world, and the universe can also be destroyed, but now my seven brothers are all eternal giants, and I am even more of the first generation giants. How can the mere triumphant immortal world really prevent me from crossing the boundary!"

Chaos Ancient Qixiong's eyes were cold, even if it was greatly suppressed by the prehistoric immortal realm, it was difficult for the real body to successfully enter the prehistoric immortal realm, but he still did not give up.

What's more terrifying is that the original rules of the Primordial Immortal Realm can stop the demon bodies of the nine dark giants, but they cannot completely stop their dark auras. The monstrous dark aura can still rush into the heavens. The mighty Six Combinations and Eight Wastes, impacted the entire Eastern Emperor's Holy City, trying to completely submerge this Eastern Emperor's No. 1 Holy City.

"not good!"

The immortal king Taiyu changed his color, and immediately used the power of the immortal king to protect Ye Chen, Donghuang Yanran and others in front of Tianmen.

But seeing the darkness aura is faster, wherever he goes, from the little demigod who just started, to the emperor, without exception, when the darkness is majestic, it is directly destroyed and turned into the purest source of life force, without entering chaos. Inside the ancient seven males.

All the supreme immortals and the quasi immortal kings are also flying back suddenly, coughing up blood one by one, suffering a huge impact.

"Yan Ran!"

Immortal King Taiyu roars with grief, that is his biological sister, and the youngest and most noble princess of the Eastern imperial clan. The youngest daughter whom the Eastern Emperor was very fond of when he was still alive, but now she is submerged by the dark atmosphere. Even if he has the strongest blood of the Eastern Emperor, even if he has the secret treasure left by the Eastern Emperor, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the aura of the first generation giants.

But, soon, the three immortal kings saw Donghuang Yanran unscathed, as well as the other nine Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

This made the three immortal kings very surprised, and watched ten people rush out from a tunnel that tore apart the dark atmosphere, away from the front of Tianmen.

It should be understood that the dark and mighty place of the Qixiongs of the ancient chaos, even the emperor will be wiped out, how did they resist it?

This is really a mystery.


The nine dark giants simultaneously attacked the original rules of the Primordial Immortal Realm, and were contending with the entire Chaos Ancient Universe. I don't know how many Immortal Realms were turbulent, and the entire Eastern Imperial Realm was greatly impacted.

Suddenly, in the Eastern Emperor's domain, the supreme immortal or quasi-immortal king who was in retreat and enlightened Dao, or was sleeping, was also shocked one by one.

Even far away from the edge of the Eastern Imperial Territory, in the wilderness of the prehistoric fairyland, the retreats of several immortal kings guarded near the immortal kings' gates also revealed the bright fairy clouds, which seemed to be revived and noticed.

However, none of this could be transmitted outside the Eastern Emperor's domain.

The three immortal kings were unwilling to bring great trouble to the prehistoric immortal realm, so they had already sealed off the entire Eastern Emperor's Domain before calling the immortal soul.

At this time, he couldn't care about so much, the three big immortal kings strode forward and rushed to the Tianmen for the first time. For them, the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles was only a short time.

"Smash Tianmen!"

This is the consensus of the three great immortal kings, bombarding Tianmen at the same time, even if the Eastern Emperor's Immortal Soul cannot be brought back, they must protect the safety of the Primordial Immortal Realm, otherwise they would be great sinners to the Primordial Realm.


The three immortal kings attacked, and at the same time, cooperated with the original rules of the universe to block the chaotic ancient seven heroes and the two dark giants. The most important thing is that when Taiyu Immortal King's heart moved, the heavenly gate that belonged to his immortal king's blood was shaken and transformed. After making blood, it dissipated.

The terrifying shadows of the ancient seven heroes, the dark true dragon, and the dark devil tiger are gradually dissipating, and they will completely return to the dark territory of Eternal Night.

Having lost the most important Tianmen, it is impossible for the nine dark giants to invade the prehistoric immortal world.

It's just a pity that the Immortal Soul of the East Emperor never really brought it back. This was the last chance, but he gave up without hesitation.

At this time, the three immortal kings still know that everything is important to the overall situation.

Suddenly, a cold snort resounded through the prehistoric fairy world.

"It's so easy to get rid of Now that the Land of Eternal Night is opened today, I am set to invade the ancient seven heroes of the prehistoric world today!"

The chaotic seven heroes roared, and saw a drop of eternal essence and blood flew out of each of them, shining with the light of darkness, as if the world was the darkest existence.

Especially the blood of the flame demon god, the head of the seven heroes, is better than the blood of the other six heroes.

The two dark giants, Dark True Dragon and Dark Devil Tiger, also flew a drop of dark blood.

Nine drops of dark blood gleaming with infinite to dark power, like nine rounds of dark magic days, countless eternal Dao patterns fly out, directly outline a dark sky gate, standing at the original sky gate, letting the space between the two places Connect more smoothly again.

With the help of the Dark Heaven Gate, the Qixiong of the Ancient Chaos has taken a half step forward, and the dark energy is even more terrifying.

PS: Happy Chinese New Year, all book friends pay attention to your health. Don't go to relatives during this time, don't have dinner together, don't go out to densely populated places, wait until the epidemic is under control before going out. If you go out, wear a medical surgical mask, or N95 mask.

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