Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4075: Prehistoric monument

   Along the way, follow the ancient **** Zhutian to visit the eternal heaven.

   Ye Chen could see that the eternal realm was vast and endless, and it was boundless. Even a character like him could hardly see the end at a glance, which surprised him a bit, fearing that it was not much smaller than the primordial fairy world.

  Instructions, the Primordial Realm is not only the first ancient universe of the Chaos Sea, but also the largest universe, with the largest volume, and it is several times larger than the Pangu universe.

   It can be seen from this that the vastness of this eternal heaven is boundless.

Seeing Ye Chen looking around, the ancient venerable admonished from the sky: "It is normal for Daoists to enter the Eternal Heaven Realm for the first time. It is normal to be curious, but don’t scan with divine thoughts. There are many giants of the sky, and there is no lack of shock. Gu Shuojin’s eternal giants, immortal kings, and even the first-generation giants, immortal lords, and so on."

   Ye Chen understands that if the divine mind is brushed off, it will be regarded as a provocative behavior by others, which is very bad, and it is easy to encounter a bad temper, and it is easy to break out of a shocking battle.

   However, he was also very curious, did all the people who have entered the eternal and unknown place all the way through the ages, eventually going to be a member of the eternal heaven?

   He asked actively.

   Gu Zun's answer by Tian Tian surprised Ye Chen.

   Indeed, in the eternal realm of Chaos Sea, where there is an eternal unknown place, for everyone, even the giant-level existence is gone forever.

   But, it's not that the eternal heaven can't leave, but basically everyone who enters the eternal heaven is unwilling to leave.

   Ye Chen was surprised and curious: "Why don't you want to leave?"

   Generally speaking, after becoming a tycoon of the ages, he is already the best of the emperor's way and immortal way, overlooking the ancient and modern future, and controlling the monstrous power that dominates the universe.

   In the world, I am afraid that I have given up further hope, and there is no other way.

   However, when the cultivation level reaches this level, it is extremely difficult to go further, and it is often difficult to achieve success after an exhausted life.

   Zhutian Gu Zun bluntly said: "Eternal hope!"


   Ye Chen was shocked, the eternal heaven contains the secret of eternal achievement?

   just looked at the ancient Zun Zhutian curiously, which is about the eternal secret, and he and the ancient Zun Zhutian just met, and the relationship is still unfamiliar, why take the initiative to tell?

The ancient master said: "The eternal world is suspected to be the secret realm of origin that has fallen from the place of origin. Throughout the ages, many supreme, quasi-giant, and even eternal giants have entered this place one after another. Gone forever, so many Chaos Sea experts believe that there is a great danger in the eternal heaven."

"But in fact, the Eternal Heaven Realm is not so dangerous. On the contrary, there is the Eternal Great Secret. This Great Secret, from the ancient and modern giants, to the mundane, is known, because all this is from Found on an ancient stele in the center of the Eternal Heaven Realm."

Long before the Eternal Heaven Realm was called the eternal unknown place by the outside world, it was already a super Heaven Realm world where the cultivation system evolved to the extreme. There were even many giants born one after another. The overall power was no less than the ancient Chaos Universe. Even stronger, even in the early days of Chaos Sea, the Origin Saint Clan was not necessarily able to suppress the Eternal Heaven Realm.

   is just the original Eternal Heaven Realm in a special place in the Chaos Sea, near the strange Eternal Night place, which was ignored because of its speciality.

   The cultivation system has evolved to the ultimate eternal realm. Naturally, in the endless years, many great secrets have been unearthed by the supreme powers throughout the ages.

The most famous of them was in the middle of Chaos Sea. There have been many epochs since then. One day, the two giants suddenly fought due to personal grievances, which had a huge impact, and finally penetrated a secret virtual world in the center of the eternal sky. An ancient monument fell down, and it was never destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two giants.

   It is said that there was once an eternal giant who used eternal mighty power, and it could not destroy a single bit.

Later, according to the research of many giants, it was unanimously determined to be the ancient stele that existed before the Chaos Sea opened up. Therefore, the inscription on the ancient stele is not recorded in the various eras of the Chaos Sea. Above the existing ancient.

   On this stone tablet, although the inscription is old, it contains a special imprint, and it was translated by the major giants who worked together to crack the inscription.

   The general meaning of the inscription is that eternal heaven is the eternal world, eternally lost, leaving behind an eternal heart, once obtained, you can pursue eternity.

Once    came out, it directly triggered the madness of the entire eternal realm in the past, and once made the giants look for it.

   Eternity is the pursuit of all cultivators throughout the ages, even the Chaos Sea Overlords such as the First Generation and the Emperor of Heaven are the evolutionaries of the eternal road.

   No one can be truly unmoved.

   It's a pity that in the endless years, even if the eternal heaven has been searched countless times again and again, no one has been able to find the true eternal heart.

But the eternal heaven is indeed extraordinary, containing special powers, even the supreme, the quasi-giant, the eternal giant, etc., have harvested, and can practice faster than any other place in the outside The mystery of Wushang Dadao.

Therefore, many people believe that the eternal heart is not disappeared, but may be transformed into a strong eternal force, which exists in the eternal realm. If you continue to practice in this way, one day you may be able to truly penetrate the mystery of the eternal heart. Eternity!

   I have to say that these words are very reasonable and have been approved by many people.

However, the great powers of the Chaos Sea who have gone forever through the ages are actually only attracted by the eternal mystery and the eternal power. In order to understand the eternal power of the eternal heaven, they stay here and never leave. , Nothing more.

Zhutian Gu Zun also claimed that he was only a supreme when he entered the Eternal Heaven Realm in the last era, but he has become a quasi-giant in the cultivation of one era. This cultivation speed is enough to make the Chaos Sea Supremes also do it. It's crazy.

   Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, which is quite consistent with the usual saying. After all, apart from eternity, nothing can really attract these eternal giants and first-generation giants.

   But is that really the case?

   Ye Chen naturally wouldn't believe it all, and reserved his opinions.

   Of course, he will not forget the real purpose of coming this time, and he said: "Friend Zhutian, did you know the Eastern Emperor?"

The    Tongtian Bridge disappeared after entering the Eternal Heaven Realm, and turned into a strand of immortal deity's origin, floating between his fingers, faintly feeling, but not obvious.

   may be because there is a special eternal force in the eternal sky. .

   Of course, there may be other reasons.

   Zhutian Gu Zun was taken aback: "Do you know the Eastern Emperor Datianzun?"

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