Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4076: Tianzun

   "It's a acquaintance."

   Ye Chen said, the Eastern Queen asked him to help lead the fairy soul back to the prehistoric world.

   Listening to the tone of the ancient eternal emperor, even if he lost the body of the immortal, the status of the Eastern Emperor in the eternal sky is still quite high.

But think about it, Donghuang is not like the innate Chaos Demon God who pays attention to the physical body Wushuang, but the shape and spirit is Wushuang, even if it loses the body of the Immortal Venerable, but the Donghuang cultivation is not weaker than ordinary The eternal giants and the fairy kings are even stronger.

   There are even rumors that the Eastern Emperor has been a half-step overlord for many epochs.

   The name of the Great Heavenly Sovereign with the suffix of the East Queen is unheard of, and the honorific name of each place is often somewhat different.

   Great Tianzun is also one of the titles of the eternal giants.

"Friend Daoist really knows the Great Heavenly Sovereign of the Eastern Emperor? He is a world-class existence, and the heaven is in the middle of the eternal heaven." Hearing this, the ancient Zun Zhutian was even more surprised, looking at Ye Chen's His eyes are shining with fiery colors, secretly, if the supreme in front of him can know the Eastern Emperor, if he can form a friendship, he may have the opportunity to go to the thirty-three heavens in the future to practice and absorb more eternal power, one day Asking for the position of Tianzun is probably not a big problem.

  Eternal power is also of great benefit to the supreme spiritual practice. It can increase Taoism faster and make the Taoism impact the eternal realm.

   of course also has certain doubts, because it has been multiple epochs since the Great Heavenly Lord of the Eastern Emperor has arrived in the eternal realm, and this supreme is just a proving Dao emperor in this epoch, how do you know?

   But soon, he thought that Ye Chen was very likely to be an unworldly arrogant of many epochs. Alas, he was born and proved in this epoch after many epochs through the seal.

   After all, as a quasi-giant, he also knows that this era is extraordinary, and many emperors and daughters, heirs of the Fairy Dao, and even the heirs of eternity, the heirs of fairy princes and other noble bloodlines have chosen to be born in this era one by one.

   Perhaps Ye Chen had known each other many epochs before the Great Heavenly Lord of the Eastern Emperor was still outside.

Ye Chen didn’t know that in just a few words, Gu Zun Tian had already thought of so much, and he would definitely lament his rich imagination, and proactively said, "Thank you fellow daoist for guidance, I will go to the Eastern Emperor. ."

"Friends of Daoist, do not remember the name of the Great Heavenly Sovereign to be reverent, and you can not directly call your real name, otherwise the Great Heavenly Sovereign will have the induction and will punish the disrespectful person. Even if you know the Donghuang Great Heavenly Sovereign, it is best not to do this." Gu Zun solemnly said: "Moreover, if you want to go there is not easy, it is the land of the thirty-three days, even the seventy-two places do not dare to set foot there easily, exclusive to the thirty-three days. Heavenly."

   "Thirty-three days?" Ye Chen was surprised, a little confused.

   The thirty-three days of the Eternal Heaven Realm seemed a bit different.

Zhutian Gu Zun explained: "The thirty-three days are the thirty-three heavenly regions divided in the center of the eternal heavenly realm. Each heavenly region is extremely huge and connected to each other to form a unique 33 days. "

"Furthermore, the thirty-three days is actually a kind of honorific name for the strongest who is qualified to dominate the heavens. Each of the 33 central heavens has a dominator, so it is called the thirty-three days, which can also be called three. Thirteen Heavenly Sovereigns. Every Heavenly Sovereign is a giant!" Zhutian Gu Zun said, "They occupy the eternal heavenly realm's most eternally powerful central heaven and practice, and others, even if it is seventy-two places. , That is, the seventy-two quasi-giant and quasi-immortal kings are not eligible to enter."

   "Not to mention that you are just a supreme who has just preached the Tao, let alone cannot enter."

   "Once you are found trespassing in the land of thirty-three heavens, when Tianzun reads it, he can kill a supreme at an endless distance."

   As he spoke, the tone of Gu Zun Qitian was awe, amazement and fiery.

   Thirty-three Heavenly Sovereigns are the thirty-three taboo existences with the strongest eternal heaven realm. They are all transcendent figures who set foot in the realm of eternity.

   is also the yearning and pursuit of everyone in the entire eternal world.

"The Eastern Emperor Datianzun is one of the strongest among the 33 Heavenly Lords, and the king among the heavenly Lords, so he is called the Great Heavenly Lord." Zhutian Guzun said, "Datianzun governs. Naturally, it is one of the cores of the thirty-three days. If you want to find the Eastern Emperor, you must cross other heavens. Once you trespass and are discovered by the Heavenly Lord, you will be Both body and spirit are destroyed."

   Ye Chen laughed, but he didn't expect the Great Heavenly Sovereign to reach the Eternal Heaven and become the title of the strongest.

   I am afraid that it can be called the Great Tianzun, at least it is the first generation giant or Xianzun.

   I don’t know if Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan would feel a little ashamed when he heard it. After all, he was just an eternal giant, so he called it Great Heavenly Sovereign.

However, if Zhutian Guzun knew that Ye Chen had killed the seven dark giants such as Luan Gu Qixiong before coming, he would be judged by his strength to be the seven heavenly beings, especially the flame demon **** headed by the great heavenly being, and the two heavenly beings. The level of dark giant became his mount, right in front of him, I don't know how to think about it.

The Dark True Dragon and Dark Devil Tiger also couldn't help rolling their eyes, and said in their hearts, little guy, this is the most terrifying one, what Tianzun, Great Tianzun In front of him, all of them are not enough to look at, and neither of us. Will a dark giant comparable to your eternal heavenly realm, the so-called Tianzun, become his pet?

   Ye Chen said with a light smile: "It's okay, you just need to tell me the way to go."

   If there is an obstacle, it will break the ten thousand magic with a big deal and push it directly.

   He really doesn't believe that there are still a few in the Eternal Heaven Realm that can really threaten his existence.

   Tianzun Gu Zun said: "Can fellow Daoists let the Great Heavenly Venerable Eastern Emperor descend down to Tianzun Avenue to invite you?"

Tianzun Avenue is the avenue that Tianzun travels around the world. When the avenue comes out, it contains the heavenly vitality. The supreme and quasi-giant parties must also retreat. The heavenly sovereigns of all parties naturally know their identities and will not prevent the outsiders from entering the 33rd. Tianyu.

   Ye Chen said: "No."

  He knows Donghuang, but Donghuang doesn't know him. .

"If this is the case, it is best not to go to the Daoist for the time being. If the outside world wants to enter the heaven, unless there is a Tianzun who personally applies the Tianzun Dao to lead, otherwise no one can trespass, and it will arouse the anger of the Tianzun. Of course. , The great gods are not among them."

Zhutian Gu Zun frowned, and said: "Ye Daoyou, you are also a member from Chaos Sea anyway, you are still very young, I can't just watch you foolishly trespassing. If so, I'm also a seventy-two land. One, it occupies the sub-central territory of the Eternal Heaven Realm, and is adjacent to the 33 Heaven Realm. You might as well follow me back. It won’t be long before the 33 Heaven Realm is about to hold a supreme competition. Every supreme has Qualified to participate, the winner will be able to enter the thirty-three heavens and obtain the right to use a sacred place for cultivation for millions of years. At that time, Tianzun will come personally and even select disciples.

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