Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4077: Eternal force

   "No need, I'll go directly." Ye Chen frowned. He was already a little impatient. He wanted to find the Eastern Emperor and directly broke into the 33 Heavenly Domain, where it was so troublesome.

   And Tianzun wants to select the supreme as his disciple. Isn’t that so-so?

After cultivating to the supreme, everyone is a true generation of eternal pride, otherwise it will not be possible to succeed in proving the Dao, and after arriving in this field, even the eternal giant level can only give pointers one or two, if you go further in the future, it will be difficult to give How many suitable guidance.

   Unless it is a stronger first-generation giant or Xianzun to be eligible.

   "No, I can't just watch you trespass into heaven and be killed by Tianzun." Zhutian Guzun stopped.

   Ye Chen frowned, he wanted to make a move, but he was able to perceive that the ancient master Zhutian had no intention of killing, but simply wanted to prevent him from sending him to death.

   For this kind of well-intentioned person, he is not easy to shoot.

   But in this way, it seems a lot of trouble, contrary to his purpose.

"Fellow Daoist, follow me back first, and after a while, after the Grand Tournament begins, go to the universe." While Zhutian Gu Zun pulled Ye Chen, he went to the vast area that belongs to him, calling it It is the God Realm of the Heavenly Realm, and is exclusively owned by the Ancient Lord of the Heavenly Realm.

   Ye Chen couldn't refuse the enthusiasm of the other party, and after thinking about it carefully, he was not familiar with the eternal heaven, but he could also take the opportunity to better understand the eternal heaven from the ancient master of Zhutian, and then follow along.

Zhutian Gu Zun was very polite and personally led Ye Chen into the Central Palace, saying: "Brother Ye has become the supreme at such a young age, and his future is unlimited. If he cultivates in the eternal heaven long enough, he will become a quasi-giant, and even It is not impossible to win the eternal giant's position."

   In the words, I could hear the importance attached to Ye Chen.

Turning into normal-sized dark real dragons and dark devil tigers, they are all no more than ten feet in size. After hearing the words of Zhutian Gu Zun, I couldn’t help but feel the urge to roll his eyes. I thought that wherever this guy needs to be a quasi-giant, a slap is enough to hit It is not a problem to kill the quasi-giants and blast the eternal giants.

   Of course, none of them spoke, and they had restrained their qi, otherwise a giant-level qi would definitely not be able to withstand a quasi-giant of Qitian Gu Zun at close range.

   "The Taoist Fellow Zhutian is humble." Ye Chen responded politely.

During the period, several supreme lords of Zhutian Divine Realm also came. Obviously this belongs to the followers of Zhutian Guzun. After all, he is one of the seventy-two places in Eternal Heaven Realm. , Achieve the real fruit status of ancient and modern giants and become a new Tianzun.

   These supreme sages were quite surprised to see that the ancient venerable Qitian was so polite to Ye Chen, and even the same generations met.

   therefore had a little more guesswork about Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen only chatted with a few other supreme princes, and nothing more, he chose to enter an imperial palace arranged by Zhutian Guzun.

   Ye Chen is also welcome, the imperial palace gathers countless spiritual veins in one body, and even connects countless large and small worlds. One thought can absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the world, and accumulate deeper supreme power.

But Ye Chen doesn’t need it. He sits here, letting the dark true dragon and dark tiger guard in the imperial palace. The chaos holy soul dedicated to him on the center of his eyebrows slowly spreads, transforming into invisible and intangible soul power, in an instant. It covered the entire Heavenly God Realm.

   All of this, in the God Realm of Zhutian, including the ancient Zun Tian and several supreme ones, have never felt it.

   Ye Chen sensed everything in the Eternal Heaven Realm, and found that there is indeed a special power in the Eternal Heaven Realm, which is the so-called eternal power.

   In one thought, more than 30% of all the eternal power in the entire Heavenly God Realm was condensed in the imperial palace in an instant, and turned into three lump-sized liquids, faintly flowing colorful, but it seemed colorless and tasteless, sinking and floating in front of the eyes.

   I felt that these three groups of eternal power liquid contained a special mystery that was faintly detached from everything.

   "The force of eternity is really the force that the eternal heart turns into, is it the force that turns into eternity?"

Ye Chen whispered to himself, this kind of mystery above everything, faintly, can cause the strange resonance of the chaotic avenue in his body, as if it can make the chaos avenue that is stagnant at 9999 per thousand go further, Take the final step.

Outside the imperial palace, the dark dragon and the dark demon tiger looked at the imperial palace at the same time, and at this moment they showed a look of desire. I could feel that there was a power in the imperial palace that made their avenues tremble, and I wanted to swallow it. Up.

   But this feeling was so small that it was soon suppressed.

   In one thought, three groups of eternal power liquid plunged into his body.

   After a while, it disappeared without a trace. Ye Chen found that the three groups of eternal force liquid had disappeared, but faintly felt that the Chaos Avenue was stronger and more complete.

   "It turns out that..." Ye Chen whispered, "I understand a little bit."

At the same time, more than 30% of the eternal power in Zhutian Divine Realm suddenly disappeared, naturally arousing the attention of Ancient Zhutian and several others. Ancient Zhutian was the first to notice, looking at Ye Chen’s imperial palace, The voice said: "Friends ~ Please return the 20% of the eternal power that you have gathered. The eternal power of the Heavenly Realm needs to provide me and a few supreme cultivation."

   Ye Chen responded immediately: "Sorry, even 30% of the eternal power was refined just now. I am willing to pay a certain price."

Zhutian Gu Zun was taken aback, and couldn't help being a little annoyed, because the eternal power is the unique cultivation power of the eternal heaven, it is extremely precious, even if the chaos immortal gold is traded, it is far less than 30% of the eternal power to him. As precious.

It’s just that three groups of bright red blood flew out, and each group could be the size of a human head. It was exactly three groups of eternal blood, and each group of eternal blood contained two drops of eternal blood, which shattered the void and appeared In front of Tian Gu Zun.

Zhutian Gu Zun was taken aback. Although the 30% eternal power of Zhutian Divine Realm is precious, it is far less precious than these three groups of eternal blood. After all, there is only so much eternal power in Zhutian Divine Realm. Thirteen days will also spread from time to time, supplementing the eternal power of various places.

   And there is a lot of eternal blood in front of me, and there is eternal blood in it, which is even more precious.

   He couldn't help being a little surprised. This Ye Chen Supreme was very wealthy, and there was so much Eternal Dao blood and Eternal Essence, even if he was a quasi-giant.

   "The Daoist is interested."

   sent out three groups of Eternal Blood, and after receiving a response, Ye Chen ignored it, and the ancient veteran would deal with it all day by day. .

   Soon after, he summoned two dark giants, Dark True Dragon and Dark Devil Tiger.

   Both come from the land of eternal night, and in Ye Chen's eyes, the land of eternal night is no less mysterious than the eternal sky.

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