Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4089: Pangu Kaitian

The eternal monument, which has always appeared primitive and unpretentious, suddenly bloomed infinitely at this moment, the mighty main heaven, and even the four core heavens.

At this moment, the Great Heavenly Sovereign, who was sitting in the other three core heavens, was also shocked, looking at the main heaven, showing shocking expression.

All the Great Heavenly Sovereigns were all surprised, and the Eastern Emperor and the other half-step overlord also showed shock.

The vision of the Eternal Ancient Stele is unprecedented, and even if they went to comprehend it, such a mysterious vision never appeared.

"It's Chaos. You Daoyou Ye was originally the half-step overlord who cultivated the Dao of Chaos, and his achievements in the Dao of Chaos must be extremely high, no less than the Supreme Sage Emperor of the year, or even worse. Legend has it that Chaos Sea is extremely likely to be a master. The eternity of chaos was opened up, and the ancient monument of eternity was a prehistoric monument left by the eternity, so the power of chaos was touched, so it was fully released."

Donghuang said in a deep voice, he is the oldest existence in the prehistoric immortal realm. He was born shortly after the chaos of the prehistoric immortal realm. He was born in the same generation as the immortal ancestor before the endless years, so he knows many unknowns. The ancient secret.

According to legend, the suspected eternal Pangu who opened the Chaos Sea is most likely the Great Perfectionist of Chaos Avenue.

There are also rumors that the Eternal Heaven Realm should have also come from the origin of Pangu.

The so-called eternal heart is also the eternal heart of Pangu.

Of course, these claims have not been confirmed, because no one has actually seen Pangu, so no one can confirm all this.

At this time, Ye Chen didn't know, because the first time his soul power entered the eternal monument, his consciousness appeared in a boundless and brilliant space, boundless, as if in the chaotic sea, but it was not. I only saw cosmic celestial bodies, as well as vast and boundless ancient continents.

"Chaos ancient universe?"

Ye Chen saw in the endless space, there were a lot of ancient chaotic universes, all huge and boundless, even if they were infinitely far apart, they still gave people the feeling of boundlessness and hugeness, without seeing the end at a glance.

And there are forty-nine such chaotic ancient universes.

"Forty-nine ancient Chaos Universes? Do they correspond to the forty-nine ancient Chaos Universes born in the past and present of the Sea of ​​Chaos?" Ye Chen was surprised.

However, he quickly rejected it, because these 49 chaotic ancient universes were different from the 49 chaotic ancient universes in the sea of ​​chaos he knew. At least he did not see the prehistoric immortal world, alien ancient universe, Pangu Universe, Chaos Burial Ground and other familiar Chaos Ancient Universes.

"It's not Chaos Sea, is it the place of origin?" Ye Chen guessed, but no one knows what the place of origin is. I am afraid that only the origin holy family can know, because it is said that the origin holy family is from the origin place. The holy race coming out.

Forty-nine ancient chaotic universes in the endless space have undergone special changes. The ancient chaotic universes disintegrated, turned into endless cosmic fragments, and rushed in all directions.

A chaotic ancient universe suddenly exploded and disappeared.

There are also chaotic ancient universes that are becoming more and more majestic, as if they are developing, expanding and getting bigger with the passage of time...

The chaotic ancient universe, each encounter is different.

Ye Chen hadn't allowed Ye Chen to observe more of these forty-nine mysterious ancient universes. Suddenly, immediately afterwards, everything changed.

Ye Chen only saw all the remaining chaotic ancient universes exploded, turned into a terrifying destructive force, drowning everything, the mighty parties, and also tore the entire endless space to pieces.

Subsequently, the endless space quickly collapsed and condensed. After many years, everything turned into a special singularity.

This singularity is everything, condensed from endless space.

Beyond the singularity, everything is completely nothingness, nothing, including time, space, avenues... nothing, only infinite nothingness.

Ye Chen stared at this singularity deeply. At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of light in his heart. He was touched, and he wanted to catch it, but he couldn't catch anything.

He had a violent hunch, as if this singularity would be the origin of everything and the answer to everything.


I don't know how long it has passed before a crack suddenly appeared in this special singularity.

Immediately afterwards, the second crack, the third crack, the fourth crack...The cracks are increasing rapidly, intertwining all over the surface of the singularity, as if something is about to break out of the cocoon.

Then it exploded and turned into a land of boundless chaos.

"This is... Chaos Sea?" Ye Chen was surprised, this is not Chaos Sea, and where is it?

But, what does all this mean?

I saw a stalwart and huge figure appeared in the boundless land of chaos. I don't know where it came from. It just appeared out of thin air without being abrupt.

That figure, I don't know how stalwart and huge, even bigger than the Chaos Ancient Universe, it seems to be able to hold up the entire Chaos Sea, naked, with a burly and majestic figure, holding a simple giant axe in his hand.

He is standing in the original position of Singularity, which is the most central place where the Chaos Sea exploded.

It was him who split the special spot, freeing everything in the spot and turning it into a sea of ​​chaos.

The Chaos Sea is breaking new ground, expanding rapidly and boundlessly.

"Is this the legendary Pangu **** who pioneered the world?" Ye Chen was surprised. He knew and understood everything about this demonstration. I'm afraid it was to demonstrate the true origin of Chaos Sea.

Pangu breaks the ground!

According to legend, Pangu, the only eternal ancient and modern, opened up forty-nine ancient chaotic universes, and even the sea of ​​chaos was created by him.

Ye Chen also believes that and only true eternity can open up such a vast and boundless place in the Chaos Sea.

Pangu used his best to split the singularity with one axe, opening up an endless sea of ​​chaos.

But Ye Chen also saw that a rain of light fell from Pangu. It was a rain of blood. The blood belonging to Pangu was stronger than him. As eternity, he also paid a huge price to split the singularity and open up the sea of ​​chaos. .

This rain of light and blood, scattered in the sea of ​​chaos, can be seen clearly, every drop of blood contains endless life power, and it also madly swallows chaos power, gradually becoming a real life, innate and powerful, fearless Chaos sea.

Undoubtedly, this is the first batch of creatures in the Chaos Sea. They were bred from the wonders of the latitude, the sky and the earth, and the blood of Pangu. They are the innate Chaos Demon Gods, all innate supreme and very powerful.

Of course, it is far less powerful than Pangu, and it has only ignorant instincts, and it takes a long time to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

At the same time, Pangu didn't stop there, he saw him swinging a giant axe to split the chaos, condensing the power of infinite chaos, and finally opened up a chaotic ancient universe.

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