Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4090: The origin of the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor

Once this ancient chaotic universe appeared, it madly swallowed the power of boundless chaos, quickly formed, occupying the center of the chaotic sea.

At the same time, at the moment when this first ancient chaotic universe took shape, Pangu burst into a spirit of spirit and submerged into this ancient chaotic universe, making this ancient chaotic universe particularly powerful!

That's right, it is the prehistoric fairy world!

According to legend, the Primordial Realm is the first ancient Chaos universe in the Chaos Sea, and now it seems that it is true, and it has received the spirit of Pangu Great God.

Immediately afterwards, Pangu began to open up a chaotic ancient universe.

Ye Chen saw that there were ancient universes of alien races, ancient universes of eight wilderness, ancient universes of chaotic burial ground... Powerful ancient universes of chaos were opened up one after another, and with the passage of time, their respective creatures were gradually bred.

Among them, when the tenth ancient Chaos Universe was opened up, that is, the ancient alien universe, Pan Gu burst out from his body again. It was the first time he released ten ancient Chaos Universes including the Primordial Realm. Two spirits.


At this time, Pangu opened up forty-eight ancient Chaos Universes. He seemed very tired. He has been opening up since the sea of ​​Chaos opened up.

But he didn't stop there, and now he looked at a place to open up the forty-ninth ancient chaotic universe.


After opening up the last Chaos Ancient Universe, Pangu finally died of exhaustion and fell completely.

In addition, the third and last spirits rushed out of his body, submerged in these forty-nine ancient chaotic universes.

As for Pangu, it was finally completely integrated with the forty-ninth chaotic ancient universe, and there was also the Pangu universe known to the world.

All this is what Pangu has created.

However, Ye Chen saw that when Pangu fell, his chest was torn apart, and a bright red heart soared into the sky, still beating strongly, every time it beats, it can shake the entire universe. With a sound, tore open the Pangu universe, left, disappeared into the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Even with Ye Chen's eyesight, he couldn't see where Pangu's Heart had gone.

On the other side, Pangu's Axe was also left in the Chaos Sea and disappeared.

"The legend is true. Pangu really existed and merged with the Pangu universe. Pangu is eternal."

"In the world, nothing is immortal. It is as strong as Pangu. If invincible is eternal, it will eventually perish."

Ye Chen's expression was complicated, he didn't expect to be able to see all this.

Eternity is not really eternal.

But why did Pan Gu do this? At the expense of himself, he once again split the Chaos Sea and opened up forty-nine Chaos Ancient Universes.

He always feels that Pangu is purposeful, not simply opening up.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's expression condensed, and he looked into the prehistoric immortal realm, alien ancient universe, and Pangu universe. He saw that inside the three chaotic ancient universes, there is a light that cannot be ignored, which is the essence of Pangu. God, or to be more precise, is his spirit three points, divided into three parts.

The first, tenth, and forty-ninth, the three numbers all represent the supreme truths between heaven and earth, and Pangu left a part of their spirits.

Pangu turns into three clears in one gas!

Those are the eternal soul of Pangu!

What is the purpose of Pangu leaving the three parts of the soul?

Where did his Pangu heart go?

The time in the eternal monument continues to flow, and is accelerated by billions of times beyond the outside world, but it cannot act on Ye Chen. He is always just an observer.

In this way, after endless years, on this day, Ye Chen suddenly saw it, located in the place where the original singularity was, and opened a channel.

Among them, rushed out a ray of light, accompanied by several mysterious and ancient huge world places.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, and recognized two of the world places, one is the current eternal heaven, and the other is the forty-nine fairyland secret realm located in the prehistoric fairyland.

He also saw the streamers, there were people and artifacts.

Three of the mysterious figures rushed into the three ancient Chaos Universes each possessing one-third of the Pangu Soul, and some of them fell into the Chaos Sea and overtook the land of that world.

The emergence of artifacts is as fast as lightning, but Ye Chen is a half-step overlord. It can be seen clearly that there are ancient bridges, giant gates, origin beads, etc., which are indeed the holy artifacts of origin.

Could it be that that is the passage to the land of origin?

Ye Chen was taken aback, staring at the opened passage at the starting point.

It's a pity that I can't see everything, I can only see the original holy relics appearing all over the Chaos Sea.

Ye Chen saw that part of Pangu's three-pointer had been taken.

But it was just one soul light, three soul lights, each captured a part of the soul of Pangu, and then the light was endless and suddenly disappeared.

In the prehistoric immortal realm, after many years, the first creature between the heaven and the earth was born. It inherited the atmosphere of the entire prehistoric immortal realm from birth, and became immortal on the spot once it was born, creating the immortal system and enlightening the world!

In the ancient alien universe, the first person who was born to directly prove the Dao, even more powerful than the innate Chaos Demon God, mastered the infinite truth of the heavens, pointed the universe, and became the oldest person in the world. Eternal years, sitting behind the scenes, manipulating the Chaos Sea.

After the Pangu universe, the first person in the world was also to prove the Dao, to teach sentient beings, to take the entire Pangu universe to grow, multiply and develop...

The ancestor, the first generation, the emperor!

Ye Chen was shocked. The three people who got the Soul of Pangu were actually the three of them.

And their origins are not simple, they are likely to be mysterious strong men from the land of origin.

I have to say that all this in front of him completely subverted his understanding!

The others are fine, but I didn't expect the Emperor of Heaven to be related to the place of origin!

However, it is not difficult to understand why the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor are the real overlords of the chaotic sea. They are invincible and half-step eternal, just because they have all received one-third of the soul of Pangu One.

In the land of the world that rushed out of the land of origin, there was also a strong figure, not weaker than the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor. He led a group of strong people who came out of the land of origin. It once dominated the Chaos Sea, and it was powerful in the past and present.

Although Ye Chen had never seen this person, he learned from various ancient books and documents that it was the Origin Saint Clan, and the leader was the ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan.

However, what surprised Ye Chen was that although the ancestor of the origin holy race did not get the soul of Pangu, it was not simple, and he got the heart of Pangu!

Yes, it is the heart of Pangu!

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