Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4091: The true secret of the ultimate supreme fairy

At first, the Pangu Heart appeared in the Eternal Heaven. It was once acquired by the strongest of the Origin Secret Realm. He was a very powerful super strong, but it was discovered by the ancestor of the Origin Saint and led the Origin Saint to attack. The eternal heaven, shattered all the rebels in the eternal heaven.

The strongest of the Eternal Heaven Realm was only the last step away from completely refining the Heart of Pangu. In the end, he fell short and failed. He was completely hit by the Origin Saint Clan, and the Heart of Pangu was captured.

The strongest man was unable to suppress his injuries, and eventually fell into the eternal world, and the eternal power obtained by refining the heart of Pangu in the past also rushed out of his body with his fall.

However, before the death of the strongest, there was an ancient monument, which was obtained from the Chaos Sea. It was suspected to be related to Pangu. It recorded everything and recorded all this information on this ancient monument. monument.

Finally, Pangu's Heart was also obtained by the ancestor of the origin holy race and refined into the body.

The ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan has become the sole overlord of the Chaos Sea, super powerful.

Obviously, at that time, he still wanted to obtain the three Pangu souls and Pangu axe, gain all the inheritance of Pangu, once led the origin holy clan to dominate the Chaos Sea, looking for the three Pangu souls and Pangu axe.

But soon, the pattern of the Origin Saints dominating the Chaos Sea was broken. The Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Immortal Ancestor appeared in the sky. They each inherited a part of the soul of Pangu and reached the level of hegemony, even if the Origin Saints were all from the origin The innate strongest race that came out of the land, but it is impossible to dominate the invincible again.

Back then, the four chaotic sea hegemons broke out and fought a world-shattering battle, surpassing any battle in ancient and modern times.

In that battle, the Origin Saints were defeated and reluctantly retreated back to their origin secret territory.

The ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan was also clicked and killed by the three major overlords, and finally the Heart of Pangu was stripped away and went to the sky.

But the three overlords did not seize them, and allowed Pangu Heart to leave.

The heart of Pangu was completely lost.

At this moment, Ye Chen realized that the true origin of the previous war was for this reason.

In the following years, Ye Chen also saw that after Pangu's death, his stone axe did not decay, drifting in the Chaos Sea. One day, he was born and entered into a Chaos Ancient Universe, which was quickly refined. , Become the master of the universe.

He is the Emperor of the Universe!

The universe emperor's body is the Pangu axe, an eternal ancient soldier, and he has mastered a chaotic ancient universe, so he is extremely powerful, no less than the other four chaotic sea hegemons, becoming the fifth invincible hegemon of chaos sea.

At this moment, everything became clear.

The five invincible hegemons of the Chaos Sea are not simple. Four of them are from the place of origin. Even if the last one is the Emperor of the Universe, the origin is no less than that of the other four, but they are the eternal soldiers of Pangu. ——Pangu Axe was born and cultivated with spiritual wisdom, and successfully refined a Chaos Ancient Universe, becoming the fifth invincible overlord of Chaos Sea.

It can be said that everything has an inseparable close relationship with Pangu.

On the other hand, he was also curious that the Eternal Ancient Stele could actually record all this, even before the arrival of Pangu, it must be said that it was amazing.

You know, even the strongest person in the Eternal Heaven Realm in the past never knew the true origin of the Eternal Ancient Stele, which was obtained from the Chaos Sea.

Similarly, Ye Chen didn't know why the Eternal Ancient Stele showed all these things and showed him.

Whether other people who have come into contact with the Eternal Monument will see it.

But the most regrettable thing is the whereabouts of the Heart of Pangu. The last moment recorded by the Eternal Ancient Stele did not fully show the true whereabouts of the Heart of Pangu, only knowing that it had cut through the Chaos Sea and disappeared.

He vaguely understood that if anyone could get the Heart of Pangu, he might be qualified to be among the overlords and become the sixth invincible overlord who opened up the world in Chaos Sea!


Suddenly, everything disappeared, leaving only a hazy light, vaguely, seeming to be wrapped in something.

In the end, a divine crown appeared, the crown of eternity, floating in front of Ye Chen.

However, faintly, this eternal crown is somewhat different. There are billions of rays of light flowing out, each of which represents a kind of heavenly principle and contains unity.

At the same time, a ray of light in Ye Chen's eyebrows resonated and flew out at this moment, turning into a light source.

"It's it!"

Ye Chen was shocked, because this light source was familiar, but it had been placed in Divine Soul for a long time. He hadn't studied it before, but now it resonated in the eternal monument, and it flew out to resonate with it.

The ultimate supreme!

The "Ultimate Supreme" obtained at the end of the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Supreme Ancient Road in the past represents the supreme immortal fate.

It’s just that Ye Chen didn’t thoroughly study it at first, only knowing that this was the common legacy of the Supreme Beings, but as the cultivation level gradually deepened, he realized that it was not the common legacy of the Supreme Beings at all, but higher. The legacy of the hierarchy is just that it was once obtained by the supreme of the heavens in the past, and placed in the deepest part of the supreme ancient road and the ultimate ancient road, used to test the Chaos Sea ancient and modern strongest Tianjiao.

Ye Chen studied for many years after getting the hand, and gained a lot of insights.

But only the most superficial secrets can always be researched, and nothing more, as for the deeper secrets, it is impossible to fully understand.

Now, the space within the eternal monument is resonated, what all this shows.

Inexplicably, Ye Chen seems to have come staring deeply at this "Ultimate Supreme", feeling the strong eternal power, and even feeling that the threads in his body have not been completely transformed The eternal force is trembling, and even begins to rush towards the'Ultimate Supreme'.

He stared deeply at the "Ultimate Supreme" and whispered softly: "You, are you the Heart of Pangu?"

When he reached his level, he was able to deepen his work, and he had long been able to understand the world. Now the "Ultimate Supreme" can't be completely hidden in front of his eyes, and the ray of light gradually peeled off like a cocoon, and gradually appeared. A bright red heart.

This heart beats slowly, and every beat brings up a huge amount of majestic energy, and a more powerful eternal force overflows out, far better than every heaven of the 33 heavens, including the Lord The domain is far from it.

In the final analysis, the eternal power of the thirty-three heavens is only part of the eternal power that overflowed from the heart of Pangu in the past, nothing more.

The legendary heart of eternity, Pangu's Heart, has always been suspected of being in the Eternal Heaven, but it was taken away by the ancestor of the origin holy race before endless years, and was later stripped away by the three invincible overlords, breaking through the sky I never knew that he would eventually become the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate.

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