Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4092: Pangu Heart

The "Ultimate Supreme" immortal fate is the heart of Pangu, and even the Heavenly Supreme has never understood such a secret.

But I am afraid that some extremely terrifying giants in the Chaos Sea know that, such as the Supreme Sage Emperor and the Fighting Saint Ancestor, they have spoken, so that Ye Chen must get the ‘Ultimate Supreme’.

Now that I think about it, the heart of Pangu was sealed by others and became the "ultimate supreme" immortal fate. It is hidden from the sky and no one knows.

Most of the most powerful giants know it, but they should have an agreement with each other, so they did not fight for it. Instead, they let each other’s children or the most outstanding talents of their respective chaotic ancient universes and forces fight for it, so that they can turn to themselves. On hand.

It's a pity that no one thought that in the end the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship would be taken by Ye Chen who turned out to be born.

At that time, many of the strongest giants wanted to take action and take it from him, but due to the original agreement, it was also due to the most powerful group of Pangu, such as Taisheng Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, and Time and Space Great. With the absence of the giants, the emperor had fallen into a deep sleep for many years, so he did not take action to avoid being known by more giants and causing more powerful giants to compete.

Moreover, even though Ye Chen also had the cultivation base of the world, he has been stored in the deepest part of his body. He has been cultivating hard for a long time, just to face the huge threat of the ancient alien universe, he has never really revealed the ultimate The true face of the supreme, and now after reaching the eternal world, it was only successfully revealed by coincidence.

"The Heart of Pangu is here. Because of the Heart of Pangu, I have only touched on the secret of the eternal monument." Ye Chen sighed, knowing many things.

At the same time, looking at Pangu's heart is also extremely hot.

Undoubtedly, if he refines this Pangu heart into his body, he may be able to directly become the overlord level of the Chaos Sea, just like the ancestor of the origin holy race back then, sweeping the invincible until the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, etc. After Kong was born, it truly broke the situation of the Origin Saint Clan dominating the Chaos Sea.

With Pangu's Heart, he is fully qualified to seek the position of the overlord in a short time and become one of the highest masters of the Chaos Sea.

But in the end, Ye Chen gave up, never refining Pangu's Heart in his body.

Although he has refined Pangu's Heart, he can become a half-step eternal-invincible overlord level in the shortest time, but in the final analysis, Pangu's Heart is only an external force, not his own, and in this way, I am afraid it will be completely Limiting his further progress, there is no hope in this lifetime to break the shackles and become true eternity.

He also has Chaos Dao. If he achieves Dzogchen through the Chaos Dao, he will be transformed into true eternity, rather than just becoming the overlord with the help of Pangu's heart.

"Although it cannot be refined, the heart of Pangu is the heart of eternity. Through the cultivation of the heart of eternity, more eternal power can be absorbed. If the eternal power is absorbed all the time, it is like making my chaos avenue further. Step towards the Dzogchen stage, and sooner or later, you will become the invincible overlord level."

Ye Chen secretly said in his heart that he had a corresponding plan at this moment.

The Heart of Pangu is placed in the small chaos universe, and it continuously provides a large amount of chaotic divine power for the Heart of Pangu to swallow, and then the Heart of Pangu spit out a more pure and powerful eternal power for Ye Chen to absorb. Also wait if the chaos divine power that cannot be used in his body is tempered by this, and become more powerful!

Ye Chen left in no hurry, his eyes were very deep, sitting cross-legged in the space of the eternal monument, and he was also learning more secrets.

I don't know how much time passed, Ye Chen's consciousness withdrew from the eternal monument, and the vision here had long since dissipated.

He saw the Donghuang and others watching him closely, and the Donghuang bluntly said: "Ye Daoyou, how do you feel? This is the first time someone has triggered the vision of an eternal monument in so many years."

Ye Chenmingwu, this is because of Pangu's heart, but naturally I won't say more about it, but simply responded: "Very well, I have a deep understanding."

Knowing that Ye Chen should have other secrets, but this belongs to him, the other Great Heavenly Venerates naturally couldn't let him speak out, but just nodded.

Donghuangdao: "Whether Ye Daoyou wants to rest for a period of time, or go directly to the key place."

"Go straight ahead."

He learned a lot from this trip to the Eternal Ancient Monument. He knew that the real secret of the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy was the Heart of Pangu, and he also truly learned the origins of the five invincible overlords of the Chaos Sea, but he was still quite curious about the eternal heaven. , I want to know what kind of secrets are hidden in the key place of the ancient mystery that flows from the place of origin.

"it is good!"

Only one Great Heavenly Sovereign remained here, and the other Great Heavenly Sovereigns and Ye Chen went to the key place of the Lord's Heaven.

The heavenly deities directly ascended to the sky, spanning the 33rd heaven during the period.

This is the true 33rd heaven of the Eternal Heaven Realm, and the 33rd Heaven is just a projection of the 33rd Heaven.

Each of these thirty-three heavens is boundless, beyond the heavens on the earth, and there is a Heavenly Venerable Dharma body guarding them at all times, in order to prevent anyone from entering this place by mistake.

Thirty-three Heavens, 33 Heavenly Sovereigns guarded them, it is conceivable that such key places are absolutely unknown, and they contain great secrets.

Of course, with Ye Chen's current identity, he can also know immediately.

All the heavenly deities crossed the 33rd heaven and came to the highest 33rd heaven. UU Reading is a vast place, not to be regarded as nothingness, but all things do not exist, only The strongest eternal power is here.

"Good birth, strong and powerful eternal power." Ye Chen was surprised. He also felt the eternal heart beating at the Niwan Palace in the middle of the eyebrows, and every beat actually swallowed the eternal power that turned into mist like crazy. To swallow all the power of eternity completely, only then can that immortal eternal heart be recast.

Located in the most central place of the vast land, sitting cross-legged with a strong and stalwart figure, even if it was as strong as Ye Chen, he felt oppressed. Obviously, this was the other half-step overlord sitting in the 33rd Heaven.


The half-step overlord opened his eyes, and it was like a flash of thunder that opened the world and landed on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at him, not backing away.

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist is the half-step overlord of Chaos from the prehistoric realm." The half-step overlord laughed loudly and looked extraordinarily refreshing and cheerful. He stood up and looked quite burly, with special lines on his body, in a human form. , Up to five feet, like a savage, his hair is messy, but no one can ignore his existence.

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