Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4101: The Emperor was trapped because of

The original will of the Land of Eternal Night retreated, and although the core land was still dark, there was no danger.

Right at the highest point of the dark upper realm in the core place, the two penetrated the darkness and rushed to the sky, and soon came to a place. He heard the sound of the surging river. This is the sound of the river over the years. The waves are surging and enduring. Ceaselessly.

The two broke everything, seeing the vast and mighty river of years, lying on the land of eternal night, Ye Chen couldn't help but marvel.

Even the eternal giants can hardly enter the real River of Years. Under normal circumstances, a tributary or projection of the River of Years appears. I did not expect to be able to go directly to the River of Years from the core of Eternal Night. I have to say that it is amazing.

The Chaos Sea is so big, there are no surprises.

Donghuangdao: “It’s not that the land of eternal night is magical, but that when the land of eternal night appeared in the Chaos Sea, it accidentally swallowed a treasure island in the long river of years. It is said that this treasure island may be that A person who stays forever can perfectly integrate into the long river of time, and is not affected by the rules of causation. Therefore, with the help of this treasure island, we can come to the real river of time."

As one of the oldest immortal existences in the prehistoric immortal world, the Eastern Emperor even fought with the immortal ancestor in his early years, so he naturally understood many ancient secrets.

After entering Hanoi for many years, he appeared on a treasure island.

The treasure island is not big, several miles in radius, and it is not eroded by the long river of years. It is quite magical. This reminds Ye Chen of the projection of the long river of years. There was also such a place. The great emperor of the foreign race still wanted to use that island to cross over. Time and space, came to this life, and shot against Pangu universe.

However, this treasure island is more extraordinary, exuding eternal power, and is completely integrated with the long river of years, regardless of each other, can swim in every place of the river.

Cultivating on this precious island of time, even being able to comprehend all the past and present, is very effective for the nurturing of spiritual wisdom, and even for enlightenment is also against the sky.

Therefore, even the original will of Eternal Night is unwilling to let it out, and will go to war.

Donghuangdao: "In the past, the Emperor of Heaven was trapped in one of the places in the long river of years. Not only was there the most terrifying group of existences in the past, but it was also difficult to get out of the trap. Once the Emperor of Heaven left that year, if he opened the prison Prison, the most terrifying big culprits will follow the long river of years and cause great damage to the Chaos Sea."

Speaking of that incident, the Eastern Emperor also slightly trembled, which was his fear of the existence of the group and his awe of the Emperor.

The emperor, facing him, is not just the mere supreme, but the giants, the first-generation giants, and even the half-step overlord’s overlook, the number is astonishing.

The Eastern Emperor also didn't know how the first generation called so many great horrors to deal with the emperor.

He only knew that only an invincible overlord like the Emperor of Heaven could stand alone!

At this stage, how could Ye Chen fail to understand that if he was as strong as the emperor, how could he be bound by the long river of years? There must be other reasons.

The fundamental reason is that the Emperor of Heaven is the only blocker of that tributary of the long river. The most terrifying group of culprits bewitched by the first generation rushed down from the truncated and hidden tributary of the long river. Once the emperor leaves, this group of most terrifying culprits Will be born, descend on the Chaos Sea of ​​this life.

Especially for the Pangu universe, even if it bursts into the Pangu universe, it is very likely to cause its destruction.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven never left, and has been alone in the face of the great terror in the world.

Back then, Fighting Saint Ancestor and others entered this treasure island, and with the help of the power of the treasure island and the power of the Great Emperor of Time and Space, the Emperor of Heaven was able to get out of trouble and leave the long river of time.

And the great evil of the tributary of the long river was sealed there, in which there was the power of the invincible overlord of the emperor, and the emperor of the time used the power of the long river to seal and could not leave.

All this is said to be easy, but in fact it is not easy to say that it is done.

It is a big trouble to just seal the hordes of terrible murderers. You must know that there is no lack of the prehistoric horror of the half-step overlord, otherwise the invincible overlord such as the Emperor of Heaven will not be trapped for an era.

That is, the time and space emperor, the highest achiever of the ancient and modern time and space avenue, and combined with the special treasure island of the long river of years, can use the power of the long river of years, combined with the power of the emperor, can seal the interrupted years Long river.

What's more, the treasure island of the years is also the top priority. Without him, it is not easy to find the emperor in fighting against the ancestors, the warlord against the sky, the emperor, and the Emperor Yan. The real river of years is too magnificent and contains countless past and present. Time information, half-step overlord search is also troublesome.

You know, the tributary was cut off and hidden.

The time and space emperor is the key. When he walked far away, he entered the time-long Hanoi to find the point of the tributary where the emperor was trapped.

And only he, the highest achiever on the avenue of time and space, can travel the long river of years safely and find a spot.

But even so, the time and space emperor spent many tens of thousands of years to find out, and then guide the fighting saint ancestor, the warlord against the sky, the supreme emperor, the yan emperor and others to the location.

During the period, I was also afraid of disturbing the ancient alien universe, and worried about being interrupted by the ancient alien universe, so all of this was carried out very secretly, leaving the highest-level fighting ancestors and others, almost no one knew.

Even, in order to avoid horrifying the grass, the fighting ancestors and the supreme sage emperor have always hidden their cultivation bases. They only show the cultivation bases of the first generation giants in the outside world. Otherwise, the half-step overlords of the alien ancient universe are afraid that it will be early. He jumped out, worried that they would save the Emperor and shot.

In fact, it succeeded.

Planned for almost an era, escaped the search of the alien ancient universe, and successfully rescued the Emperor!

Otherwise, the emperor wants to return, it is never as easy as imagined.

Even so Even if he knew that he was from the place of origin, Ye Chen still admired the great emperor who led the Pangu universe.

"When the immortal law is cultivated to the emperor level, it is time to go back to Pangu Universe."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, the immortal law is stagnant at the heavenly king level, if it weren’t for calling the Eastern Emperor’s immortal soul, he wouldn’t have stayed in the eternal heaven for many days. I’m afraid he would have obtained the strongest immortal king sutra of other great realms and cultivated to the emperor level. .

Of course, the world's cause and effect, there is a definite number of gains and losses.

Isn't he silly, he knows nothing.

I learned a lot from this trip. I learned that the ‘Ultimate Supreme’ Immortal Fate is the heart of Pangu, the origin of the Chaos Sea, the origin of the five invincible overlords, the power of eternity, and how to perfect the real Chaos Dao.

Donghuangdao: "This time-honored island is not simple. As long as you hold your hand, you can basically travel everywhere from the past to the present."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes lit up: "Can the future be stained with blood?"

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