Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4102: The future no longer exists

The blood-stained future is not the blood-stained era.

The blood-stained era is at best just the beginning.

The blood stained the future is basically the end of everything.

Therefore, if you can go to the blood-stained future, you can fully understand a lot of things.

Back then, Ye Chen once went to the blood-stained future.

However, it was completely coincidental, and it was caused by special reasons. For example, the first time I could go there smoothly, on the one hand, the Emperor Hunyuan also mastered a certain time and space avenue, and on the other hand, because he was still weak at the time, even if he went there It will not affect too much.

Of course, the more important reason is that the future supreme self exerts an invisible influence on the blood-stained future, causing him to be in the past time and space to once be blood-stained in the future.

But later, basically the future supreme self or future children appeared, and Ye Chen basically never went to the blood-stained future.

It was not until later that the cultivation base became stronger and stronger, that Ye Chen realized that it was not difficult to return to the past as strong as him, but it was really not easy to go to the blood-stained future, and it could even be said to be difficult.

Because the blood stained the future, everything was buried, and he was even left alone. The five invincible overlords, such as the Heavenly Emperor, the First Generation, the Immortal Ancestor, the Universe Emperor, and the First Ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan, are all gone. I don’t know if it’s lost or Where did you go.

By the time he went to the blood-stained future for the last time a million years ago, it was because of the war with a number of half-step overlords of the foreign race. The impact was too great. There was also a certain reason for Emperor Hantian. He had a certain degree of taboo magical powers "through ancient and modern". The impact is on.

The combination of various factors led him to go to the blood-stained future.

That time, and the last time, I found that the blood-stained future was even more lonely, and even the youngest daughter Ye Jing was left. Not only his deity, but also the giant-level heir had disappeared.

Undoubtedly, all of this foreshadows the terrible blood-stained future. It is not simple. It does not mean that you can go if you want to. It requires a certain chance to do it.

Otherwise, with his current half-step overlord's cultivation base, he would have traveled to the blood-stained future countless times, instead of asking the Eastern Emperor stupidly to go to the blood-stained future.

Donghuangdao: "It is possible in theory, but no one has ever done it."

Ye Chen was silent and looked at this treasure island intently. No one had done it before, but it didn't mean that he couldn't do it.

He tried to drive this treasure island, standing time, the power of time and space exploded, shining everything through the past and the present.

Treasure Island carried him and Donghuang rushed towards the blood-stained future.

As one of the oldest immortals, Donghuang is also curious and exploring the future of blood stained!


However, before rushing to the blood-stained future, countless forbidden sky thunders descended, turning into a barrier, completely blocking the front of the two.

This changed Ye Chen's color. It was not only the forbidden thunder that came, and the time treasure island was not affected. Moreover, the forbidden thunder was far more terrible than previously unknown, and it was enough to seriously threaten the life of the half-step overlord. Up.

Logically speaking, this should not be.

Suddenly, he understood.

The time on both sides is not flowing on one side and stagnating on the other, but flowing together.

Just as time is passing by in this life, so is the blood-stained future.

Otherwise, when he saw the blood-stained future for the first time that year, he would never see the supreme future of the future himself, the world is dead, and later he saw his son go upstream, and finally only saw Ye Jing become emperor alone. , The supreme self in the future disappeared.

Obviously, the current blood-stained future has undergone unpredictable changes again, otherwise there will not be so many taboo thunders that prevent him from coming to the blood-stained future.

This made Ye Chen a little worried, blood stained the future, what happened?

Unwilling to retreat, Ye Chen roared, and forced his shot, tearing the taboo sky thunder.

On the other side, Donghuang is also a fearless generation, and he is also taking shots.

The two half-step overlords forcibly rushed towards the blood-stained future, blasting endless forbidden thunders and tearing everything apart.

At this moment, they got a glimpse of a shocking part of the blood-stained future!

The future is blood-stained, a ruin, there is nothing, nothing is there anymore.

Ye Chen's discoloration changed, that is, Ye Jing was gone, and the entire endless starry sky of the universe was withered, with no vitality, completely dead.

Derived out, outside the universe, the endless land of the Chaos Sea is still lifeless and ups and downs, the ancient Chaos Universes collapsed, and the endless corpses lie in the Chaos Sea, without any vitality!


Ye Chen was shocked, and the Eastern Emperor was also trembling. The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Blood stained the future, everything will cease to exist?

In the end what happened?

It's just that they couldn't see more, the terrifying Taboo Sky Thunder completely overwhelmed them, and even the direction of the blood-stained future, unable to see more, and naturally couldn't understand more information.

As a last resort, the two had to take the time to leave the island.

Ye Chen's expression was solemn, and the changes that would take place in the blood stained his heart palpitations.

It has been thousands of years since he came to the blood-stained future last time, and millions of years have passed since the blood-stained future.

Obviously, in the past million years, the blood-stained future has undergone an unknown and terrifying change.

But Ye Chen couldn't understand, and now he can only see a corner of the blood-stained future, but cannot fully understand.

The pre-determined time is immutable, but it involves ordinary people and even low-level cultivators, which can be exposed at a certain price, and cause and effect can be repaid.

But if it is the future, it can be changed without actually happening.

Although Ye Chen was a little worried, he quickly became firm. The future has not happened yet, and there is still time to change.

Perhaps a more terrifying enemy will stand in front of him, but he believes that as long as he achieves the Great Perfection of the Chaos Avenue, he can achieve the Eternal After all this, Ye Chen The gaze returned to firmness, unshakable.

The two stayed on Suiyuebao Island for a period of time, and cultivating on Suiyuebao Island also helped to a certain extent. Unfortunately, they are both half-step overlords, and although they have been helpful, they have not been very helpful.

Ready to leave.

Ye Chen once wanted to unite with the two half-step overlords, including the Eastern Emperor and the Wild Demon Lord, to completely kill the original will of the Evernight.

Because he felt that if he could refine the original will of the Eternal Night Land, even if he could not completely fill the other half of the Chaos Avenue, it would be almost the same. At least he could reach the level of invincible overlord.

However, after leaving from Time Baodao, he and the Eastern Emperor were a little confused.

Because the land of eternal night has disappeared!

That's right, completely disappeared, nowhere to be found!

Beyond the long river, only the boundless sea of ​​chaos is left!

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