Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4103: set off

At this time, the Demon Lord of the Wild Heaven appeared, walking towards the endless chaotic air current, seeing the two expressions stunned, and also a wry smile: "Shortly after you entered the long river of years, the land of eternal night disappeared, it is the original will. It moves quickly, and I have no time to stop it."

In fact, even if the original will of the Eternal Night Land was severely damaged, it was stronger than the Demon Lord Desolate, and it was indeed not he could stop it.

The Eastern Emperor took a deep look at Ye Chen, and then said after a long time: "I think you should be afraid of you, Daoist Ye."

"Yes, it is true." Huangtian Demon Lord also nodded, "Brother Ye can swallow the dark power of the Eternal Night Land, and the original will should be afraid that you will completely refine it to escape."

Ye Chen was a little helpless. He planned to completely refine the Land of Eternal Night after he came out, but he didn't expect to be seen through by the original will of the Land of Eternal Night.

"Let's go, go back to the eternal world first!"

The three returned to the Eternal Heaven Realm, and because of the disappearance of the Eternal Night Land, the Tian Yuan that was originally lying above the key land of the Eternal Heaven Realm also began to be repaired.

Originally, the existence of Tianyuan was not only caused by the original saint clan torn apart, but also because the original will of the Eternal Night Land has been torn apart with dark power over the years, and it was finally maintained.

Now that the Land of Eternal Night has disappeared, Tianyuan has also lost the continuous tearing of the dark power, and it has been repaired in a true sense.

The eternal heaven, the 33rd heaven, three half-step overlords appeared.

Ye Chen looked at Donghuang and said: "The threat of the Eternal Night Land has been completely removed, Donghuang, when you return to the prehistoric immortal world, your descendants are worried."

Huangtian Demon Lord said: "Emperor, regarding the threat of Eternal Night Land, there is no need to worry, as long as Tianyuan is completely repaired, Eternal Night Land will not be afraid even if it returns again, and the original will of Eternal Night Land will be hit hard by us. It is impossible to recover to the peak without one or two eras of healing."

The Eastern Emperor nodded: "It's time too. In the past, I just wanted to wander around and feel the Chaos Sea. I didn't expect it to be multiple epochs in a blink of an eye, and the immortal body was rebuilt. Now the blood-stained era has already begun, and the alien race The ancient universe has always been ready to move, and the Eastern Imperial Region is the first to bear the brunt. Although other Immortal Venerables and Immortal Kings will not sit back and ignore what happened in the Eastern Imperial Region, in the final analysis, I should go back."

The eyes of the Huangtian Demon Lord were a little envious, and there was also a surging fighting intention shining: "I really envy you, and you can still fight, especially the ancient alien universe, but with the old immortal commander of the original generation, I heard that there are several half-step overlords under his command. Fight against one."

As the innate Chaos Demon God born when the Sea of ​​Chaos was created, especially the strongest, Pangu's blood flows in the main body of the Wild Demon, a natural warrior, eager to fight.

However, since the endless years of becoming a half-step overlord, several people have been able to fight him at the peak.

He doesn't pay attention to ordinary first-generation giants.

Therefore, he chose to come to the eternal realm, and was silent for endless years.

If he can choose, he hopes to fight, this is the home of his warriors.

Hearing that, Ye Chen smiled: "Huangtian, if you want to fight, you can fight side by side with me if you want to. There will be no fewer opponents, and you can even fight against the invincible overlord."

The Pangu universe is always facing the threat of the alien ancient universe. Although the heavenly emperor has returned, the alien ancient universe has the invincible overlord who is no less than the heavenly emperor.

The peak power Pangu universe is not inferior to the alien ancient universe, but on the whole, it is far different.

This point can be seen from the fact that he went to death alone in the ancient alien universe.

Ye Chen knew that even if the four and a half steps of the overlord came out, more than 30 eternal giants came out, but it still does not have all the background of the alien ancient universe, and there are some extremely terrible old immortals hidden, which is terrible.

He needs the help of other super powers, especially the half-step overlord such as Huangtian Demon Lord. If he can pull to the Pangu universe camp, he can reduce a lot of pressure.

Huangtian Demon Lord grinned: "I know that it is an ancient alien universe. There are a few half-step overlords. They are indeed very strong. If it weren't for the innate Chaos Demon God's line, I wanted to enter the ancient alien universe back then. One game."

As expected to be the Demon God of Innate Chaos, he is crazy enough.

Ye Chen laughed loudly, these words can be regarded as a win over the Demon Lord.

Of course, this is because the Wild Demon Lord recognizes Ye Chen, because they have fought side by side, and because the Pangu universe is indeed very powerful. There are heavenly emperors, as well as invincible giants such as the fighting ancestors, the warlords against the heavens, and the Supreme Emperor. Dare to agree.

Otherwise, one is indispensable!

"Huangtian, you are really addicted to warfare. If I knew this, I would drag you to join the prehistoric immortal realm and sit in my Eastern Imperial Realm. I am also happy to relax." Donghuangdao.

Ye Chen stared: "No, the Primordial Immortal Realm can directly fight against the ancient alien universe, but Pangu universe has not reached that point. Huang Tian can't let it go to you."

"Okay, okay, I won't fight." Donghuang said a little helplessly.

In fact, he didn't have this plan, otherwise the endless years would have been drawn in.

Huangtian Demon Lord grinned.

The three half-step overlords discussed for a while, and had made a decision. Ye Chen and Donghuang returned to the prehistoric fairyland together.

The Wild Demon Lord continues to sit in the eternal heaven.

In fact, if it weren't for the threat of the Eternal Night, a half-step overlord would be enough to sit in the eternal heaven. After all, there are only a handful of people in the Chaos Sea who can threaten the half-step overlord.

What's more, there are still many Great Heavenly Sovereigns and Heavenly Sovereigns here, which are extremely terrifying lineups, comparable to the most powerful ancient Chaos universes.

The two did not leave for the first time. Ye Chen returned to the main heaven. At this time, the Dark True Dragon and Dark Devil Tiger were both present. He personally explored the dark power in the two dark giants.

Perhaps it was because in the realm of Eternal Heaven, the original will of Eternal Night did not force the two dark giants to return to the battle.

But these dark powers are hidden dangers after Ye Chen directly wiped out the original dark power in the body for the two dark giants. Once the two giants were pulled out, they fell directly to the level of quasi-giant, in the final analysis, it was always in Yongye. Cultivating dark power in the land to become an eternal giant.

Of course, his own foundation is also strong enough, and then he will not fall to the quasi-giant level.

Ye Chen baptized them with chaotic blood, expelled the darkness, and induced a large amount of eternal power into their bodies, allowing them to return to the eternal giant level, and the hidden danger of darkness completely disappeared.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't spend a lot of chaotic blood in vain, the dark source power in both bodies was too strong, so that his chaotic avenue was once again consummated.

In this way, after staying in the Eternal Heaven Realm for a few months, the Eastern Emperor also handled everything, and the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign also came, still following Ye Chen.

"Okay, let's go back to the prehistoric world."

Torn the void, a group of people set off.

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