Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4104: Invade the fairyland

The sea of ​​chaos is boundless, and the eternal world is infinitely far away from the prehistoric immortal world. Even if the eternal giant wants to return to the prehistoric immortal world, he must immediately survey the exact position, otherwise the difference will be a thousand miles away.

Of course, it is not a big problem for both Ye Chen and Donghuang. They both know the exact location of the Primordial Immortal Realm. Even in any position in the Chaos Sea, they can accurately know the correct position. And as the half-step overlord, the speed is naturally Amazingly, he took the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign, the True Dragon, and the Devil Tiger quickly to the prehistoric fairyland.

The prehistoric fairyland.

Eastern Empire.

The Holy City of the Eastern Emperor.

Although the Dark Heaven Gate had long since disappeared to avoid the dark giants in the Land of Eternal Night from entering, the three immortal kings Taiyu, Hao Zun, and Jiuyou were always waiting.

Many people in the Eastern Royal Clan who had been waiting a little disappointed had long thought of leaving, but because the three great immortal kings were still there, they naturally did not dare to leave.

However, in the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor, rumors have long been spreading.

Many people believed that Ye Chen might have fallen midway, otherwise there would be no news for several months.

Some people think that the Eastern Emperor may have also been killed, otherwise it will not disappear for multiple epochs.

Of course, these speculations are in private, no one dared to speak out in the Eastern Emperor Holy City.

On this day, a supreme immortal appeared in the Eastern Emperor's Holy City.

Immortal King Taiyu opened his fairy eyes and said, "Is there any news from Immortal King Pass?"


This supreme immortal way of the Eastern Imperial family made the other two great immortal kings open their eyes, a little excited, could it be the return of the Eastern Emperor's immortal soul?

After losing the Tianmen, the Immortal Soul of the East Emperor would return, and he could only return from the Immortal King Pass.

Immortal King Taiyu said: "Come on!"

The Supreme Immortal said: "Thanks to your Majesty the Immortal King, the alien ancient universe army will attack Taiyu Pass!"

The three immortal kings were a little disappointed, but they were also shocked. The ancient universe of the alien race actually attacked the prehistoric immortal world at this time, wouldn't it be possible to completely go to war with the prehistoric immortal world?

Immortal King Taiyu frowned slightly, and said, "What lineup does the army of the alien ancient universe have?"

"Three eternal giants led their troops to attack!"

The three immortal kings were shocked and attacked only one immortal king pass, and they actually dispatched three eternal giants.

The Immortal King Hao Zun said: "There are several immortal kings guarding the Eastern Imperial Territory, don't worry, the three foreign giants can't break the immortal king pass!"

The immortal kings of the Eastern Emperor's Realm were not the only three of them, but several others, mainly sitting at the position of the immortal king pass on the border of the immortal world, guarding the main passage from the desolate immortal world to the outside world.

It is undoubtedly just a whimsical idea that Alien Ancient Universe wants to use the three eternal giants to invade the prehistoric immortal world.

The Supreme Immortal said: "The other Immortal Kings are all sitting at their respective Immortal King Passes. Only Taiyu Pass is not guarded by the Immortal King!"


The three immortal kings were shocked. They immediately looked at the borderland of the Eastern Imperial Territory bordering the Chaos Sea. There were nine Immortal Kings Pass. There was only one at a distance. It represented the nine main entrances of the Eastern Imperial Territory to the Primordial Immortal World. aisle.

Since one era after another, the Primordial Realm has been able to maintain the first ancient universe of the Chaos Sea. It is because of the development of these Immortal King Passes that the powerhouses of the Primordial Realm can enter the Chaos Sea to experience, and have a greater chance of becoming immortal and even practicing. Immortal king level.

Among them, the six Immortal Kings Pass were guarded by immortal kings, and at this time, there were battles and foreign troops attacked.

There are only three Immortal Kings Pass, which is the Immortal King Pass of the Three Immortal Kings.

However, the three eternal giants of the alien race are mainly concentrated in the Taiyu Pass of the Immortal King Taiyu.

But it can be seen that outside Taiyu Pass, the figure of the alien giants is huge and boundless, covering hundreds of millions of miles, as if bringing the entire universe, constantly bombarding Taiyu Pass, and obliterating the immortal king formation pattern.

Once the immortal king formation pattern is obliterated, Taiyu Pass will also be breached.

The three immortal kings really couldn't think of why the army of the alien ancient universe would attack the Eastern Imperial Region at this time, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Of course, at this time, they did not dare to neglect, and went to Taiyu Pass as soon as possible.

The immortal king traveled extremely fast, and it was not long before he came to Taiyu Pass.

But seeing the pattern of the Taiyu Pass, which is no less than the Immortal Pass, is broken and is about to be broken. The three giants of foreign races cover the sky and the sun. The devil body is extremely huge, holding the eternal Taoist soldiers to attack again and again, making the whole seat Taiyuguan was crumbling and almost collapsed!

"Foreign race, retreat immediately!"

The three immortal kings descended on Taiyuguan, the immortal king bloomed, repaired the immortal king formation pattern, and raised the immortal king soldiers to shoot out the immortal king's world-killing light beam to kill the three foreign giants.

Taiyu Pass was closed, and the immortal army guarding here was excited. The three immortal kings were all present. Even if the three eternal giants sent by the foreign race, it is impossible to break through, the immortal king pass is still immortal.

However, what makes people feel weird is that the three immortal kings are present, and the alien army, knowing that it is hopeless to break through, is still there to attack.

Isn't this a waste of unnecessary energy?

"Although it's a little weird, when I wait for the Third Junior Brothers to guard Taiyu Pass, it is absolutely impossible for the alien race to break through. It's just a waste of effort."

Hao Zun Immortal King Dao, the immortal king formation pattern is recovering, the immortal king array blooms with immortal brilliance, can bless the immortal king pass, and show its immortality.

"Haha, today Taiyu Pass is broken, Donghuang is not here, how do you stop it!"

After the three big alien races, a larger and terrifying figure emerged, making all the three immortal kings look distorted. It was a first-generation giant, more powerful and prestigious, bombarding Taiyu to shut down.


This single blow was even more terrifying than the attack of the three giants, and wiped out all the remaining fairy king formation patterns, and Taiyu Pass lost the protection of the fairy king formation.

However, the three immortal kings did not understand why this first-generation giant of the alien race did not appear earlier, otherwise Taiyuguan would not be able to sustain their arrival.

The alien approach seems a little intriguing.


Taiyuguan was directly destroyed, and the first generation giants of foreign races directly entered the prehistoric immortal All of a sudden the magical power overwhelmed the sky, enveloped the three immortal kings, and the cold laughter resounded throughout the Eastern Empire:" Very well, if it weren’t for worrying that the three of you won’t come, this seat would have already broken this Taiyu Pass. Now that you appear, this seat will be able to kill all three of you. You will be killed one by one. It will be completely lost!"

The three immortal kings changed color. It turned out that the foreign race had such a plan. No wonder the first generation giants did not appear from the beginning.

However, the three great immortal kings are also very calm, and Taiyu immortal king said: "This is the prehistoric immortal world, and immortals will come soon. You can't kill the three of me!"

This is the primordial realm of immortality. How can Immortal Venerable not know what happened here? He will definitely rescue him as soon as possible.

The first generation giant of the foreign race said coldly: "You have thought about it, Immortal Venerable will not know it, I am afraid it will take a long time to know everything that happened in the Eastern Imperial Region."

The three immortal kings suddenly thought of some unimaginable things, and they were shocked and said: "Impossible!"

"The facts are exactly what you think." The first generation giant of the foreign race grinned, broke through Taiyu Pass, drove straight ahead, and formally entered the prehistoric fairyland.

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