Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4106: Donghuanglin

In the Eastern Imperial Territory, the immortal king Taiyu returned. He knew that he could not be the opponent of Hongtian ruled the first generation giants, but he couldn't help watching the tribe being killed in front of his eyes. The immortal king's glory seemed endless. The galaxy descended from the sky, impacting the dominion of Hongtian.

However, the Lord Hongtian sneered: "It's just a little trick, how can I hurt this seat!"

The magic light blooms, directly dispersing all the fairy king light, and in turn suppresses the Taiyu fairy king.

Hongtian ruler even shot, killing the Immortal King Taiyu on the spot.

The Immortal King Taiyu struggled to resist, but unfortunately, the gap between him and the original giants was too great. During the battle, he was completely at an absolute disadvantage and was not an opponent at all.

However, fortunately, he entered the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City and was blessed by the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City.

You know, the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City was left by his father, the Eastern Emperor. Before the Eastern Emperor left, the cultivation base was suspected to have reached the half-step overlord level, even if it was not infinitely close. Therefore, the power of the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City The blessing actually made the Immortal King Taiyu's strength increase sharply, enough to contend with the ruler of Hongtian.

However, pessimistically, Taiyu Pass was breached, the foreign army commanders drove straight in, and other first-generation giants even entered. As long as the second foreign first-generation giant comes to the Eastern Emperor’s holy city, Taiyu Immortal King will inevitably be unable to bear it and die. The possibility of falling is great.

As for entrusting Immortal King Hao Zun and Immortal King Jiuyou, because the entire Eastern Emperor's Domain is invisibly blocked, the two immortal kings cannot leave immediately, and the Eastern Emperor Bell is only because of the power of the Eastern Emperor. To tear apart.

Therefore, the two immortal kings were overtaken by the other three big tycoons, and they were fighting fiercely.

Outside Taiyu Pass, the alien army is marching straight in, and other alien giants are also leading the army to enter.

At this time, far away from a realm, the Chaos Sea suddenly shook, and an extremely terrifying huge black hole appeared, devouring Chaos Qi frantically.

Inside the black hole, colorful, the power of time and space is boiling, and it is a time and space channel.

In this space-time passage, a huge Primordial True Dragon appeared, extremely huge, with a few figures standing above its head, three people and one tiger.

They are naturally Ye Chen, Donghuang, Immortal Great Heavenly Lord, True Dragon, and Devil Tiger.

"It's been many epochs since I left the immortal world, and it's been a long time, I don't know how the change is?" Donghuang already felt the vitality of the prehistoric immortal world, and sighed slightly.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "You need to feel this yourself."

Donghuang still wanted to talk. Suddenly, a few people looked straight, their eyes pierced through the sky, and they saw everything that happened at Taiyu Pass.

But seeing that the Taiyu Pass, which was originally high in the sky, had been pierced, the towering Immortal King Pass's wall collapsed more than tens of thousands of miles, completely piercing the prehistoric immortal world and the Chaos Sea.

An endless army of alien races is marching straight into Taiyu Pass.

The immortal army guarding Taiyuguan was killed and wounded countless.

Ye Chen was shocked, the alien army actually attacked the prehistoric immortal world at this time, and also broke through a fairy king gate, and drove straight ahead!

Immortal Great Heavenly Lord, True Dragon, and Devil Tiger are also astonished. Isn't it said that the Primordial Realm is the first ancient universe in the Chaos Sea? Someone dared to invade the prehistoric fairyland!

Just as the group was shocked, they saw a true immortal being killed, being killed by a foreign quasi-giant. The immortal body exploded, blood stained the infinite immortal land, extremely sad.

Ye Chen recognized him as a true immortal of the Eastern imperial clan. He was only able to become immortal at the end of the mythical era, and he was relatively young.

"What an alien ancient universe, dare to attack my Eastern Imperial Territory and kill my descendants of the Eastern Imperial family. It seems that this seat has left many epochs, and the alien ancient universe has forgotten the existence of this seat!"

Donghuang has always been regarded as a relatively mild ancient immortal, even if his cultivation has reached a half-step overlord, but he rarely relied on bullying. At this moment, he rarely spoke like this, and one can imagine the anger in his heart.


The Eastern Emperor moved forward, and Ye Chen and others followed suit and began to cross the boundary and return to the prehistoric fairyland.

The distance of a realm, for the half-step overlord, is definitely not a distance, and it does not take long to cross.

In Taiyu Pass, because the four most powerful alien giants have entered the Eastern Empire to hunt down the three immortal kings such as Taiyu Immortal King, the strongest alien army is the quasi-giant.

However, the foreign race army has worked hard to accumulate, and the number of quasi-giants can be as many as eight, which can be described as an astonishing number of quasi-giants.

The number of quasi-immortal kings in Taiyuguan is only three.

Eight foreign quasi-giants besieged three quasi-immortal kings, and you can imagine the result.

Now, the three quasi-immortal kings can only support hard, looking forward to the rescue of other immortal kings and gods.

One of the quasi-immortal kings looks similar to the Taiyu fairy king, and he is equally handsome, but Donghuangsheng, the third son of the East Emperor, is also amazingly talented. The quasi-immortal king can explain a lot.

You know, even if it is the heirs of many immortals and first-generation giants, not many people can cultivate to the level of quasi-immortal kings and quasi-giants.

He held a big sword in front of him, with the strongest immortal glory blooming on his body. Of course, he was also covered in blood. He suffered a lot of injuries. He was still calm, saying: "The ancient universe of foreign races, the reinforcements of my ancient fairyland will appear soon , There will be other Immortal Kings and even Immortal Venerables, and you will pay the price for your actions today."

The three quasi-immortal kings firmly believe that there will soon be other immortal kings and immortals to come and support.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that the entire Eastern Emperor's Domain was blocked. It was better than the Immortal King to be able to communicate smoothly, and even unable to break through and leave for the first time.

"It's useless, you immortal kings and immortals in the prehistoric immortal realm will not appear. The Eastern Emperor Territory has long been blocked, and the nine great immortal kings of the Eastern Emperor Territory will all be lost, let alone you three quasi-immortal kings, obediently die. Right!"

An alien quasi-giant grinned, holding a war spear, and attacking, with a thread of eternal power, crushing the nine heavens.

Dong Huangsheng fought with him, but at this time another foreign quasi-giant took the opportunity to take a shot and showed him one arm at once, splattering blood.

The other two quasi-immortal kings are not in a good situation. After all, they are besieged by eight foreign quasi-giants. If this continues, they will surely die without being beheaded.


At the time when the three quasi-immortal kings were in danger, an indescribable majestic energy swept away. The eight foreign quasi-giants were swept away one by one as if struck by lightning, and the quasi-giants were cracked and gulped. He coughed up blood and looked at the visitor in shock.

Who was it, so easily blasted the eight of them, and even injured them.

You know, even the eternal giants can hardly do this.

The three quasi-immortal kings were also surprised looked up at the figure that entered from the Chaos Sea, flooded with radiant light, and their injuries were being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

You know, their injuries are caused by the eight foreign quasi-giants. Every wound contains a terrible foreign rule. It is better than they are difficult to expel and heal the wound. Now they are completely expelled in the blink of an eye, disappearing invisible, even Almost recovered from the injury.

Is it the fairy king?

But, does the fairy king seem to have no such power?


Inexplicably, the three quasi-immortal kings also thought of this possibility, and their hearts trembled.

However, Dong Huangsheng was inexplicably boiled with blood in his body, as if he had met someone close to him, running fast again and again, and even the whole person recovered to the peak in an instant.

He vaguely saw and saw the stalwart figure in the endless fairy light, so familiar, tears filled his eyes, and shouted: "Father!"

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