Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4107: excitement

"My child, I have suffered you!"

The Eastern Emperor came and saw that the third son who was still in the seal had grown up and became a quasi-immortal king. It was a little gratified and a little guilty, and he was not able to witness the growth of the child.

The two quasi-immortal kings were startled first, and then cheered up. They knelt down in the air and shouted: "Your Majesty Donghuang!"

How could they not be excited about the return of the Eastern Emperor, who once ruled the primordial immortal realm in many epochs, overwhelmed the immortal kings and overlooked the Chaos Sea.

Especially Donghuang, is one of the oldest immortal venerables. The strength of the past was so strong that the great immortal kings, and even many immortal venerables, were inferior to the great master of the world!

His return represents that the prehistoric world is saved.

"It's Donghuang? Impossible. Isn't he immortal soul wandering too vainly and unable to return?"

The eight big alien quasi-giants are all horrified. Although they are all the quasi-giants who have risen one after the other after the Eastern Emperor’s Immortal Soul, they also know the reputation of the Eastern Emperor in the past, and even suppressed the invincible existence of the first generation of alien giants. When they come back from existence, how can they be compared to the eight of them?

Now, it is more important to escape than to fight.


The eight quasi-giants of alien races looked at each other, and even ignored the infinite alien army, and even ignored the supreme alien emperor, and directly turned and fleeed in different directions.

Three of them fled to the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, because the only alien first-generation giant, Hongtian Lord, was in the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, and only the Hongtian Lord could contend with the legendary invincible Eastern Emperor.


The Eastern Emperor snorted coldly, time and space froze, and the figures of the eight foreign quasi-giants suddenly froze there. Even if the power of the quasi-giants in the body exploded wildly, they couldn't break free of these restraints.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Eight rays of light were released from the East Emperor's body, each falling on the eight big foreign quasi-giants, exploding one after another, from top to bottom, from the inside out, the terrain was destroyed, and he could not die again.

Seeing the Eastern Emperor kill eight foreign quasi-giants in one move, and the two quasi-immortal kings outside the Eastern Emperor's victory, could it not be worshipped like gods, this is the true master of the Eastern Empire, the invincible Eastern Emperor in ancient and modern times.

"Awesome, the Eastern Emperor is really powerful, even if I want to do this step, it is also very difficult." Immortal Great Tianzun sighed. It is not difficult to kill the quasi-giant, but the difficulty is that it is as easy as the Eastern Emperor. Kill many.

This is the power of the half-step overlord.

Ye Chen looked calm, and suddenly looked at a Chaos Sea, and said: "Immortal, the three of you will deal with those foreign giants that are fighting the fairy king."

The Immortal Great Tianzun nodded, leading the two giants, the real dragon and the devil tiger, to kill the six foreign giants in the Eastern Imperial Territory that were fighting against the immortal kings.

Ye Chen didn't make any move, and was there alone, with his eyes always looking at one place, never shifting.

It seemed that there was a person there, staring at him.

At Taiyu Pass, the Eastern Emperor had solved the eight foreign quasi-giants. There was no sorrow or joy, as if he was just killing a few ants. He immediately scanned the entire Eastern Imperial Territory and found that he was chasing his parents, children, and disciples. The four big alien giants of people, especially looking towards the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor.

In the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, his son Taiyu Immortal King’s blood is boiling, resonating with the power of the Eastern Emperor in the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, opposing the Hongtian ruler, and does not want to be defeated by the Hongtian ruler to break through the defensive sky.

However, it is clear that they are still struggling to support, the strength of the first generation giants is beyond imagination.

Dong Huangsheng hurriedly said: "Father, the eldest brother, and the two seniors are in a bad situation, and now the Eastern Imperial Territory is completely blocked. I suspect that there is a traitor in the Primordial Immortal Realm, and the entire Eastern Imperial Realm has been sealed off silently, otherwise The eldest brother also has two senior immortal king brothers who can't even communicate with the immortal king."

"I know." Donghuangdao, how much he exists, when he returned to the prehistoric immortal realm, he had already noticed that the eastern emperor territory was blocked, and the power of the immortal road turned into an invisible barrier silently and completely blocked the eastern emperor. Territory, isolated from the rest of the prehistoric fairy world.

However, the power of this immortal Dao is only a great formation of the Immortal Venerable Level, which is blocked by the power of the prehistoric immortal world, so it is impossible to perceive who is doing it.

"Unexpectedly, there are even people in the Primordial Immortal Realm who are secretly colluding with the ancient alien universe." He whispered, his eyes sharpened countless times, and coldly said: "Unfortunately, this seat has already returned, and the Eastern Empire is destined not to Destroy as you wish."

"Now, the foreign race has been solved first!"

Silently, the Eastern Emperor's figure has disappeared.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

With strong attacks from time to time, the defensive sky was completely exploded, and the Lord of Hongtian was condescending, overlooking the entire Eastern Emperor’s holy city, and sneered: "Everything about the Eastern Emperor is over since today!"

The Immortal King Taiyu gritted his teeth, his whole body turned into heavy flames, and he was about to burn his body and spirit, and pulled the Hongtian Master to death by self-destruction.

However, the ruler of Hongtian was obviously prepared early and suppressed the Immortal King Taiyu with the mighty power of the first generation giant, so that he could not successfully continue to burn Xingshen.

"Sorry, father, the Eastern Royal Family is going to be buried in my hands."

The Immortal King Taiyu was sad, desperate, and helpless. He was already the Immortal King, but he was not yet an opponent of the first generation giants of other races.


Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City and attacked Hongtian Lord. There was a loud bang. The figure of Hongtian Lord retreated directly from above the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City into the endless starry sky of the Eastern Emperor. A huge eternal demon body Compress and annihilate the star regions.

"Father!" Immortal King Taiyu was very excited. At a critical moment, the immortal immortal body left by his father appeared.

Although it is not the real Donghuang, this immortal body contains the majestic power of the immortal, especially the high cultivation base of the Donghuang back faintly ranked among the half-step overlords, so The body of Xianzun might not be defeated by the ruler of Hongtian.

Of course, losing the most important body of the Immortal Venerable of the Eastern Emperor Immortal Soul, there is only an instinct and the urging of blood, whether it can truly defeat the Lord of Hongtian is another matter.

The body of the Immortal Venerable of the Eastern Emperor, like a spirit, stood in the sky above the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor.

Seeing this, the sentient beings in the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor bowed their heads and bowed in excitement, shouting loudly for the return of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, tears filled their eyes!


Donghuang Yanran was both excited and sad, that was her father, the immortal body that was left in those years still persists, stepping forward!

Hongtian ruled his eyes and narrowed his eyes: "Sure enough, the immortal body of the Eastern Emperor is still in the Holy City of the Eastern Emperor, but without the control of the immortal soul, what can the immortal body always have instinct? It is not the real Eastern Emperor. However, the Eastern Emperor In the past, it was the invincible **** of the world. The body of the immortal is very strong. If you can get the hands and refine it, you may also be able to achieve the position of the immortal. By then, this seat will have the double position of the first generation giant and the immortal. It may be possible to challenge the half-step overlord!"

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