Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4133: go away

That little light of light fell into his eyebrows, and Zhang Xun immediately felt a large amount of cultivation insights appearing. It is about the cultivation insights of "The General Outline of the Immortal Law". It is endless, from the most basic to the quasi-king level, covering all aspects, everything. .

Zhang Xing was shocked, because his understanding of the "General Outline of the Immortal Law" was far more detailed than his understanding of the "General Outline of the Immortal Law" for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is indeed the supreme existence that makes Immortal King Xue Jue awe.

Zhang Xun first suppressed it forcibly, and after earnestly bowing to Ye Chen, he sat down cross-legged and felt.

Everyone was amazed, knowing that Ye Chen must be a great identity, so that Immortal King Xue Jue would be in awe, but at this moment he valued Zhang Xu so much, thinking that he could fight together in the future.

Zhang Xing, the potential is so strong?

Ye Chen glanced at the Changbai Immortal Gate, flipped his palm, but saw that the original one hundred thousand mountains of the Immortal Gate reappeared, just like before.

As for the fairy gate, all the elder disciples recovered from their injuries in an instant.

Even the people who have passed away are reorganized and completely recovered, looking around in shock, like waking up from a big dream, can't believe all this.

This hand seems to be the supreme fairy trail.

But even for the Xuejue Immortal King, it won’t be too difficult, because the dead have only dissipated the true spirit in the battle, and basically they will not be completely annihilated in the first time. What Ye Chen did was just a reunion. The dissipated true spirit reunites the soul and soul, reorganizes the body, and nothing more.

Of course, if too much time passed, even Ye Chen, or even the invincible overlord of the Heavenly Emperor and Immortal Ancestor's levels, would not be able to come back to life.

Ye Chen glanced at Changsheng Xianjun, smiled slightly, and a fairy light between his hands sank into the latter's body, and immediately, the majestic and endless breath of life was in the mighty, completely changed Changsheng Xianjun's physical condition, rejuvenated, and added a lifetime of life out of thin air yuan.

Even without the help of the eternal fruit, the eternal emperor can live another life.

These methods made Immortal King Xue Jue amazed. At the very least, even if he could do it, he would have to deplete his own Immortal King's essence and blood instead of doing it casually like Ye Chen did.

However, Ye Chen's realm is so high, and he is the first person in Chaos Avenue in ancient and modern times. The Supreme Sage Emperor has also been surpassed by him. He uses Chaos Avenue to transform Life Avenue, and it is a half-step overlord level cultivation base to change a fairy. The decayed flesh of the king is very simple.

Just like the Supreme changing a saint.

This is also Ye Chen's favor in order to return Changsheng Xianjun. Prior to this, Changsheng Xianjun stood up at all costs and won Ye Chen's gratitude. This action was to repay the favor.

As for the Immortal King Xuejue’s longevity fairy fruit, if it is used well, Changbai Immortal Gate may not be able to give birth to other true immortals.

"Xianmen has been reorganized, but I should also leave." Ye Chen said.

This made countless people at Changbai Immortal Gate regret it, but they also understood that Ye Chen was not something that a mere Changbai Immortal Gate could restrain, he himself was the supreme existence that overwhelmed the immortal world.

Waved, turned and left.

Changbai Immortal Gate and his entourage made Ye Chen's perception of Immortal Law reach the eternal quasi-king level, and the next step should be to break through the Primordial King.

After leaving the Changbai Immortal Gate, Ye Chen once again sealed the Chaos Dao Guo, descending to the eternal quasi-king level, traveling through the fairy world, and comprehending the fairy law.

Unconsciously, after a thousand years passed, he finally broke through and became the King of the Ancients.

This year, he came to the Eastern Imperial Region.

After tens of thousands of years, he returned to the Eastern Imperial Territory again, but this time he came to Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

In the past years, foreign races once invaded the prehistoric fairyland and broke through the Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

Now, Taiyu Immortal King Pass has naturally been rebuilt, inscribed with a brand-new Immortal King Array Pattern, standing in the desolate land of the east in the prehistoric fairyland.

But for the past two to three thousand years, the ancient universe of alien races has always sent troops to attack the prehistoric fairyland.

It can be seen that Chaos Sea is more chaotic now.

Taiyu Immortal King Pass, as the border and desolate immortal king pass of the Eastern Imperial Region, has been invaded by foreign troops all the year round.

Of course, the primordial immortal world is not easy to provoke, and with the purpose of fighting to raise the battle, countless cultivators of the Eastern Empire joined the army of the Immortal King Pass, went out to the Chaos Sea, and fought against the army of the alien ancient universe. Ten thousand years of continuous battles.

After Ye Chen entered the Taiyu Immortal King's Pass, demonstrated the vitality of the Taikoo King, and expressed that after joining the army of the Immortal King Guan, he quickly received attention and was arranged by a true fairy to become the commander of a legion.

This was also intentional by Ye Chen, because in the past tens of thousands of years, he spent most of his time silently cultivating in the Changbai Immortal Gate. He lived very peacefully, and there was not much time for real wars, so he was ready to go to war next. Comprehend the "General Outline of Immortal Law" from another aspect.

Taiyu Immortal King Pass, towering and boundless, towering into the clouds, is much larger than the Immortal Passes seen in the past. Each piece of brick is actually made with star sacrifices, and life sacrifices are made into small pieces. It is the size of a millstone and a large house. One can imagine how immortal the Immortal King Pass is.

Standing on the gate of the Immortal King of Taiyu, it is as if standing on a vast and boundless starry sky, looking out of the boundary, that is the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The prehistoric immortal world is at war with the foreign army at all times.

Below, the sound of shouting and killing fluctuates with each other, and powerful figures are vertical and horizontal.

Outside the Immortal King's Pass, there are countless broken worlds, or huge mainland fragments, scattered on this vast and boundless battlefield.

I even occasionally saw an indescribable corpse that was huge, lying across the battlefield. It was a true immortal, or the corpse of an alien emperor.

By this time, the true immortals, or the great emperors, of the two greatest universes had fallen a lot.

Even so, both sides deliberately let him drift on the battlefield, adding a bit of danger.


The supreme war broke out, the emperor came, the true immortal greeted him, and killed it to the highest place, but at that supreme level, every move, it is not that he has the power to destroy the world and destroy the earth, descending in mighty, creating a great world out of thin air, Also annihilated and shattered.

Suddenly Ye Chen looked back, the fairy king closed, and several strong figures appeared. The shadows were blurred, and they were stronger than the real fairy.

Quasi fairy king!

Moreover, Ye Chen felt a bit familiar.

Wang Xiong, Shi Baitian, Jian Wuhen!

In the past, he was still alive, and the few true immortal disciples he had collected were all heirs of the departed immortal king.

Millions of years have passed, and they have also become quasi-immortal kings with amazing aura and potential to become immortal kings.

Now, they have also come to Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

The arrival of the three quasi-immortal kings relieved the strong man who guarded the Taiyu Immortal King Pass. After all, the Taiyu Immortal King is now sitting in the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, and there is only one quasi-immortal king in the Immortal King Pass. An eternal giant will cause great danger to the Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

The arrival of the three quasi-immortal kings is enough to compete against foreign giants!

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